The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 11, 1957, Image 6

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'Nine' Rained Out; Nittany Netters Lose, 6-3
Orange Host Georgetown | 'Five Ftosh ' VI/
■ • ■ IIII*! The ve Freshmen added their
Lions Today Hands Lions so^rchampionsbydeSs^e
/ ! Substitutes Thursday night, 7-0.
In Twinbill Sixth Loss
11l IYT lIIVIII 11 son, won the League B crown
The scheduled Lion baseball j A sophomore-laden George- if
game with Colgate University ,town University tennis team Gary Miller sparked the League
yesterday afternoon at Hamil- toppled the Penn State netters, B champions with four goals,
j 6-3, yesterday afternoon on Teammate Pete Wadsworth tallied
lon, N.Y., was rained out—the ith e Beaver Field courts. two aI Wayne Rodgers one.
first cancellation the Lions | The Lions won two of six sin- r^S de tL;r a ln,lrth
have suffered since opening- Jgles matches but could only tally
- . ~ , ~ 6 ;one victory m the doubles ar
day when the Bucknell game was •• Stion. Charles Bibleheimer and 3<
Th e ii e ln be f, , j Galiardi both scored single wL
The Lions are scheduled to meet -4 jwhile Fred Trust and Chu<
Syracuse in a twinbill this after- * Questa posted a doubles triumpi
noon on the Oranges home This afternoon the Nitlam
STweatSriSmt raITS H,» lUiney ‘ Vfl'S hS
Cloudy skies are forecasted for' Te d Kleinhans expects to field • scored a 9-0 shutout victor
the aftpmtinn - ! a formidable contingent which over the Orange last year ant
T . . . . Ihe hopes will improve on last hold a 16-6 series advantage.
*• r?. rff*. . p Z ac ’ ! year's 11-8 record. No informa- ! Lion Coach Sherm Fogg sa
?)** 8 t Colgate yesterday after- , j ion on t j, e prescn j Orange rec- after the Hoya match, “The bo;
noon, but then the rains came— ; or< j jj available. : just don’t have the team spirit i
drain to ihetension I Kleinhans is expected to go drive to win, and with the excel
wWdi acCMDMr«an 1 iwith either righthander Tom Hal- 41 , 0 " 5 of the winners, the bo;
*in me«k. mostly or Ihiplrt o< >«. » e’glit-.amewmmrlast pa yed sloppy and careless te.
(or another 24 boms j^ a^’ l^o^n j.^Le(t^Bil^Rylwck j n Bibleheimer played his ba,
Theballgame was never started. : is another possibility All three ; same of the in defeating tl
In fact, Colgate never took jts' letter-winners last year. ;Hojas Pete King 6-4, 2-6, 6-
batting practice. No arrangements';,, Bo *? Kuhn ® , 1S expected t 0 b an ® a stron 6 ni
have been made to reschedule the Ibe catcning duties and bat.same and kept his opponent
game as yet. Pitcher Ron Smith ; j n the clean-up post. He hit .315 the run to score the win
said that it is doubtful if any^ ast season. j After winning fhe first set u
attempt will be made to re-! The Orange infield, which e fashion, Galiardi score*
schedule the contest because oflKleinhans describes as “capable,": his second consecutive single:
the tightness of the Lion schedule-will have lettermen Dick Bars-, Y lctoi J oi “ e season by down
and the distance to Colgate. [town and Joe McCann at first 1 1 ?S Warren Heeg. 7-5. 6-1.
Looking at the cancellation and second. Sophomore Lou Man-: The injured Fred Trust, hel
from the Lion point of view, it nara wiU probably start at short out by Fogg in singles pla;
means that Bedenk will once;with Joe Krivak at third. * ’teamed with Questa in the nun
again be able to start his top; In the outfield, ihe place ber one doubles set to defei
hurling duo, Ed Drapcho and Cal: where the Orange figure to be Georgetown’s Hegg and Joe Shr
Emery, in the Orange twinbill to-! the weakest. Kleinhans will in straight sets. 7-5, 8-6.
day. Drapcho was slated to hurl 1 pick from Don Allhouse. Hal Questa played the number o:
against Colgate. - - i Noyes, Tom Sardinia, Fred singles spot for the Lions ai
The rest of Bedenk’s lineup is Gallagher and John PannuccL was defeated by Short, 2-6, 6-4,
expected to be the same as he- Pannucci is rated the only sure 6-3. Short, a junior tennis champ
has used in all previous Lion : starter—he was first-string from Puerto Rico, rallied in thei
contests: Steve Baidy, 3b; Bob shortstop lasl year. .final two sets to down Questa.
