The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 30, 1957, Image 1
lir• Dattg VOL. 58. No. 35 STATE COLLEGE, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30. 1957 FIVE CENTS Slash to Reduce of Ordnance Lab , N.l.v.snal Georg! K Zhukov may be under arrest in the !Kremlin according to the International News Service. The staff of the Ordnance Research Laboratory will be reduced by 42 beginning Nol, The INS reported a Soviet diplomatic source in East Bei-- 1 15 because of a cutback in funds according to Dr. Merritt A.ll ilhamson dean of the College Lin as saying Zhukov had been accused of building acult of personality"and has been held in detention since Saturday. of Engineering and Architecture. I The Associated Press however Williamson said the cutback in funds is the result of a cut made by Congress in De reports Communist Boss Nikita S. partment of Defense funds. Funds for the University's laboratory come f r o m the Defense tra r t u g l u e k ' oN as , wilt last night tt get another job, "but we have not decided" what it will be. Khruschev declined to emila n why Russia's top soldier was d s missed as defense minister. We have not decided on a new job for him yet, but he will have one according to his experience Six student councilswill hold and qualifications." Khrushchev asserted."l saw Marshal Zhukov elections for freshman council todat , . He was in good health seats today and tomorrow -- with Khrushchev and other Soviet All Ili i emit) Elections Commit tee officiati ng at the voting booths honoringE le mh ade a r s s sy apr ec a e r p e t d ion ata Turkis h and at the countin g of the ballots Turkey's national day. Al! for the first time sought to minimize the impor- Peter Fish b u r n committee lance of Zhukov's ouster, which chairman, said students without has astonished the non Corn matriculation cards will not be animist world and thrown parts permitted to vote. Elections Com of the Communist world into a mittee members will punch the state of high confusion. They matriculation cards in the upper insisted it was an internal mat :right-hand corner when students ter. vote . Both Khrushchev and Premier;Walter .Makinster and Alan N I olai Bulgarun reminded cor Shoup were .elected to the Min respondents of Secretary of De eral Industries Student Council tense Charles E. Wilson's resig freshman seats in elections held nation recently in the 'On ted 3 esterday in the Mineral Indus States in-,cent ofl l t e h c e t u f r r e e h N in in e e n ty i n ei t g h h e t c yw co r "It's all the same,"hey 1 n sited "There is no difference lege voted in the elections. The Soviet leadership has failed I The stx council elections today for three day s to offer the Soviet and tomorrow arc public any explanation of Zhu - i •Bus ness Administration—Fit kovs sudden dismissal. Some of teen freshmen are running for the the leaders indicated an explana five freshman seats. Voting wilt t on might be forthcoming soon be held in the Ret7el Union card- Thus far, on 1 y a 32 word an- roorr end in 101 Boucke nouncement has been printed,an -1 eel:ministry Phrmes— Twenty • • flouncing that Marshal Rodion y four students are running for four RUSSianS to Dine in Waring the ministry. t Mahnovskv replaced Zhukov in council seats. The positions in tclude a freshman in chemical en c n h e e e rain freshman a See Classes Dorms Football , , DoTrioeruisgittibes first t tion ance ire th r e e- y freshman iiicc inea science. e x i i e e m d Soviet stn or ohvsics and a sophomore Four visitors from the Russian embassy will begin then/ l h e a a v d e e rs h a a b d ou t t o thr c e h s arge n chemical engineerin 7 Voting campus tour today with a luncheon in Waring Hall as guests As for Zhukov's new lob Nall be held in the HUB card Khrushchev said room and in the lobby of Osmond of the Association of Independent Men "You will not hear about it to -{Laboratory. Their tour will be centered around student affairs, since theytour of Recreation Building and These comments came amid a are running for the 20 seats on will watch football practice at welter of toasts to peace and ithe newly-established CO xi nc i I have stressed their desire to be Beaver Field friendship which Khrushchev led Elect ons will be held in the FMB come acquainted with student life The four will have dinner at enthusiastically in his usual cele- card room. at an American university. Phi Mu Delta fraternity after v ibrant style •Education—T hir t y two are After lunch they will see some! visit - to the home of a faculty In the background was a de running for the seven freshman veloping drama around the Zhu at Voting will be hek. in the of the residence halls and other. member HUB card room and in front of buildings on campus. At night they will slop at the kov affair . !Schwab Auditorium,or in the lob bv of S chwab l Indict Week Halloween dance at At 2 p.m. they will be at a the Helsel Union Building. Foreign Language Tests Auditorium in case press conference in the office 1 {of rainy weather. of Dr . Robert G.Bernreuter , l If they stay Thursday, they will To Be Given • fresh special assistant to the Prem. be taken on a tour of a student in Sparks •Home Economics—Five man seats are open The number dent for student affairs t chemistry laboratory and will The regular written foreign;of candidates was not available Robert Steele, All University( visit the University farms after language examinations will be last night. Voting will he held a luncheon at Mct.,l , x am Hall held at 7 p.m.Nov 4 in Spatks president, will take the four vim Building n the HUB card room and in the tors to his 3 : 10 class in the history 1 German will be held in Rooms ° of Hume Economics Build government of Russia Me g and i JBR to Meet Toni 227 and 228 and French and Span g ••Liberal Arts—Thirty tx. o stu course is taught by Vernon V The Association of Independent ish in Room 316 Conflicting exam Aspaturian, assistant professor of Men Judicial Board of Review !nations in French and Spanish exam-dents are running for six seats political science will meet at 8 tonight in 212 Het will be held at 7 p m