PAGE EIGHT Vanguard... Kruschy Claims Van Zon'd, Gives'opini.n U.S. _ r MOSCOW, D<-C, 6 '.&r- Nikita HARRISEeR j. Drc t Khrushchev declared tonight part R( 'a , i S „ E 'a ? . Z the carrier rocket of Sputnik I ea,d today thr administration h ? d :fe! , in Un;tefi states Sunday exercised poor judgment in its an{ j t j, e Americans won't give it candid treatment of attempts to y., r \. launch a first US satellite. The; ' „ . congressman suggested it might i Comnumist party secretary have been better to follow the!^ 1 7 > Pk asi rfd he meant the United Russian example of anouncement." 3 '- 65 . ltselr< . not simply the after the accomplished fact. lAmerican continent. ★ ★ * j “We relied on them, trusting in Appropriate Headline H iejr decenc >'. but they did not cc hve up to our trust, he remarked. TOPEKA. Kan , Dec. 6 -JPl —The in Washington, a State Depart followinc headline on the Ameri-; mcn t spokesman disclaimed any can satellite launching failure was.knowledge of the rocket hitting carried across the front page of u.S. soil. A spokesman for the s _ Topeka satellite project said 8,7, 6. 5, 4, 3,2, l Phfft. ,there was no evidence the frag * * * iment hit the United States. NlXOn 'DiSODDOinted' i Khrushchev said the' Soviet *\\ r ~, , r government will ask the United NEW \ ORK, Dec 6 hi i \ ice states to return the fragment. President Richard M. Nixon said' tonight he is disappointed but not. discouraged by the failure of the, nation's first earth satellite. "We an- behind now in the sat-j ellite field." Nixon declared. "We will not stay that way." Red Failures Claimed NEW YORK. Dec. 6 i.Ri—Dave' Garroway said on his NBC-TV ’“Today" show today the Russians' had Hi failures before they were successful in launching a satel lite. i FOli GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS) CLASSIFIEDS! AD* MI H 1 HE IN HA !!:«« u.m mi: KIlKi Kill NO OAT tfAlfc-S- 13 word* oi irtw. On* iDkrrtlu* 10.7 S r«» ln**rti»n* II 00 Three inirrtioni Additional word* 3 for 05 for «arh day of Insertion FOB SALE NEVER WORN—pink or blur forms*!. Whol«**a!«* n.*t of t\L.m. fait AD 7-4«ri». mt RRAIHK ?Uh reasonably |irir«*d. Rerm State Trailer Park. full John T*>lor AD K-S*oy4. MRITTANICA EncycluprdU. complete 24- mluiw »et for ui«. in excellent con dition. Call Date A!) MMlfc. 3965 ALLSTATE Motor Scooter, good con jfctmn. great for riding between clan**-*— s£&. Call Lynn Cbrwiy AD 7-330 H. ONE PAIR of tncn*« hockey ikatm, tit* t» Good condition, good price; rubber blade prwtrclom. Jack VogH AD 7-4V2H. ALPHA OMICKON R! Knit and Bake Sale. Corner Room. Dec. 7, 9 a.m. to 4 |>.:n. WANTED WANTED KIDEK-S—MUr-lA>«j.pi turn for Chriatmaa vacation via. High- 1 wa> II or Louiax lII*. K). or Memphis Term. Jetry Windham ext. 177 or AD fc after S p.m TWO ROOMATES for furnished apart ment two block a fmm campus. Call AD or viaii Z»0I Went Ueatrr. TVMNC OK any eort. Call ext. 2376. Mra. Mteaeli RIDERS WANTED to Miami. Kla. and vicinity, leaving Dec. 20. Call Ken Young AD E-tHI33. SMALL FURNISHED apartment for Ol and wife, approximately January 23. No •children. Call AD 7-2230. JUDE WANTED by three am.lent* to Rhila. for foreign Service exams. L**av«* Sunday Dec. h, return Monda> evening Rhone John Ralevich AD b-C>927 after 10 p.m. WANTED: PEOPLE interested in learning, to ski. Instruction offered by Penn State; Outing Club beginning Saturday. Dec. 7.1 1:30 p.m. Mineral Science Auditorium. SEVEN COPIES of The Daily Collegian of November 2.1. 1V57 Will pay J. 25 per! ropy, Pleax leave in Natiunal Advertising Manager'* box with name and addreva. FOB RENT TW’O 4-ROOM furnished apartment*. oil heat, hoi water and tile bath—B milea: ea*t on 322—J7U m«>nthl>. Ray own elec- 1 Aricity- One apartment available Dec- 12* -am) «mi« Jan. } Call AD 7-28'>r NEEDED TO )»**>► Hlut‘b«ok * American Lit. 7.1 Noti*booh—taken in HUB down stair* bv mpiake. RJeare look! Beverly Katnetteeky ext. 1457~J. CHAIN AND Medal at Recreation Hr.ll baskethall courts. Kinder please call Vince CaroccL AD 7-4537. UUOWN HOKK-KIMMKD Dltun in brown! caae loel Tuesday. I'm going blind. Riease call Joel ext. 2780. MISCELLANEOUS ATHERTON GIRLS: Thank r»u for rr- crivtng **Sly Cirl” *o warmly on aueh • cold night. The Blender*. Ext. 2«2. EVE STARTED IT . . - Wove been eating apple* ever xince. Hamer** J imi, three miics out tt’wt College Ave. INTERESTED in going to STUDENTS Bermuda during Easter vacation—please, contact Andrea ext- 917 or Sever AD b-6311.