The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 04, 1957, Image 3

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    4. 1957
minster to Hear
mrgh Minister
Shoemaker, pastor of the Calvary Episcopal
burgh, will be the guest speaker at the West.-
t Fellowship meeting at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow
rian Student Center.
Dr. Samuel
Church in Pitts
minster Siuden
at the Presbyte
cribe the “Pittsburgh Experiment”, an effort
at business .and industrial evan
gelism, showing the relationship
between the venture and the Uni
versity community;
Both the Wesley Foundation]
and the Lutheran Student Asso
ciation plan to attend the talk by
Dr. Shoemaker.
Dr. Luther H. Harshbarger,
University chaplain, will moder
ate a panel discussion sponsored
by the Canterbury Association at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the Memorial
Lounge of the Heler. Eakin Eisen
hower Chapel. The 3-member
panel will discuss “Angelicans,
Orthodox and Protestants”
through an explanation of the!
basic similarities and differences
in the faith and practice of these]
Communions. They will cover]
interfaith or inter-denomination
al marriages, meaning of the Sac
raments, religious authority and
any questions from the audience.
The Canterbury Association
will hold its annual spring cabin
party today and tomorrow. Trans
portation will be provided at 3
and 5 p.m. today from St. An
drew’s Parish House. Those stu
dents who wish to attend have
been asked to be at the Parish
House at one of the designated
He will de:
To Be G
On 'Foil
Marshall Laverty,
[eens College in
;o, Canada, will
;ing the Crowd”
:es at 10:55 a.m.
wab Auditorium,
loir, directed by
will sing “Praise
if the Lord” by
st George E. Ge
:he prelude “Pre
by Langlais and
Dubois for the
The Rev. A. jj
chaiplain of Qij
Kingston, Ontar
speak on “Folio'
at chapel servii
tomorrow in Sch
The Chapel C
Willa C. Taylor,
Ye the Name (
Niklosky. Organ
iga .will play as
lude au Kyrie”
“Fiat Lux” by
Mr. ■ Laverty
from Victoria Ci
Emanuel Collegf
was graduated
illege in arts and
in theology and
the ministry of
rch of Canada in
-•haplain with the
in World War 11.
was ordained tc
the United Chu
1937. He was a
Canadian Army
In 1947 he was appointed as
the first chaplain of the Queen’s
•University, the first time a chap
lain was appointed by any Cana
dian university.
The speaker has been president
of the Association of College and
University Chaplains of the Uni
ted States and Canada. He has
spoken at Cornell, Wells, West
Point, Stanford, Hampton Insti
tute Rollins and the University
of New Hampshire. The service
tomorrow will be a return en
gagement. •
Speech Professor
To Present Paper
Dr. Eugene T. McDonald, pro
fessor of speech and director of
the Speech and Hearing Clinic,
is presenting a paper this week
end during the annual conven
tion of the American Association
for Cleft Palate Rehabilitation in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Dr. McDonald’s paper deals
with the relationship between
age of palatal surgery and ade
quacy of speech.
Dr.-Asa J. Berlin, assistant pro
fessor of speech, and Alvin Da
vis and Kay Davis, graduate stu
dents, are also attending the con
Psych Prof Advises
Topeka Researchers
* Dr. Douglas N. Jackson, assis
tant professor of psychology, is
consulting this week at the Men
ninger Foundation, Topeka, Kan.
Dr. Jackson will advise members
of the research department on as
pects of their mental health re
search program.
He will also collaborate on a
study of the relationships be
tween intellectual abilities and
personality organization.
Coal and oil are products of de
composed plant life. Limestone is
derived from skeletons of sea life.
Ssccunr to TBS FREE LANCE. «t 1887
PoMlihad rnesdmj through Saturday
■aarxlnua iueloxire dorinr tha University
yaar hy tha staff of Tha Dally CullerUn of
Tha Pnuuyfrnni* State University.
Entered ts tecond»dua matter July (,
IM4. at the State Collet* Pa., Put Office
aadtr tha act af March 3. 1879.
IBS, Editor
, Bmlnm Htnigcr
ED Dir
STEVE higgin:
tor, Jiin Tuttl
Dave Finemar
Wire Editor
Assistants, Bo
SSUE: Night Edi
e; Copy Editors,
, Ralph Manna;
George French;
bbi Levine, Don
OUTING CLUB, 2 p.m., behind Old Main
l/nlrcraftf Hospital I
Donald Abraham, Stanley Bnrd, John!
Heu, Joseph McCallut, Ronald Meltser,!
Richard Boola* Lovell Salmon. Boouaa»2
fcoatl Saatry, Susanna EchoU. In Starve.;
An hour-long film, . . And
They Met in Galilee,” will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at
the B'nai B'riih Hillel Founda
tion. The film is a sound and color
travelogue on Israel showing
scenes of the Sea of Galilee,
Mount Carmel, the River Jordan
and familiar cities. This is the
last of three such film presenta
tions on Israel which are open to
the public.
The Lutheran Student Asso
ciation will hold a cabin retreat
today and tomorrow at the For
estry Cabin. Cars will leave the
Lutheran Student Center at 1:30
p.m. today. Tonight a panel in
cluding the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur
Ruths will discuss the theme of
the retreat, “Courtship and Mar
A work party will be held at
1:30 p.m. today by the Wesley
Foundation at the Methodist Stu
dent Center. The regular Evening
Fireside Forum will not be held
The United Student Fellowship
will sponsor a chicken barbeque
tomorrow. Interested persons have
been asked to meet at 2:30 p.m.
at the Faith, Evangelical and Re
formed Church.
