The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 09, 1957, Image 6
PAGE SIX Golfers Top Mounties Lion Nine Lion Netters Suffer For Bth Win of Season J r “ u s'f B *B-1 Defeat at Lehigh Penn Slate'-: v.< :l-ba:anc< d ti olf tea::: chalked up lt.s eighth vie- ! By BILL. JAFFE , Lehigh’s Fred Kayne scored a lory :n nine rtart:, trouncing the West Virginia linksmen, 7-0. yes- - ' Penn State’s tennis team suf- 6-4, 6-3 victory over the Lion’s terdav afternoon on the University green l -- There’s no rest for the weary fered its fifth consecutive 8-1 loss Pete DeDad in the fifth singles ." , _._. „ i —and that includes the P»nn°* the season yesterday. This,match. Leadoff man Pat Rielly was the only Lion involved <n a close g {ate baseball team T{ie Lions. :time to Lehigh University in an! Although Dick Jacobs posted match. Rielly enjoyed a hot back nine to top the Mountaineers' v ,j lo have been on the road for 'afternoon match at Bethlehem. l an opening set 6-4 win over Tony Moroco. 3 and 1. * * * their last three games, leave t.;-; The lone winner for the Lions! 4 4 4 Rielly had to come from behind day for an important three-game;was Joe Galiardi, plaving in the! 1n defeat Moroco in the initial jaunl this weekend—Colgate, Fri-,fourth singles spot. The Nittany - to del eat .Moroco n tne miuai day and Syracuse in a twinbiiLnetter, using a strong forehand,! match. The Lion golfer was three Saturday. defeated veteran Mike Wind, 6-2, ; down after nine holes, but shot ~ ~ . .. . ~ e.o a two under nar ”3 on the ba-1- For the first time Since the, 0 nine to cam the victoA- season opened. Coach Joe Bedenk! Lehigh posted its sixth win of! nine to gam me '“-ton- will not he able to start eilherjhe season against two losses in ! Johnny Boyanowslci followed Ed Drapcho or Cal Emery, his!winning all three doubles sets! Riellys win with an easy 5 and or.e-two Ditching punch, in a,and five of the singles matches.; 3 triumph over west Virginia s Lion test. The schedule just won’t Coach Sherm Fogg was very Charlie WoUerlon. a'lovv it. disappointed in the Lions' play Bill Davidson regained his v. in- Most likely. Drapcho who 1 an<£ * to add further to his woes. , ning touch with a 3 and 2 deci- pitched six innings against Ar- ! number one man Fred Trust sion over Jim Lane of the Moun- my Saturday and five against ! was la the doubles ac- ; ties. Davidson has dropped just w avv Tuesday will net the call llon and had' to forfeit his : one match this season losing to aaainsl the Red Haiders Friday . “ate*. . Cornells Joe Geimonde Sa.ur- afternoon. Trust lost his singles match to „ . , , Emerv will undoubtedly start Lehi S h Captain Bill Scarlett. 6-2, ‘ Captain John Bramsh. after 'in cme 'of the Oran°e lilts Whn 10_S - and lhen teamed with Chuck emerging from his three-match R H •>, , ’ ? Questa in the doubles plav. The losing slump in the Cornell en- Bede" ’ will start.ini the second Uon duo won the iirs { counter, copped his second on the “64 000 but Trust P ul!ed a hack muscle! straight win. Branish defeated t , m “ e 64.000 Question quiz during the second set and for- Mountie Ed Cotherman. 4 and 3. " feited the match with Lehigh: Bob Bainbridge registered Penn niemhander Lynn Harhold ahead 9-8. , Dick Smith, the Lehigh senior State’s fifth win of the match. his °rred:* '"f Afier ScarJel *- 3 1954 PIAA j swept the next two sets, 6-1. S n^“T“ i ” MrS ' S,CVC John Branish ****!*£ \ JST&Z t&FZ S» j *»« day's most lopsided tally in SIOITSQ Chi Phi Eo 'candidate *i defeat Quesia - 10 ’ 8 ' B ’ 6 - and'-Wind defeated Joe Eberly beating Ted Craft of West Vir- 3 1 P ’ ’ . . , , , Bibleheimer, who was the lone. and Galiardi, 6-2, 6-4. ginia. 8 and 7. AmOna match winner prior to| Lehigh Coach Gerald Leeman Leo Kukkola completed the ” 9 though f he won'alfthree > Wnm’P a , ,i . a^ i ’ s -. win ' ,ost his first set to.inserted two new men in his third Penn State sweep with a 4 and 3lp MQ Q f PlaV Dieted only one game Simmers t ehlg , h 5 Ed Sullivan, 6-4. but re-.doubles team and they defeated triumph over the Mounties’ Bob m ~Vl V *°" riay a transfeb student nitchS one?u ound^ J1 t 0 score s , n B ' 6 xvjn m-Bibleheimcr and DeDad. Bob Dadich. Sixteen fraternities grabbed middle set. Sullivan used a Bollinger and Roger Weiss Tinn coach Toe Bovle reported victories in the first round of In-, r hard serve t( > b ' £ advantage to opened an early lead over the tiiat ihc mauh lopsided tramural golf team play last mOUnd th e hiding set. 6-4. Lion duo and won 6-4, 6-3 as the score indicated. “West Vir-. uc '-k- With miebing end the sebed ginia was one of the weakest ’ Alpha Chi Sigma downed Zeta u j e battling for the role as the teams we’ve met all year,” he Beta Tau; Sigma Chi beat Sigma, number one Lion baseball said. “Our gut’s didn’t play as Pi; Alpha Chi Rho defeated Phi problem—rich! now; they're on well as they had been,” he con- Epsilon Pi; and Beta Theta Pi: an even keel—the Lion hitting linued. “Had they (West Virginia) turned back Delta Tau Delta. ; has improved almost unnotice been better. _we would have had Phi Sigma Delta won over Pi ably and cruite considerably, rough sledding.’ The Lions are Lambda Phi; Phi Sigma Kappai Honors for the biggest imprwe looking to Saturday’s Eastern beat Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta ment go to Captain Jim Locker tourney, which may have ac- Theta downed Theta Xi: and Sig- man—a .15S hitter going into the counted for bclow-par play, ac- ma Nu defeated Pi Kappa Phi. Georgetown douhleheader almost cording to Boyle. Sigma Phi Epsilon turned back two weeks ago. Since that time. The shutout was the third of Theta Chi: Delta Upsilon beat Loekerman has been the best hit the year for the Lions. Penn Kappa Delta Rho; Sigma Alpha ter on the club, raising his aver- Stale’s linksmen scored a double Epsilon downed Acacia; and Al-.age to .290—this does not include whitewash over Penn and Villa- pha Tau Omega defeated Beaver the .Navy game where he had nova in their season opener. House. three hits. AS NAVIGATOR OR PILOT ; 7". “ THAT DEFENDS Graduate -Then Fly.. .TJ. S. AIR FORCE AVIATION CADET PROGRAM GET ON THE TEAM AMERICA THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA The flying U. S. Air Force is a team of men who command the aircraft and men who plan the attack. These are the pilots and navigators, both equally important to the defense of America. 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Middle Atlantic Stales and Canada . . , INVITES TOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer employment as counsellors, instructors, or administrators ... POSITIONS in children's camps, in all areas of activity, are available. WHITE OR CALL IN PERSON: ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS—DEPT. C 55 West 42nd Sireet, Room 743 New York 36. N.Y. THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1957 Joe Galiardi Lone Lion Winner