| COMING SATURDAY. December 7 Ice Skating Exhibition by Herthey Skating! Club. University Rink. 2 p.m, LOCAL REPAIR Set * ice on ail make* el typewriter* W« will call for and delire* pour typewriter Nittary Office Equipment AD MUL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA SATURDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1957 Dulles OK's Visits To Red China Captives ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 f.T 5 / Secretary of State John Foster | Dulles reversed himself today 'and decided that "close relatives” iof six Americans held in Red China would be granted passports to visit the prisoners. This pre-Christmas action was the third move at the State De partment within six months to ; lower travel bars between the ; United States and the Chinese Communist mainland. WHAT IS A candy-chewing S:sT£P.f *ilua»i MACuRcr. Nibbling Sibling CAKTMOUTM WHAT IS A lackadaisical MOEI Bored Horde NAltjeftlC tCRH£AT. COKMLL WHAfS AW AGILE SECRET AGENTf ftCSALC KILCT •C3TOH CCLLCCS LIGHT UP A «#* T, CM Holland Requests Indonesian Talks The Netherlands government called yesterday for an emergency meeting of its North Atlantic Council allies to discuss develop-. | ments in Indonesia, according to ;the Associated Press. Members of | the council agreed to meet in Paris todav. ! Meanwhile, in Jakarta, Indo nesia, the Indonesians began driv ing out the Dutch rear guard which held on after colonial days land ran the nation’s rich oil, rub ;ber and business empires. News and Views To Go on Sale I The Christmas issue of the jHome Economics magazine, News 'and Views, will be on sale Mon day. | This issue contains an article (entitled “Celebrate Christmas Creatively” by "Miriam McGrew, associate professor of home art. Besides Christmas decorating; ideas, the magazine contains fa-; vorite recipes of students in the! college. Stories and sketches of home economics personalities are also included. Democrats Mourn'Blow' The widely publicized failure of :the Vanguard satellite rocket was mourned by Democratic members of Congress today as a “grievous” and “humiliating” blow to Amer ican prestige. fc. l i WHArS A FLOWER THAT DIDN’T BIOOMf CCRALD FCDCERSCN. Rk'TSCRS WHAT IS A GATHERING OF FHI 6ETES? Spry Spy Flf**t VAN MSSEUIA6MI. U OF *4S*iN«Te* tight SMOKE-UGHT UP A LUCKY! TROPHIES Loving Cup With Brass Plate Engraved: “World’s Greatest Guy” Other Titles mother doll operator dad lover freeloader wife golfer etc. s' x Only $1.25 [BELL] a 1I mf¥l 4 I* 130 East College Avenue I State College, Pennsylvania UL. yv STUDENTS! MAKE *25 Do you like to shirk work? Here’s some easy money—start Stickling! We’ll pay $25 for every Stickier we print—and for hundreds more that never get used. Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have thesame number of syllables. (Don’t do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe- Lucky , Box 67 A, M t. Vernon, N. Y. Dud Bud WHAT IS A MAN WHO HOARDS SALTINESf Snarly Party vaiihin nsHti. Cracker Stacker SAH JOSC Jft. COLL. Product of tffljrf7utwnj(r&jeeO'-€wytanp—t/olfacttucur.middUiuunM QSb9 # ANY NORMAL DORM’LL be full of Lucky smokers! You can count ’em by carloads on any campus and no wonder! A Lucky, you see, is a light smoke—the right smoke for everyone. It’s made of nothing but naturally light tobacco ... golden rich, wonderfully good-tasting tobacco that’s toasted to taste even bet- ter. Find a set of dorms without Lucky smokers, and you’ve stumbled on a mighty Odd Quad! Don’t you miss out light up a Lucky. You’ll say a light smoke’s the right smoke for you! r- • i £nv}maort< C I 0 A RETTES