The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 31, 1957, Image 8

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4.. • , . i • • .
Frosh Council Elections i Quartet Tickets i Christian Scientist to Speak
• •
• To Go on Sale ,On Spiritual Hea ting Tonighi
Will Be Continued Today Tickets will go on sale to non- Mrs. Claire Rauthe of the Lon-ter she moved to London whet
studcrts at 9 a.m. today at the,don Christian Science Board of she has been in the public prat
The elect.or s for freshmen representatives to six student Hetzel Union desk for the Hun- Lectureship will speak at 7 30,tice of Christian Science healin
gar= Quartet concert, scheduled tonight in the auditorium of the
councils v. ill continue today and the ballots v.ill be counted
for 8:30 p.m. Monday in Schwab i Hetzel Union Building, I
at 5 p.m.b:, All-University Elections Committee and repre- Auditor' . 1 The topic of her lecture will
se ntatit es from the councils. I The tickets cost $1. 25 each. ibe, "Christian Science: The Reve
Peter Fisliburn, committee chairman, estimated that not Tickets will continue to beilation of Scientific Spiritual Heal
inglecture will cover "the
‘'" £ll
lable today and Monday to
more than 300 freshmen voted yesterday. He said, "It was a, availability tod a y of healing
students without charge upon pre - i through spiritual understanding
real slow day." Last year's first! 1
day of council elections also was Business Administration, imi sentation of their matriculation i of God." ;
slow, The Daily Collegian report- Boucke, Chemistry-Physics,
the card Student distribution was ! Mrs Rauthe is on an extensive
td. lobby of Osmond Laboratory; Ed . scheduled to end Tuesday but the / lecture tour. She was one of the
itime was extended when aboutifirst women lecturers on Chris
lotsSchwab Auditorium;
remained for the Home. Economics Stu- Home Economics, the 1 o bb yt
dent Council yesterday. Thirty-'Home Economics Building; and 1 Tickets will be available and America
freshmen fieshan had voted.i Arts, the lobby of Sparks on sale from 9 a rr. to noon and, She first became interested in
Ballot boxes from the other ; Liberal
BLUlding from 1 to 5 at the HUB Christian Science while living in
councils will be opened tonight
for the first time.
Fishburn said yesterday's heav
iest turnouts ..eemed to be for
the Liberal Art- Chem.str)-Phy
sics and Busine—, Administration
Student Councils.
As freshmen vote their ma
triculation cards are punched in
the upper right hand corner.
Fishburn remirvied freshmen to
take thew matriculation cards
to the polls with them.
Voting booths fur the councils
arc in the licticl Union card room
and in the follov ing buildings
...---.......... - -...-----...—..
TY PEW RITEII. R.-num.:ton
14tiurtv. rar...r. I v.Ar)
Draw imr bet. Call thll atter & p.m. EL 1.-
0 TICKETS to ki;rst Virionta vione.
'ail rat. ;:fr.!A toad G.0(.1 et HO 64,40
ether 6:x.
MG-TD. tion , n) ton top and tonneau.
!Qt. - tadtory and paint. RAH. 10.4
toidter. $1360 Joel AD :-4>•E
IVES AUSTIN HEALEY; 1004 black with
Tad heather. Oisrilrive, war , . wheilt, dual
e►hanau, radio 4000 milel-1111000. Jeiry
AD 1.40.23.
rum» l'ltri&Sl.3sCsder. Truck .rn be at
Wernees Freezer Fresh Tuesday. Wedner
day and Thursday or•entrig. Please bring
TWO TICKETS fur f*.e.und half of -Tumor
Prom. Call rat. tSI beta rell 1 and
tient& to nuke that t lark rsl•etw• money.
Coonninsiona are Mkt, work is 'lily. Pick
your own time. Therr art jot* fur tenter
niu- or indepei.dent mein land **omen. Apply
11.1Gesuo Meat Howe.. R. 13a N. Gill St.
PEOPLE TO •nJoe the beat gut. of coffee
in town Apt. Sietilnut Shop. 111 Pugh
10-inch Lim-Lug Defitrig •lidr
rule with Mark 'rather ea.. in Schwab
Auditorium- Cali lir.% rat. 3141.
zosr—DirrLEN Slade Rule Friday • p.m
Contact LN n Grtffith ex t. 3035.
_ _
LOST—TAN nal coat outaide
Monday laqlAten two and thrrr. Iteuartlf
11110 Call /.an ria. 271 a.
A BLUISH-GREY Overcoat at Delta Tatr
Delta Sat. mght Call EA Lugs eat. 2735
- - -
FOUR ROOM apartment. eltal furnace, hot
water heat. Ilia Weal Ctr=ietze AS,
;name Al) 7-7973.
BALI' OF a double room. 316 S. Allen S.
AD 74161.
/FOUR ROOM aim rimpsztT aal farnarc,
hot ca rter hest. Mt West College Ave
Phone 7-Tat.3
Donal: ROOM f..r rent ih.•ki frorn
takmput. att. .51S , M T.
AD 7.77.1:-
110014 FOR a rrotomagit black or IN heir
imoieto chorr, 61 1 Ft.,
Beat dr, A• r.
LfaRCE DOUBLE room. cloae to catnpon
private entrance. Call AD 74111.
ONE VACANCY in double mom, with
Whitlt' I.: mpg. ■t 111 E Iles%or AVPIIUP
Mrs. liana Miley. AD 14147.
tHERM YOU can hare your ling bad,
tmcdtuac I'm for "Hottest Alm
iamilatric for the Fpa) Council
APPLES FOE on ocenoione and urea:
perks or tatztaleia Hamer Apple Farre.i
wilco out tarot Conroe A'..
A.r.I'LF.S: Red and golden IlMiciouit. Stay-
Rom. Beauty. Northern
Silly. Baldwin and Winter IlananA. Barnet
Apple larm. 3 mill. cut Weat Came. Asal.
TURKEY SHOOT• Turkeys or cash prizes
.4 ever> Yrutiky nits t.:00 p.m.. Yrs-smarm
Lion, Elul.. Lions Park., Flue (.;rove
IOC A Nov. t. V. end 11..
or *-4y21 , 3 aftrr 16 p.m
THE BEST Dance of the year. Junior,
rroen. to coming Nor. 1. Of course
want II Cortege for that souleole spe`Cfat..
Why not order yowl from the Student•
Floral Agents located to Waring Hall and'
.I.4ittany Dinh,* Hall. Oct 2h thru Oct 3tet
from I. to . p.m
LOCAL REPAIR Serried on a!I makes of
typewriters We will tali for and de!tresi
pour Lyinewiriter. Natty Witt EguLPlsient
64121 L
LaVie Picture Schedule
A-M . Oct. 30 fo Nov. 7
N-Z . Nov. Bto Nov. 15
No individual appointments needed
Now! The one cigarette in tune with America's taste!
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"4, „I .....,..4, .4.7 ,:, „:„.,..,:. as all you want!
Penn Stale Young Democrats
Thursday, 209 HUB
Oct. 31 7 p.m.
Service and Sapp/lee
•Car Radii
• Portable
Radios .
State College TV
232 9. Allen St.