The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 05, 1957, Image 3

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Hoffa Elected President Flu Hits Many State Schools
Bs earns er an s i e HARRISBURG, Oct 4 F?—An but that there were unofficial re his net been ten in ;iii, country
cn . {outbreak iru ed of‘o influenza spread
across llke Penn- ilh cases"Pll of
which tt‘ o l
a u a" d ds
co of f IL
o t a h t e ar ; , fin D
~.n iny s
t Mattson L said co, pt r it on of
lAbo-ateey test or‘an -at oes at ti -, e we al level
sylvania today, shrinking school through
- NM help us immeasurably"in
MIAMI BEACH,FIa, Oct 4 (iP)—Stubo% square is :wed ed attendance as much as 50per Dr. F.Mattson,setre
cent Berwyn preparing for any eventuality
Jimmy Hoffa today took over full control as president of the in one area tar: of health, as‘td for camera-
TII. 0 tollege football games
`tion of local business, labor and
giant Teamsters Union and pledged to turn the organization There was no estimate of the sere cancelled because of the
civic organizations should the out- outhreiuk A. corsideeable number
into a "model of trade unionism." total of the number of persons af
fected in the state by the N rus portions.
break develop into epidemic pro-' o f high school er dv.on games also
The 44-year-old target of labor scandal charges was.were called off
elected chief officer of the /1::• ailment But in Allegheny County! "There is nothing to get hys-i The college game., out off were
alone 18 000 school children were'
• million member union by a tre-terical about." he told a group of those between Lock
d Haven Teach
-3-1 reported absent from classes representatives of 25 irganizn eis and California Cal forma Teachers at
Comrades i mendous margin of nearly
I t over the combined vote of two The State Health Department tams at a Loafer ice li_teallY Lock .Laver and between Indiana
opponents said there were 26 confirmed eve are dealing with ordinary flu Teachers and Edinboro Teachers
In the final count. Ina widely cases of Asiatic flu in the state :which is caused by a virus that at Edinboro.
By Reds In ,cheering dele g ates voted for Hof
fa 313 for Wi ham A.Lee and 140 • I A • • -
for Thomas J.Haggerty.Sy rian Minister Blasts
•Mc:4kt Urged
San Marino Lee and Haggerty , both from
1 Chicago, had campaigned for a
/ / •
To hit Post
cleanup of the corruption con
SAN MARINO,Oct 4 (1 1 1— A dawns charged to the union U. • for Defamation
charge that Italian communist The delegates thus chose to ig
leaders want to turn San Marino nore the charges against Hoffa.UNITED NATIONS N Oct in Syria is threatening peace in In Government
into a second Hungary arose ;;retiring union President Dave the Middle East.
4 P —Syria s foreign minister Sa
PARIS, Oct.4 Pi —Socialist
this tx n y republic's stalemated Beck and other Teamsters bosses
ifoi'et tho set a postwar
*October revolution"tonight They had been accused of helpinga n N countries ne e t.onaideredi Glß
lah Bitar, declared to ...ay a West He decl ned .-) name soetif callN
themselves to vast sums from the ern-inspired campaign of defarn
threatened Syria with aggress on reio d by bolding the premiers
Waving a w hoe handkerchief, a 1
un on s rich treasury and abusing anon" but referred +0 the certain ag ' affiLe for 15 months, Aas virtually
leader of San Marino's belea- lunion powers is detraying the possibilitr
guered Red regime paid a3O min of restoring friendship with the gresion' of 11 months ago—the drafted by President Rene Coty
ute visit today to four men of thei Hoffa, denying the charges as United States invasion of Egypt by France, Bri
a smear, said he and the Team - oday to try and form a new goy
provisional anti-Communist gov 1 i
eters Union " have just come Bitar declared also that Syria • ' tam, and Israel
ernment in an abandoned steel
through the most vicious attack which ls receiving Communist Bitar said on economic assist- lernment.
i He said neither yes or no when
mill close to the Italian border I ance that Syria requested a loan
any group of workers has ever
y arms still does not have enough from the United
An informant at the provisional experienced Never in history
headquarters said the envoy , has so much outside effort been for its national defense. years ago, but was unable to ac
ised the President to see what
Communist Vittorio Mellon' of internalaffair
I exerted on the The Syrian foreign minister cept politcal conditions "
were attached t h at support he could sally . He will
Mot gave a definite answer until
the Grand Council—Parliament— of a free organization."made the statements at a lunch
did not come to make any deal, But troubles for Hoffa and his eon of the UN Correspondents ISunday
but burst into tears and told the huge union are far from Assn where he called attention -.
ivine At Little Rock' He did not think much of his
group Italian Reds "are prevent - ;faces an almost certain ouster in a speech to allegations that his p rospects. He told reporters he
mg us from reaching the accord from the had been reduced "to the
a mitted 'Quietly' did not think it would be possible
we all want 4 status of a Soviet satellite." A r to forma cabinet. He said he had
"They want to create a second NBC Detects Satellite "In my opinion;' he declared LITTLEROCie Ark Oct 4 t.P) finally agreed to try only the
Hungary at all costs," Mellom 1 `these distortions not only create —The unite student body of Cen
!Presidents insistence
was quoted. Launched by Russians an atmosphere that destroys the tral High School today quietly ad-[ Coty hoax, action on the fourth
Before leaving to trudge back NEW YORK Oct 4 (4'l--The possibilities for a rapproa.hement mdted nine Negroes into their day of the crisis, which broke
over the hills and plowed fields National Broadcasting Co said ibete.een our peoples and the peo midst for a 10th day of integrated IronflaY when Premier Maurice
to the city of San Marino, he the actual sound of the Russian plea of the United States and the education. Bourges qaunoury was defeated
shook hands all around and said: earth satellite was recorded by Western peoples at large, but they Cone were the outward signs of t en his Algeria home rule bill
"We shouldn't be doing things! RCA Communications in New may represent a sign of a possible teen aged restlessness that built Since the two previous crises
like this, We're old friends." i f York tonight and relayed to conflict whose extent could not be up all week and reached a climax have been provoked by the center
NBC. localized" in yesterday's walkout of 75 anti-groups in the National Assembly,
Trial by jury was one of the! NBC said it interrupted Its I Biter is expected to make a for-integrationist white students. The l Miallet sought assurances of their
main points in the Magna Chartal regularly scheduled programs mal reply in the UN Assembly demonstration was an adnuttedisupport before agreeing to move
which King John signed in the to broadcast the sound over its 'next week to Western charges failure and there was no attempttahead. There was little chance he
-year 1215 i radio and TV network. that buildup of Communist arms today to push it further 'would get them.
YOU cAit 6 011 "AHEAD
‘ • .. /N I
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"- A
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Cnbin Hilt ' Greensburg.
(..- ir . •• h
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# A ' 4 l'
e . c. . ;: tr e.
7 0 •1 c :
'IP 11
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Amazing how fast a young ongintuN ,
surges ahead in an engineering -minded
company! Many executive-type lobe at
West Penn Power are filled by engineer.
They talk your language. They appreci.
at* the vital contribution an engineer can
- Mahe. They invite you to loin them in a
challenging industry.
You owe it to yourself to look Into a corn.
pony where a young engineer is given m
chance to advance when positions ahead;
epees op ... where a young engineer Is
more than a slide rule expert
We'd like to talk to you it you're alrouf
to 'receive a degree in electrical. mech
anical, Industrial, civil or agricultural
engineering ... of if you're an under
graduate kmrking for summer work. Ove
representative will be en campus
OCTOBER 8, 1957