.PAGE EIGHT Two Profs Plan Visit To USSR Two faculty members will visit the Soviet Union this summer un der grants received from the In ter-University Committee on Tra vel, which is supported "by the Carnegie Corporation of * New York. They are Dr. Allen L. Rodgers, associate professor of geography, and Dr. Edgar H. Lehrman, as sistant professor of geography. Will Visit 6 Areas Dr. Rodgers has been awarded a $2200 grant to visit the Soviet Union in June. He will visit Len ingrad, Moscow, Soviet Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Uk raine. He plans to visit geography faculties at Russian universities, libraries and industrial plants. He will spend July and August in Italy under an Office of Naval Research grant, studying the. in dustrial geography of the port of Genoa. Dr. Rodgers has been a faculty member for seven years. Receives S3OO Grant Dr. Lehrman has been awarded a $3OO grant, which will enable him to extend an already-planned stay in the Soviet Union. He will conduct a tour of Russia in July under the program of the cultural travel council of Simmons Tours. Fifteen persons, mostly college: and university students, will make the trip. The group will also visit Ger many, Denmark, Finland. Swe den, Czechoslovakia and France. Hungarian Girl Gets Panhel Aid Panhellenic Council last night voted to pay for the room and board of a Hungarian coed enter ing the University in the fall. Previously Panhel had voted to contribute the money collected to the general Hungarian Fund. However, after a report given by Carol Claster, junior in education from Lock Haven, saying that the coed had no way of obtaining the money for room and board, Pan hel voted to pay for it. Four sororities last night turned in $134 in contributions to the fund. They are Alpha Epsi lon Phi, Trion, Phi Sigma Sigma and Alpha Xi Delta. WDFM Will Hold Candida'“Meetings Persons interested in working with WDFM during the 1957-58 school year may attend candi dates’ meetings at 7 tonight and tomorrow night in 228 Sparks. Positions are open in all fields, including announcing, news writ ing, sports, production, contin uity, engineering, music and of fice staffs. Persons are especially needed to write complete shows, includ ing classical music programs. TIM Will Meet For Council Vote Town Independent Men will meet at 7 tonight in 203 Hetzel Union to vote on a constitutional amendment to retain the present council system. Another amendment to be dis cussed would permit a council member, once elected, to serve until he graduates. The meeting, the last of the semester, will be open to fresh men who plan to live in town next year. Grad Student Becomes Jlll-U Chess Champion Arthur Weinstein, graduate student in psychology from Brooklyn, N.Y., is the All-Univer sity chess champion. Weinstein gained the honor by winning a special tie-breaking match from Dr. Orrin Frink, head of the Department of Mathe matics. 6-1. Former Student Killed First Lt. Vincent Colaianni, 23. of Vandergrift, a 1955 graduate of the University, was killed in the crash of a training plane April 25 during a mock bombing at tack at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. . THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Customs Board Blanks Council Keys Available IE Profs Will Attend Meeting of Engineers Applications for the Freshman Members of the Liberal Arts Benjamin W. Niebel, professor industrial engineering, will attend thefHetlel 6 8 jStudent Council for 1956-57 may and head of the Department of TsWuSTtf l lndurtri^lnl Freshmen with at least a 2.0, obtain their keys and shingles Industrial Engineering, and gjneers tomorrow and Friday in All-University average may apply.;this week in 203 Hetzel Union. George L. Thuering, professor of New York City. • COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS • FOR SALE CAST IRON fenton headers for '47-’C3 Chevie six: heat riser included. Call Jack Kerr AD 7-4928. 1952 DODGE Wayfarer, excellent tires, new brakes, new ignition. 20 miles to the gallon. Sacrifice—s34s. Call AD 8-8700. GOLF WOODS—matched set of 4 Wilson woods in stood shape. Inquire at Golf Shop. Price |3D. 1950 PLYMOUTH, excellent condition. 5600 mileage, new inspection—s26o. Call AD 8-8441 ext. 2188. ask for Chang. 1955 IMPERIAL Trailer, 35 feet, two bed rooms : good condition; good location. See Bob Klein, Hoover’s Trailer Park, Rt. 322, one mile north. State College. SUITABLE TRAILER Locations—Sunrise Trailer Court, six miles from State College on Benner Pike. Water, sewage, laundry, garbage facilities. Cf.ll ELgin 6-4446 after 5 p.ro. HOUSE TRAILER—I9S6 Richardson, 41- foot, two bedrooms. Set up on nice lot. $B2OO. See Mike Sikor.ki, Hoover's Trailer Park. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT 8 rooms and bath. Available June 2. Metzger Bldg. Call AD 8-6323. APARTMENT—3 rooms furnished. One block to Mall, movies, stores. All con veniences. private bath. Summer, falL AD 7-3 SOB. 4-ROOM FURNISHED Apartment- Couple [ preferred. Parking space, private bath. $6O per month. Child permitted. Summer only. Call AD 7-7844. BwJmmr . The Atom*. Grouped' Aectyrdire. i>~- l . \AVrtZM:' ' o i W r r 4 «i!T"QCJ 3t ‘ A tk J».KX>E§„_4O/ ' - q^o. , i%97.»5j t'^.132.!-.<"-■■ v-^•' — '■tsv *.-. :. -/. \Sx%k .^sssiiisii •■ s $ is -yk'4‘&'. ; . --^4^j 32.0» & ;* ,;-:v^ ■ «fipp • Cr T R4- v I „ v - * ' f«4 ' 'Tc'-f .i^iijisthiWi 99. , g#. c ~a.i03:1 11|JO&Slj j ' .)06;4 0 I I S 4 '">3183&;«- ->