The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 13, 1957, Image 6

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WSGA Formulates Polici
Interprets Rules for Coed
The Women's Student Government Association is the
governing body which forms, interprets and enforces the
rules and regulations for women students at the University.
The organizations of WSGA has been patterned after the
Federal government. It consists of a Senate, House of Repre
sentatives. Freshman Council. Ju
ldicial and Freshman Regulations
Board. -
Susanne Smith, president, pre
sides over the Senate, highest
governing body of WSGA. She
also acts as an ex-officio mem
ber of all WSGA committees and
governing bodies, and represents
WSGA on the All-University
Cabinet, the highest student gov
ernment body.
Retreat Chairman
UCA Group
Will Attend
Members of the cabinet-council
retreat conference of the Uni
versity Christian Association will
attend a conference at the Boy
Scout Camp today and tomorrow.
The Cabinet members will plan
the fall program at the retreat
under the leadership of Richard
Martin, president.
The group will leave at 3 p.m.
today from the Helen Eakin Eisen
hower Chapel
The first Sabbath Eve service ;
Of the year will take place at 8
p.m. at the Hillel Foundation with
Rabbi Benjamin Kahn, director of
the foundation, officiating.
He will deliver the welcome
sermon, and greetings will be ex
tended by Michael Lipschutz.
president of the foundation. An
Oneg Shabbat reception will fol
low with Israeli folk dancing.
Hillel's annual Welcome Mixer
will be held Saturday evening ate
the foundation. The first lox andl
bagel brunch will be held Sunday!
from 11 a.m. to noon. Admission!
for members will be 35c and ad-'
mission for others will be 65c.
Members of the freshman class
will hold, an organization meeting•
of the Hillel Freshman Council at
1 p.m. Sunday at the foundation.
The Roger Williams Fellowship
of the University Baptist Ch
will hold a Bible study at 9:3;
a.m. Sunday in the fellow,ship,
room. A supper and a speech,
"Who Are We" will be held at 5:15
p.m. Sunday in the fellowship
The Wesley Foundation at St.
Paul's Methodist Church will hold
a Fireside Forum at 6:15 ptm.
Sunday at the youth center. "If
I Were a Freshman Again" will
be the topic for discussion.
The Student Council of th
foundation will meet at 7:15 p.m.
Monday at the youth center_
Will End Tonight
Glee Cub Tryouts
Tryouts for the Men's Glee Club
will end at 9 tonight in 208 Car
Auditions have been conducted
every night this week irons 7 to,
9 p.m. in 200 Carnegie.
Frank Gullo. director of the,
Men's Glee Club, said that all
types of voices are needed, es
pecially high tenors.
The Senate is composed of the
WSGA president; vice president
Lois Henderson; secretary Su
zanne Aikens; treasurer, Nancy
Clark; seven senators, ex-officio
members, representatives of Le
onides, independent women's
governing body; Women's Rec
reation Association and Panhel
lenic Council, sorority women's
governing body.
The senior senator is chairman
of the WSGA Retreat and chair
man of the junior-senior-faculty
The junior senators are respon
sible for the WSGA convocation
and speaker.
The sophomore senator is in
charge of the Freshman Coun
cil, a body similar to the House
lof Reprpsentatives. The presi
-Idents and vice presidents of the
'freshman dormitory units repre
sent the freshman women on the
!council. The council confines it
iself to problems of freshman
Discussions of suggestions and'
complaints brought up in the unit
meetings ate aired by the House
and recommended recommenda
tions are carried to the Senate
and back to unit meetings.
The House also conducts the
May Day celebrations and spon
sors a .clothing drive for overseas
Judicial Bbard
Judicial, which it the upper
classvromen judiciary board, han
dles violations of WSGA regular
tians for disciplinary action.
Freshman Regulations Board
acts as the enforcement body for
freshman regulations and rules.
Nominees for WSGA offices are
selected from a list of self-nomi
nated students who . do not have a
major judicial record and do have
at least a 2.5 All-University aver
age. Those eligible are determined
by a screening board on the basis
of scholarship and leadership.
Ali women students may vote
far Senate officers and their class
representatives in the primary
land final elections in the spring.
