The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 06, 1957, Image 8

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    PAGE Ete",..l:
Trustees Promote •
DOCEd Council tb Air
in 2 :''700
i Career Day Plan
• ITo - Discuss ' e m Ruth ra. , Johnson, junior
To Associate Dean ,
, n j fro . m or ;lt n J e e l vi e : - -
tt will ' report on a proposed ca
•reer day at the meeting of the
Dr. John Lawther, assistant dean in charge of residence / N ew Couna Education Student Council at 7
tonight in 204 Burrow es.
instruction in the College of Physical Education and Athletics,,
The 700 students in the Divi-! The council will vote a second
has been named associate dean. 1 .
.sion of Counseling have been ,titne on t three constitutional re
:asked to attend a meeting at 7r v equ ° i r re . oe
studentsril enlarge e the
o t o r
Dr. Abram W. VanderMeer, assistant to the dean of the
College of Education, has been named associate dean. itonight in Schwab to discuss the:council to submit a photo for use
Both promotions, approved at
tablishment of a DOC Student, at the polls and to forbid a stu
!dent who has been removed from
the weekend meeting of thiCouneil• council for non-attendance to run
Players Name Board ' of Trustees, were effective The Inter-College *Coti n e i 1 1 again.
Board will advise the students on'.
Oct. 4. ;-procedure for organizing a coun-
La wther, who came to the Uni-
Crew Members [ versify in 1936, was named assts— dent , !cll. James Stratton, ICCB presi
will announce pla n s for
tant dean in 1952. :nominating candidates and elect-
For Next Show i
, VanderMeer has served on the:ing the representatives,
Crew meet bei s have been an
faculty since 1946 and on Feb. 1
was named assistant to the dean
pounced for the Players produc
'of the College of Education.
tion, "The Carnival of Thieves,"
to be presented for six successive; Other changes approved by the
weekends beginning Oct. 18 at Board of Trustees and the effec-
Center Stage. 'tine dates include:
They are: I Dr. Lawrence E. Fouraker, asso
c..l.l..urik..: hi•rauper 111.4arti FrAUIL.'
Li ci d. /, ‘ ,..k,.., , ij or ., t h y o„..i h d . 5 t ,,,,, ciate professor of economics, July
Niatourg, )rani wink, suoilry witiown,tl; Dr. Vernon V. Aspaturian, as
tlecArba, Yuktorr, ktedrrick (ainikin. Laid sociate professor of political sci-
Flood, Bictimrd Lutb. Charles Welandt)
and Harahan Phillips. ence, July 1; Dr. Eugene S. Lind-
I ..-.
c...t,,,,...: si.nag.-1- Mary Trrrnallem,S..olll, assistant professor of bac-
Stud." , Zampvlkl. Dona Little, Mar) Gricar-'
.teriology, Oct. 4; Earl R. Bordner,
Ir.ter, Patricia Vk bitebcad and Comae Coate*.
tiZ un c l i,„.„,, 4 - , ., 1„, n 0. ,, A ,,.„.,,,lassociate professor of physics; Dr.
Manager Jam.. Vitale, Chart.= AntakakY,Charles G. Haas Jr., associate
and Gloria Lam - 'professor of chemistry, Oct. 4.
Limada: Mrnamer Charle. Row Asah-tant '
, ..
Ildomairer Caiolyn Quarlta and Wil li am 4 oseph L. Staley, associate
Brawn. county agriculture age n t in
Houw: Co-tourmgerc Janie'. Chapple and Ivavne County to county agricul
iwtokre. Sa , lac. Hobctt Ilauscr. Thomas
Miscall. .avid L. ta,sri..,. 1...5i..., a...mural agent in Pike County, Nov.