Hoover. 2b; Captain Jim Locker- 1 Last year, the Lions split two] A native Pittsburgher and form- 1
man, cf: Don Stickler, c; either games with the Orange, losing er Metropolitan City doubles
Ron Rainey or Jack McMullen, the first, 5-2, and coming back to'champ Bob Ruzanic, posted two.
rf; Guy Tirabassi,ss; either Rainey;take the second, 14-10, in a free- 6-1 wins over the Lion’s Dick Ja
or Dave Watkins/ If; and Gary!swinging, wide-open contest. The'cobs. Lions Captain Joe- Eberly
Miller, lb. ‘ iOrange won the first game with;dropped two 6-2 decisions to the
Turning to Syracuse. Coach .‘a three-run 10th inning. ’only senior in the Hoyas lineup,
|AI McGimpsey.
nt/nl • /»• /< I • • I# | Sophomore Don Benner,
PKPrtf, Sigma Chi in Keg Finals ki^ hi ySa^L? in ?o *?*£
Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Chillers in both the one-game and; straight sets lo Pele Coleman,
Rained the finals of the Infra-[series columns." Lederer rolled a 1 6-4, 6-1.
mural fraternity bowling play-|lB9 game, tops for both clubs, and; King and Ruzanic deefated the
offs, scoring victories in semi- [notched a 476 total for the set. [Lion’s duo of Bibleheimer and
final action Thursday night on! Tony Agnone and Ed Lynam : Pefe DeDad, 6-3, 6-2, while Gal-
Ihe Recreation Hall lanes. icombined to lead the way in Sig-jiardi and Eberlv dropped the sec-
Pi Kapp's keglers registered a pta Chi’s win. Agnone connectedjond Lion doubles match to Mc
-3-1 decision over Alpha Gamma .for a 173 game and 513 series, :Gimpsey and Coleman, 6-4, 7-5.
Rho. The Sigma Chi quintet >and Lynam racked up a 219 sin-
earned the right to meet Pi Kap-jgje, the evening’s top game, and Earl Bruce, freshman football
pa Phi for the championship by a gjo triple. Blaine Barron led coach, doubles as a member of
defeating Kappa Delta Rho by the losing KDR club with a 188 the varsity coaching staff at Penn
the same count. game and a 506 series. State.
John Minnieh and Tommy
Holmes teamed up to pace the,Sp*
Pi Kapp quintet to victory. Min-.J
nich copped three-game' honors;*
with a 503 series, including a 171 *
game. Holmes took singles laur-.J
els with a 175 effort, and backed Sf
tip Minnieh by totalling 479 pins.‘g
Don Lederer led the AGR keg-< if
Tavern Restaurant
* £
Highlight Mother's Day weekend by treating *
your family to fine food in a pleasant, relax- *
mg atmosphere. Coolly air conditioned to as- £
sure the utmost in comfort. We cordially invite £
you to enjoy your Mother's Day dinner at the £
Tavern Restaurant. £
Dinner wilt be served from
1 1:30 a.m. until 7 p.m.
the "
Scene: The London drawing
room oj Professor Moriarily
Kitchener, philologist and elocu
tionist. As curtain rises, Kit
chener is singing and dancing.
Kitchener: Why can’t the Eng
lish learn how to speak? Hey?
Why can’t a woman be like a
man? What? Why can’t any
body grow accustomed to my
face? So?
Enter Galsby Donothing, a
chimney sweep.
Donothing: Pam me, Perfi
zer K, oi w’d loik tao lorn ’«w
do spike e’en batterwise tbun
oi spike naow.
Kitchener: Ugh! (Aside) Yet,
he's a challenge. (To Donoth
ing) All right, loathsome, in
six weeks, you’ll be speaking
well enough to go to the Coro
nation Ball!
51 Six weeks later.
Exclusively in State College . . . the famous
Van Heusen line of shirts ... at
Ultra mats
Your Summer Clothing Headquarters
SATURDAY. MAY 11. 1957
in in Soccer
straight win with a 2-0 decision
over McKee 11. Ralph Batdorf
scored both goals for the victors.
Football star Milt Plum and
teammate Earl Poust each scored
goals to give Phi Delta Theta a
2-0 win over Theta Kappa Phi in
League 0.
McKee V, thanks to a first per
iod goal by Ted Pierce, defeated
Co-Op in League A competition.
Kappa Delta Rbo won their first
game of the year with a forfeit
win over Phi Kappa. Both Nittany
22 and the Cougars forfeited.
Donothing: Sao, Prayfooser K,
can yez thank what me spikes
gentmanly aynuf naow? Do
we be gung to Coronation Ball
Kitchener: Oh, my Aunt Sally,
the blighter hasn’t learned a
thing. I'm lost. But wait. I’D
dress him in a Van Heusen
Oxford cloth shirt. Then he’ll
pass as a gentleman for surel
All I have to do is be sure he
keeps his big mouth shut. I’m
saved, but good!
( Curtain ) .
Yes, friends, there’s nothing
like Van Heusen Oxford cloth
shirts to make a gentleman of
you. Whether you prefer but
ton-downs, other collars, white
or colors, see Van Heusen first
And buy. $5.
Phillips-Jones Corp., 417 Fifth
Ave., New York 16, N. Y.