Nov 5 in This number is an all-time high ' They will then go on a short zel Union.l Sparks accord riff to Robert Nurock, coun cil president. Elections will be held in the HUB card room and n the lobby of Sparks Building. S® Suspended for Semester 1 ion Forecasts L' s • emor Placed on Probation 'Mild Weather Fund Staff Department through the Navy. At the same time, the Univer sity disclosed plans to offer an undergraduate course in under ' Water missile engineering during the spring semester. No statement was made as to how the cut in staff would affect the instructional program. Members of the staff whom the cut will affect have been noti fied, Williamson said. In a memorandum, he said. "The University Administration regrets the necessity of this ac tion. Everything will be done to help those whcl are affected to locate other suitable employ ment within the University or elsewhere." ' At the end qf !September, there were 245 persons on the ORL pay roll. The ORL performs two func tions: it does extensive research in underwater missiles and equip ment for the Navy and conducts _ an instructional program. To do its research work, ORL maintains an underwater tes, sta . tion in Black Moshannon State . Park and laboratories at Naval stations in Newport, RI., Key .West, Fla., and Keyport, Wash. It also maintains the Garfield Thomas Water Tunnel on west campus for testing designs of propellers, body shapes and auxiliaries of. underwater de vices. . The instructional program, set up two years ago by Dr. Gilford G. Quarles, director of the 0111.,, includes an accredited course in underwater missile engineering 'and a number of seminars. The course and seminars are of fered to students, members of the armed forces and representatives of industry. • University officials said the course in underwater missile enaineerina will be taught by Arthur T. Thompson, professor of engineering research and as sociate director of the labora tory. The course will treat research, development and design aspects of torpedoes and students will study such topics as transducers, guidance and control systems, pro pulsion and propulsor - systems, fire control and attack trajector ies. • Flu Analyses Expected Back In Two Weeks Reports on blood samples taken during the recent. respiratory ill ness to determine possible Asiatic flu are expected in 10 days. Blood samples-were taken from eight or ten students considered to have the - worst cases of the flu and flu-like illness. The first reports on the tests' fr om- Philadelphia laboratories will contain the identification of the strain of .organism, according to Dr. Herbert R. Glenn, director Of the University Health - Service. Further reports from at least half the number of samples are required to confirm the diseas e= causing organism. Glenn said. One blood sample was taken from each student at, the height of fever, followed by another sample 10 days later. A few days are required for processing at the hospital labora tories and about two weeks per sample is needed at the Philadel phia laboratories. The Associated Press last last night reported that the virus diagnostic laboratory at Chil dren's Hospital. Philadelphia, has confirmed only , -136 Asian flu cases in the state, although (Continued on-page awa),. FOR A BETTER PENN STATE —Daily Collegian photo by Harry Forminger THAT'S A MOUTHFUL—Children from Woodycrest "race" stu dents to the marshmallow at a fraternity Hallowe'en party. John Roberts, sophomore in the Division. of Counseling from Kingston, was suspended yesterday from the University for the fall semester for "con duct detrimental to the Uni versity." , The suspension was a ruling of the Senate Subcommittee on Dis ciplinary Action. In another ruling of the sub committee. Norman• Weintraub. senior in business administra tion from Philadelphia, was or dered on disciplinary action for the fall semester. Both ridings were in accord ance with recommendations sub mitted to the subcommittee by the Tribunal last Friday, The Roberts'- ruling includid Tottrgian stipulation that he may apply for readmission next semester. In a hearing held last Thurs day before the Tribunal, Roberts said he fell asleep while driving a car to his dormitory from a fra ternity party. The car he was driving ran into a parked car at about 4 a.m. Oct. 19 on Burrowes -Rd. near Beta Theta Pi. He was treated at the University Hospital for cuts of the forehead which required sev eral stitches. Roberts told members of Tri bunal he bad gone io a tester , nit) , party after 11 pm. He said he had been drinking from the time of his arrival at the party until shortly before he left at about 3:45 a.m. Roberts denied that he had ob tained any drink at the fraternity but that he had hi - aught*ith, him Zhukov Reported Arrested by Reds During Weekend a container of mixed .alcoholic! The Nittany lion looked ap beverages. provingly at himself in a mirror, He said the alcoholic drink was; flexmg his biceps, triceps and tail purchased through a friend in the Imuscles. . Bellefonte state store. , "Pretty smooth," he said. "Yes ;. !indeedy. I am a Weintraub was placed on dis- , .., ;m. trim all ycilinary probation for the fall se- "" :American took mester because of "conduct un-; ing lion." becoming a student at the Ungter- I He put on a , sity." ~ . :white button- The misconduct charge was down shirt, low— brought against Weintraub af- ;cut sneakers, •46 ler he was fined $75 plus $l5 justice I corderoy lk costs by Guy B. Mills. I pants. the black 4 of the peace. for disorderly con- ; chapeau of a hat- . 1 0 duct committed within the i man, and the Borough of State College. jinal crowning j . - • : Weintraub was arrested on Sat -1 touch his Ira- el !urday, Oct. 19, in the 400 block 1 ternity pin. v lof W. Beaver Ave.; With a last smile in the mirror, . , Police said they found him M i the lion went out to greet his a semi-conscious state and said', public with today's weather fore he apparently had been drinking; cast: mostly fair skies and slightly quite a , ,bit.- . "" 1 ; milder 7 temperaWres.- • -- ' 4 " Frosh Polls For Councils Open Today