ben. Sara 5,.i 0 v. Jol.ce liasch,,l; James K. Rathmell Jr., assis-
Dorothy giiittaiiiii and Fr.drila Weinachenli. ,
'tam professor of horticulture ex-
Proorrtift; Caktitaiwera June McCurdy(
and Sallie ilurPhri Nancy Grrningei, Fran-. tension to associate professor of
ern% Gnftan. Barham Handel!, Mary Mc - floriculture extension, Nov. 1; M.
raii.tabd, Heten Henderson and Betty
Thomploon. iCarolyn Bedi, assistant extension
)lake-up: Comumagela Sally Sloan .nd home economist to associate ex
+Wenn. Gayer, Harry Jornra, Patricia M i i - :tension home economist in Perry
ler and Barbara }touch.)). ,
Advertn.inic: Manager Virginia Pitzniiii. County. Sept. IR.
tin, Sherry fientwit. Sally Siiina. Betty: Dr. Douglas G. Schultz, asso-
Tautu o* oo - c . " -° '' o. ""'" , " , li 'ku 1 " 1 "‘' L " -/ Liciate professor of psychology and
carwin W.rnscl, Jam.. Si ogre.. Nick. -
.14earlistic. Barbara Keranick. William Bun.,a,„SlStant administrative hea d ,
ham. Jeannette. Spiniglrr, t rirdriel.a Wein.:Southeastern area, to associate
aohruk, Mar* Analistuti„ Anti 11,6 " 1 . " 7 "professor of psychology and rc-
Ann Rival. Char lair Bitter. Martin. Apiler.
bon, Gskyic hcichner and Matty Lcsbncr, 'search associate in the Division of
..0.. cilia . u..,,...,t,..t. elAge man- Counseling. Dec. 1: 0. Hoyt Trib
+sect. ble, coordinator of workshops in
: General Extension and associate
;professor of psychology, July 1;
,and Leon R. Kneebone, associate
professor of botany to associate
professor of botany and plant
pathology, Oct. 4.
(Continued from page one)
oration was led to the machine.
were not correct. or (2) the in
formation „from the sightings
were not sufficiently accurate." Rutgers Dean to Speak
They hope front the calculations To Pre-Legal Society
not only to trace the path of the.
satellite but fix its position in; Dean Donald Kepner of Rut
outer space and possibly give its Berl_ University Law School will
exact she:.e.
•spez:z at 8 p.m. tomorrow in 214
A timetable worked out by the,~~illard.
Navy scientists indicated the' His talk is sponsored by Pi
next passage of the artificial sat- Lambda Sigma, honorary pre
•ellite over the United States le g al societ y -
Students- interested in a legal
would occur- at about 12:11 a.m..
EST tomorrow. .profession may attend.
The Soviet sphere is shooting!
across this country in a south- Hillel Publicity Group
easterly direction. The Hillel publicity committee
It follows a fairly steady will hold a meeting for anyone
course but because the earth is interested in becoming a mem
turning beneath it the satellite ber at 7 tonight in the Hillel
in effect moves 1500 miles west- Lounge,
ward with each orbit.
The Russians announced the
rocket which carried their satel
lite on the final stage of its jour
ney is also in orbit. Moscow said
ADS MUST BE IN B 11:1 1 11 a.s
Q 11173-17 mortis at ions.
SCSI One insertion
V 5.73, :no insertions
41.00 Thew insertions
Additional words 3 for .06
for .&i+ day of Insertion.
SOUSE TRAILER. Mutt tell inonediattlY.l night at Phi Kappa. Finder please return
'Reasonable. Phone AD 7-37;:... .to James Mcx)re. Phone AD S.!?
PM DODGE 4erltarr \'-1• '
and Cbt, rolet BLACK AND elver rimmed glaLsam brown
.door EaLoelient tires. engine. an... 1 needed immediate!r. If found eOM.
peranee and los ma...Lae on both- AD tact Luc!, Capella ext. 10:Z.
&CU.] or AD 7-4 bbl.
_ GLASSES IN red we somewhere on ram.
pui. Reward offered. Please call Joan.
