The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 13, 1957, Image 5
WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1957 [larva d Dean Urges Entrarice Crackdown A Harvard dean has urged colleges to set stern and rigid admissions criteria. • Justin T. Shaplin, associate dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, condemned vague concepts of admission procedures and "intuitive judgments" of admissions officers in determining college entrance policies. Shaplin lashed out at individual! - - prejudices which hide behind the, • • concept of the "well rounded stti-iTraining Class ~ dent." , • He said this is just a shield ' Moved Up Hour behind which low-aptitude ath- letes can be admitted to schools. Dr. Harold T. O'Brien, associate ethnic and religious balance can ! be maintained and mediocre -professor of speech, will explain well-bred "paying guests" can 'parliamentary procedures an d be enrolled. !rules to students at the fifth Such policies, he noted, "shift Leadership Training class at 6:00 with the wind, the composition' toniffht in 119 Osmond. of the admissions committee and' the the persuasiveness of the admis-, - The meeting time was changed sions officer." from 7 to 6 p.m. because of other Shaglin accused colleges of "h ucks te r" type statements which contuse the student and vocational counselor who have to choose between schools. He held 'that such policies be re placed with statements of "stan dards of excellence" and "ex pected requirements." • Shaplin said he sees a decline in- quality for the decade ahead, partly because of a lack in effec- tive admissions standards. Students should be selected for colleke earlier in their high school careers, Shaplin said. He said it is already-too late by their junior and senior years. Delta Nu Alpha to Hear Panel on Employment Delta Nu Alpha, professional transportation fraternity, will meet at 7:30 tonight at Phi Kappa Tau. A panel of students will discuss job interviews and opportunities in the transportation field. • (#r,' NOM 111101" 11[CRUICES by Adler-Miller 1.98 * Smart girls of all ages will love this exciting and unique idea. Their very own personalized "name' necklace set in a fine gold plated metal chain A stun ning "conversation piece" designed to enhance any outfit. Choose from 900 names in this group. Special orders taken on names not in stock. orke• Taw State College commitments by O'Brien, accord ing to Eugene Curry. director of the class. O'Brien, who also teaches a class in parliamentary law, will' explain the principles of commit tee work and procedures for bringing *motions to the floor of a meeting. He will speak again later in the series to, finish his explanation of parliantentary ) ) I ect,.. WiPekend Wonderland STUDENT RATES ...awaits you at any of these HILTON-STATLER HOTELS NEW YORK CITY: Tht Statler The Savoy-Plaza The Waldorf-Astoria The Plaza WASHINGTON, b. C.: The Staffer FOR RESERVATIONS write the student relations representa tive at the hotel of your choice or call any Hilton-Statier Hotel for immediate con• litmidon of out-of-011_4 resersigiouss THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE - RENNSYLVANI.4 % kt . .. --, . n . .....i.r- - ~... __, . ~, _ . L •#,- 1 -, . • :"' '.. kl til., -''' / r 1 .4.../ AT LOW BUFFA Lo : The Statler BOSTON: The Stetler HARTFORD: The Staler et t,. .0, . , William O'Neill, _Lion party' ff Elections— i • , clique chairman, said: "StUdent government to mean ered : anything' must have the support n t i o (Continued from page one) of the students. I urge every By Founcia the picture. The voters then will sophomore and freshman to take receive the ballots, will mark, the time to vote. I feel Lion party The Tames F. Lincoln Arc them. and will deposit them in the has quatiLed capable candidates Weldlng Four-I:Ilion v 1 1:: offer 46 ballot boxes. and a platform which can brmg cash awards in :ts mechanical All sophomores and freshmen concrete improvements to the and structural design competition. are eligible to vote in the elec- University." Top award is 51Z50.. Awards tions. They need not be regis- Gary Young, Campus par t y. are made in two separate compe tered members of either of the clique chairman, said: itions. mechanical designs and political parties. ' "I" know each of our six candi-• structural designs. Fishburn urged students to vote dates is highly qualified and. if The competition. open to under. for their class officers. He said;' elected, will do the best possible traduates only, offers awards for "Support of student govern- !job to promote clean represents- 'he best design of a . machine, - menu by casting your ballot in - iLisbeie. government. I. I. sage. all eli - - iachine part structure or struc o supportand . - . lra' . component which makes -a this election is an important strengthen u student government by , cmificant use o'f . welding. I phase of citizenship develop , - voting for the candidates of their Rules are available from' the ment. We are at the University h • ~ c oice. - James F. Lincoln Arc Welding to learn to be of better service. to others throughout life. and, New Woolworth Store Foundation, Cleveland 17, Ohio. voting for your representatives in student government is an in- !To Hold Opening Today Prof! Given State Post egral part of this overall de- 1 The new Woolworth variety Nora E. Wittman, assistant pro veloptnent. Student government !store on Allen Street will hold. fessor of German. has been-named will never reach its proposed !its grand opening at 9 a.m today. 'o the Executive Council of the scope 'until each student gives ; The . store will follow norma . tate Modern Language Associa it his support. - business hours. lion for the next three years. 71 . _ . ~ '''', .', . • .4 - ••." ' ' :-., -" '" - 7-4' l " , .t. :y. "; =,,„ ~. . • `'"' ' L- '- '''''' ,•- ':;.:•- r-4..""'7‘.. '•-•'•• .- ; ,- .4. - ~. 1 .41,1 ..„.! •--; - --, - -:_ - • .., ,--- - ...i ~: e ,- - • . . 4 .‘L - ,-; t: . r.='r: ` , •' - " 4 : ""•-••-- ••''''':; .•, ." ,•';''': -;- ' 1 '' ~•, ...., 7 „ -__• • •v , :. , „ , ,,-;,,e.„,;, , •• '•,.., 2 ,•_, ),.„.. ' „'..,- •.=•„, t,, , ,::: • :...-,,,",, : "..- ' -- :;•„...:` -,, r" •:':"'", .5. , .' 4:'''!"'::-4 , r r Z ,,- 6, -... -; ..+ / ...,-. '., .. - i: - .... 1-- •". '. ',i'.7..-:.'(..."- '.; 0.. , ,. , `" . > . .`4 : '. , .. 'i-•'. r , ..- . 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'. , . g ' • „,' . ,` .'. .;","-..r..^1. 4i. X.4.:4,'•gZ ', A , , '" , - . y, Z',ye ,k.,..i,. '•. *,..- -- -• : --... 'l,l-. - i -, „•: . •:: ;5, • ---...."?.•7 5- ...t --' MEI ~5a is =NIB -.:"; '•3:r This spice is being, donated as an "eye rear by a. certain e. college ave photographer: (class: of '49); Note: the small percentage , of you who are , discriminating (its small or you couldn't _be reading this) and are considering having us make your Xmas portrait best get on the phone now. Twenty-six possible reservations between now and Xmas. If you've managed to get this far the number is AD 7-4454. PAGE FIVE