Railroad Club to Meet
The Penn State Model Railroad
'Club wi ll meet at 7 pm. Monday
in 212 Retzel Union Building.
1 The meeting is open to the
Suzanne Smith
WSGA President
Chorus Tryouts
Will Continue
For Women
Tryouts for the Women's Chor
us 1. , ; - ill continue today.
, Students may sign up for an
appointment at 212 Carnegie.
Results will be posted by 9 a.m.'
Wednesday in 212 Carnegie. The
first meeting will be held at
p.m. Wednesday in the Hetzel
Union a.,ditorium.
Old members who wish to be
in the chorus this semester need
not audition, but should register
at 212 Carnegie or at the Hetzel
Union desk.
I h e "omen's Chorus meets
Wednesday n i g h t s throughout
the school year and gives a spring
concert in Schwab Auditorium.
Plans are being made for other
singing engagements.
Officers are Nancy Siftar, pres
ident; Constance Jones, vice pres
ident; Patricia Downes, secretary;
M a r j o r ie Moorhead, treasurer;
and Mary Lou Becker, librarian.
Rural Students' Grades
Superior to Urbanites'
A survey taken in 1930 by Al
exander W. Stewart, a University
graduate student, indicated that
the grades of students from rural
areas were superior to the grades
of students from cities.
The survey showed that rural
students finished the semester
with an average L 26 All-Uni
versity average, and urban stu
dents with a 1.25 All-University
Players, Thespians
Offer Talent Outlet
Students enthralled .with the smell of grease paint and
the glittering applause of a satisfied audience can find an out
let for their talents with the Penn State Players and Thes
- -- 1
. These, the two main dramatic organizations at the Uni
versity. provide experience for
students in theatre arts and fun
for all students interested in the
Players presents a varied sched
ule of comedies, modern plays,
tragedies, classics and dramas.
Thespians, the musical comedy
group, - each year produces one,
Broadway musical comedy and:
one original show, written and'
staged entirely by students.
Showed 'Guys and Dolls'
Composed- of students from
many curriculums, Thespians last
year presented "Guys and Dolls,'
from the Broadway show, and
"Hat in the Ring."
This year an original parody on
the expansion program at the
University will open October 17
and will continue through Octo
ber 19 at Schwab Auditorium.
Tryouts for the show will be
held from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday in 100 Car
negie. Thespians has issued a call
for dancers, singers, actors, piano
players, musicians, stage crews
and specialty acts. First-semester
women are not eligible for par
Use Point System
Membership in Thespians is
based on a point system of nine
for participation in productions
with the approval of the officers
of the club.
An acting lead may be awarded
as many as four points; three
on .. .
South Allen Street
would like to introduce ,
you to the following
line which are exclusively ours
Pendleton Skirts and Jackets ••
Jonathan Logan Dresses
Lanz Originals
Shapely Classic Blouses
Gotham Hose and Lingerie
and many other nationally advertised lines
There is still time to register for our PHs* of an
imported Shetland chew-neck sweater at .
lialin's Dress Shop
points are given for crew work.
Officers are Stuart Kahan, pres
ident; Phyllis Rubinstein, vice
president;. Barbara Kinnier, sec
retary; Samuel Glick, treasurer,
and James - Jimirro, member-at
The first " - Players production
this semester will be "Thieves
Carnival" scheduled .to open
Oct. 18 at Center Stage and
run for six weekends.
To Present 'Mutiny'
Other Players presentations this
year will include "The Caine
Mutiny Court Martial," "Burn
ing Bright," "Tonight at 8:30,"
"Ring 'Round the Moon." "The
Merchant of Venice" and an as
yet undesignated. musical.
Tryouts are held before each
production. -All students, except
first-semester women, are eligible
to tryout for acting parts and
membership on technical crews.
Membership in Players is
awarded on the basis of 15 points
given for acting, crew work and
advertising. One to four points
are given for each production.
Officers of Players are Bruce
Taylor; president; Jon Barry . Wil
der, vice president; Patricia Pala
din t, corresponding secretary;
Helen Cummings, recording sec
retary; and James Chappel, treas