%I DMOTO sedan. Why Wilier InAwking , „ l. 1327 m .
in a nrw car , thi. one bau 46.0iN1 relika.l .
rwrfert operating o•Rdiuon. Cell Say AD; FRIDAY EVENING--small Siameae 8race
.1.4953 artetlow. - , Set at LaGalleria or Hillel. Valuable. Re-
LAVE 1250. 12:4 Ford Victoria Fondontatie ' aar& Hahn at cct. 21.65.
-- • ---
drive. All accessories. 1750. Date GuId.,STiCK PM with Datid written on it.
3.. P. Bourke. t David Epstein. AD 7-4409.
TRAILER FOR two. One mile fnom tam- WILL DO studr . nt Laundry. l'hone Mrs.
pus. On road to Bellefonte. Hilltop ID 7-2°2 '
"baiter Camp. Apply at office. ,r NEED ANY help in your mathematics:
problem.. Call AD 7-1159 and rail for
TRAILER. will accommodate two btudenta. Samuel Rea,.
ta ioat !'.;ark Reasonable mum. Call
A 73 $44lO$Z, . LOCAL REPAIR Service on all makes of
typewriters We will call for and deliver
ATTENTION FRATERNITIES and Inde-Irnur typenriter. Nittany Offiar Enuipment
yandtata—tno bonny on corner of South: id) 64/15
.Allen and Sittany As ariil anon Ire a%ail-.FRESH PRESSED CIDER. Trutt aril be
able Will rent 40(.1104,1•4,1, or as room.. 4 am. Werra-ea Frecrer Frost. Ss rurday
Ne furniture thrum - bout- Phone AD mugs. Sunday afternoons and r.reting•
!Pima* brim lugs.
the rocket is circling the earth at
about the same altitude as the
satellite but at a distance of
around 620 miles.
lon ('all AD 7-2: 4 41 and ask for Marty.
; TBREE BLACK leather jact.ets and motor•
cycl e hats for Theepian allow. Contact
Nancy h►uchacl ext. 2229.
• mt. OH it.. CSJC.I.C.C.I!AN 3IA tc CULLrt3t. PCNN3YLVANI."
Elections for the proposed
'council will be held Oct. 30 and 31.
:at a booth in the Hetzel-Uni..m
IBuilthrg. Twenty students will be
The purpose of the council will
; be to give students in DOC a
!voice it student government. The
;council president will attend IC
!CB meetings. He will not hold a
seat on All-University Cabinet.
f Dr. Robert G. Bernreuter,
!rector of the Division of Coun-1
iseling, will speak at tonight's
;meeting. A mixer will be held in
ithe HUB ballroom for the stu
dents immediately after the meet
Letters were sent to all stu
dents in DOC from Stratton and
!Bernreuter, informing them of,
;the meeting and outlining the!
!proposed structure for the council.!
Members of ICCB, made up of the
presidents of the nine college
'student councils, also have been;'
,asked to attend the meeting.
Students May Submit
Contributions for Circa
Contributions for Circa literary
magazine will be accepted at the
Hetzel Union desk until Oct. 31.
_ .
Writing may be prose, poetry,
!non-fiction or descriptive pieces
ion art, music or the theatre.
Faculty members may also con
!tribute manuscripts.
2:30 P.M.
_HUB Desk and MUSIC ROOM -
Sponsored by
at 6:30 p.m. in
Room 9, Carnegie
Please be prompt!
Market Club to Hear
U.S. Steel Executive
Robert B. Lord, diiector of
product development for the U.S.
Steel Co. in Pittsburgh, kill speak
to the Marketing Club at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow at Beta Theta Pi.
His topic will 'be "Product De
velopment in Steel."
Blue Key Applications
Fifth and sixth 'semester men
may fill out application blanks for
Blue Key, junior men's hat so
ciety, at the Hetzel Union desk.
Applications will be accepted
until noon Oct. 19.