The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 15, 1957, Image 6

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Lion Stickmen Lose
To Rutgers, 17-9
“This is the year that everybody we meet seems to have their best teams,” said
lacrosse coach Earnie Baer before leaving on a jaunt to Rutgers and Lehigh. Rutgers
proved him right yesterday afternoon as they swarmed over the Lion nets and won, 17-9.
Lion attackman Bill Hess played a magnificent one-man offense as he scored six
of the Lion tallies and assisted on ★ ★ ★ *
a seventh. And all with a cast on - ...
his broken right thumb. The All- j
American candidate raised his r ‘ -
season scoring total to 34 and is !: - •
within 7of his own Penn State 1- ' '■
scoring record.
On the defense, little can be H
uid other than that goalie Jim [H
Houck has continued his high * -
saves-per-game average as he
stopped 21 of the Scarlet shots.
The All-Star nominee now has
209 tor the season. jgk
But the game was Rutgers, from HS
beginning to end. The Ivy Lea- ”
guers, who have lost only three
games by close scores to top teams
in the nation, poured it on the
defenseless Lions.
They built up a 10-1 lead at
halftime as Hess was the only
Lion to find the range. He made
his first goal of the day at 5:44
of the first period.
Goal number two for the
Lions also went to the south
paw atlackman at 4:55 of the
third period on a pass from
creaseman Tom Seeman. A little
later. Seeman shoved his own
Into the nets on a pass from s
Hess. Then Lou Girard scored . # » -
number four, without any as- > / I * f
end of .Mnksmen Praised
third quarter found Rutgers hold- 1
ine an eleven point lead, 15-4. ! I
Reserve attackman Don Sny I /M LJ I /
dcr was the third and last Lion, f (J/ I (jllf fIP V r ICI V
other than Hess to score. He made! v 1 * w / * *■ '-*■/
ie rte° re o£ £be £ * na ' Lion golf coach Joe Boyle combined generous praise with
<3U Then Hess wound up his best disappointment in the aftermath of the 1957 Eastern Tourna
quarter by hitting for four goals ment, which came to an exciting climax for the Penn State
within the space of iwo-and-a- linksmen Monday morning.
Sdfy in c^e 1 . ™ e t Lion mentor was justly proud-and at the same time
at 12:10, his -fifth at 13:24 and a bit let down—with his club s fine second place finish in the
his sixth at 14:08. Easterns. The “best six-man.
While the Manhasset” in the tourney failed by| * i ■ , _ ■
was doing the work on the of-an eyelash to capture the tham- Alph/s rUi DUa
fcnse, Houck was having a field pionship, team honors going to:'' 1 !* 1 N*MI IVI
day with the Rutgers attack. Al-the host Navy club by a scant 1 e*. « . , . f 4
though stopping 21 goals in the five strokes. 608-613. Only thc jlfTlTlfl IV [I Win
time he played, he also had to top four scores counted. i 1 w¥ii|
contend with 24 other Scarlet “We had an excellent oppor- T*jll
shots that went astray. ; tunity to win." Boyle said, "but OOCCGF I 1116 S
The Rutgers scoring was evenly we ma de some mistakes on Ihe 1 c .
divided among seven players.) {evr holes. It was a real I Sl § ma Nu and Alpha Chi Rhol
Only one of which had more than! tight golf course, and you can't jcopped first place in Leagues I
two goals. That one was attack-; afford to make mistakes. At the ‘and J respectively bv turning in
a'game with LeJ Cnd 2* 27 holes ' il was all «« Rories % intramural l^ccer
hiJhThis'aft^nocfn'm 6 complefe! a tournament of mild n, 1
tlie triD There are a few nice! U a t ° uri^ m - nt m . 1 ..Alpha Gamma Rho won thel
SmSs about the Engineer ™^ d r° £ 3
stickmen, and most of them seem L 1 ! n u, f n p 1 m he 3g i, ie .9 tltle ’ defeat ‘
to be concentrated in their earlySs bt sevcn Sd Navv bv Slgm3 T Phj Epsilon - j
season loss to the same tough ad Hition BuUdoe 2?ar Pete'-~i? gma Nu downed Theta Delta
gers ten. The score was 13-0. lss lasf f^vidual !o^^^^’ J' 0 ' t „
. , , _ . _. Ititlist, failed to qualify for the : Rpt , p £, a , n 0 shutout Zeta
Ticket Prices Rise J playoff matches. Nisselson suf-;?®“ Hug J h C ° oper and
lIVIVCI V I l\l»C !fered a disastrous first round,! Arlfphl tfnL produced th * two
For Grid GqITIBS shooting an 85, and his 71 for) T . L tallies.
rul v?l ,u the last 18 holes put him two! . Jun M°° re provided-the win-
Steadilv mounting costs will |oV er the 154 qualifying mark j™!?® goat for Alpha Gamma Rho’s
bring a boost in football ticket Dartmouth and Cornell tied for' 1 ’ 0 vlctor y over SPE.
prices at the University next faU. fourl h p i ace in the team stand- Sigma Chi finished the season
In keeping with a nation-fi n g S 626 strokes, and Prince-: Wl th a 1-1 record, defeating Siema
wide trend, single game tickets ton was sixt h with 630. Alpha Mu. 2-0. Tom O’Hara and
wjll be priced at $4 each. The, Bill Davidson was the Lions* Bernard Baymiller each scored a
former price was $3.00. j low qualifier with a 73-78-151 g° al for Sigma Chi.
Season tickets covering the; effort f or the 36 holes. The only In other games Phi Mu Delta
four honte games, which sold last; other Penn Stale linksman lo turned back* Delta Sigma Phi
’ WIU be pnced at 515 ' was PaJ !*« comer kicks to one Alpha
“ml- i, v r I fired 8 74-79-153 effort. Bob iZeta received the nod over Bea
ultv and' staff**season * tickets'! Bainbrid 9 e also met lhe jver House also on corner kicks,
, -n S ™ season tickets,] fymg u ne rounds of 79 and ,4-0.
p£ce as W iast year “”1 S s ph S - le q- reCeiV K d 3 f ° rfeU win
Because of the unprecedented resuLjng faom a three ' way -over Phi Sigma Kappa.
homflml ‘S 10 . th f, fi , r u St Johnny Boyanowski and John
home game against Armv, the r P i u c pach shot 155’s for the
season ticket sale will not be ex-i £* 1 S c ® “„ S r ?, : i or fi
tended hevond the Anenct -i ILIOIIS. Bojanowskl fired a first
deadline J August l; r ound 78 and finished with a 77.
oeauune; j white Felus notched a 79 and 76
Penn State became a charter for the 36-hole distance,
members of the United States In-j Penn State captain John Bran
tercollegiate Lacrosse Association'ish came in with a pair of 78
in 1926. : rounds for a 156 total.
College Men
If you live in western Penna.
and have a car
Call AD 8-1177 Wed., May 15
Between 6 p«m. and 9 p.m. Thurs., May 16
Bill Hess
One-man offense ..
Tom Seeman
. . . two assists
J<fo« n c X*
m ' Uo‘ ls W i
Have an evening "out
on the town." And
have it at the Town
House. Superb food,
atmosphere and music.
Spend this evening
with the
Jerry Miller
Combo . . .
\ 8:30 /
' \ to I
- ' \ 12:00 / '
Lion Tennis Team
Hosts Bisons Today
Captain John Pulizzi and Chuck Siede will carry Buck
nell University’s tennis hopes in the Bison’s match with the
Nittany Lion netters, slated for 3:30 this afternoon on the
Beaver Field courts.
Bucknell Coach Hank Pet
number one position in his fi
capable of beating the other, while
vieing for the leadoff berth.
Siede, a junior, had captured
five of eight contests prior to
yesterday's match with Lehigh,
the same record that Bison
Pulizzi. a senior, had compUed.
In doubles play Siede's record
was 3-3, while Pulizzi had post
ed a 3-2 log.
A third member of the Bison
team, senior Jim Stewart is re
gal ded as a top-flight performer
by Peters. In all, Bucknell’s boast
six lettermen, including John
jFincke, Ben Hollander, Bob Poin
dexter, Siede, Pulizzi and Stew
In 1956 the top performers for
Bucknell -were Hollander and
Stewart. Hollander won 11 of 15
singles matches while Stewart, a
Bison grid star for three years,
copped eight of 11. Two years
[ago Pulizzi established two Bison
I net records by capturing 12
'matches in a row and 16 of 18
throughout the season.
Coach Peters' pupils have had
:ers has used both boys in the
irst nine matches and each is
four winning seasons and on*
break-even campaign in the .
last five years. In 1956 the Bi
sons finished with a 9-9 record
and this year are engaged in a
16-game schedule.
Bucknell has only been beaten
by Navy and Colgate in eight
contests, while the Bisons have
downed Dickinson, Albright, Laf
ayette, Delaware, Lycoming and
Juniata. Last weekend the Bisons
competed in the Middle Atlantic
Conference tennis tournament
held at Swarthmore College.
Last year the Nittany Lions
downed the Bisons. 5-4, in route
to a winning season of seven
wins and five losses. This sea
son the Lions sport one victory
in seven starts, that win com
ing at the hands of Syracuse,
7-2, Saturday afternoon.
Prior to that the Lions lost by
8-1 scores to Penn, Colgate, Navy,
Maryland, Lehigh while the
Georgetown Hoyas downed the
Nittany netters, 6-3.