Insurance Club Banquet
Tickets for the Insurance Club
banquet to be held at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday at the Eutaw House
are available in 111 Sparks.
This Weekend
Hi FI Open House
Campus Beat
News; Sign Off
8:00 _.
11:30 _
Ballet Theatre
The Third Programme
Sign Off
6:50 Sfrn On
6:55 New*
7:00 Music for People Only
7:55 Sport*
8:00 - r - _ _ Showcase
8:30 _ - Guest DJ
9:00 . News
9:13 First Freedom
9:30 . _ . Greek Quis
10:00 - - Symphonic Notebook
llt3o New*; Sian Off
Tops in town
4 for
goad food and
fast service at
Director Names Stage Crews
For 'Teahouse' Production
Crews for “The Teahouse of the August Moon” have been an
nounced by director Robert D. Reifsneider.
Derek Swire is stage manager; Katherine Kelleher, assistant
stage manager.
Advertising: Sherry Kennel and
Helen Cummings, co-managers;
Marie Ammaturo, William Ben
nett, Virginia Fitzmartin, Robert
| Kelley, Gloria Litz. James Mc-
Grew, Demetrius Mozeliak, Shel
don Odland, James Olmes, Alice
Pastorius, Max Perlmutter. Mary
Reid. Joseph Servello and Paul
House: Jean Robinson, mana
ger; Joyce Levenson, Emily Fein
berg, Patricia Robinson, Gail
Glenn, Mary Farrer, Lynne Ober
man, Diane Lindenheim, Ester
Glick. Sally Swing, Terry Adler,
Judith Klanke, Shirley Myers
and Barbara Marcus.
Stage: Derek Swire, manager:
George Cavey, Bruce Mackey,
Ronald Blend, Richard Blend,
Willis Manges. David West. Ro
bert Necero, James Gould, Den
nis Castelli, Ronald Weitz, Wil
liam Roberts, Marilyn Roberts
and Joyce Basch.
Costume: Janet Bean, Lois Col
tellaro, Jane Tremellen, co-man
agers; Deborah Hitbs, Sandra
Paul, Esther Pressel, Patricia
Whitehead and Sophie Dhimitri.
Construction: Jeanne O’Connor,
Sign On
Sign On
W« have OPPORTUNITIES for graduate electrical and mechanical
engineers, engineering physics graduates and graduates with B.S. in
our engineering laboratory.
We also have opportunities for graduates with 8.8. A.. B.S„ B.A. and
Industrial engineering in standards, production control, plant layout
estimating, accounting, production supervision and personneL
Information on our organization is in the placement office. Drop in
and arrange for a personal Interview.
Our Representative Will Be On The Campus
Tuesday, May 7, 1957
manager; Marjorie Ludwig, Val
erie Sigelen, Carol Heckman,
Irene Rothstein, Cathy Engel, Pa
tricia Stocker, John Starkey and
Joyce Gowland.
Properties: June McCurdy and
Deborah Hibbs, co-managers;
Alice. Shapiro, Lois Masters, Nan
cy Harting and Clark Polak.
Sound: Paul Wank, manager;
John Froehlich and Linda Wolfe.
Make-up: Priscilla Kepner,
manager; Ann Beckley, assistant
[manager; Barbara Marcus, Ade
laide Winnick and Paula Zeller.
PhysEd Seniors
To Be Honored
The Student Major Club will
honor seniors in physical educa
tion at a banquet 6 p.m. Tuesday
in the Hetzel Union dining room
Seniors may obtain free tickets.
The price for faculty members
and others is $2.50 a plate. Stu
dents may claim tickets until
noon Friday at the office of the
dean of the College of Physical
Awarded To
19 Students
President Eric A. Walker has
approved scholarships tor 19 stu
dents following recommendations
from the Senate Committee on
j These recommendations, which
[have been submitted to the Uni
.versitv Senate for ratification, are
ias follows:
I The'John W. White Medal has
[been awarded to Gerald Cooper.
1 John W. White Fellowships
;($(i00 each) have been-given to
.Sheldon Amsel and Miriam
12 Win Medals
Evan Pugh Medals have been
recommended for the following
five seniors: James Anderson,
chemical engineering; Ronald Ei
[senhart, mechanical engineering;
James Foyle, education: Robert
; Jones, business administration;
land Edward Wickersham, dairy
I Seven juniors have also re
ceived the award. They are John
;L. Allen, engineering science;
Marian Beatty, journalism; Fran-
Icis Fochler, pre-medicine; Oliver
[Ginther, pre-veterinary; James
[ Miller, business administration:
lAnne Nitrauer, education: and
[Lee Strawbridge. electrical en
Frosh Awards Given
Phi Kappa Phi freshman schol
arships ($5O each) have been
awarded to William Bickham,
electrical engineering, and Lee
Van Breman, arts and letters.
Donald Megnhan, sophomore in
petroleum and natural gas engi
neering, was given the Lavcrna
Wood Thomas Award of $25.
The Wiliiam S. Thomas Award
of $25 was awarded to Francis
Vojtasek, sophomore in journal
Alumni to Hold Reunion
In Hawaii Tomorrow
Dr. David W. Russell, professor
of education who is on leave to
serve as a curriculum consultant
at the lolani School in Hono
lulu. Hawaii, has arranged a re
union for University alumni to
be held tomorrow on Cocoanut
Island .near Honolulu.
Dr. Russell will continue on
leave until June 1.
p layers’
the Teahouse of the
August Moon
MAY 9, 10, 11
8:00 P.M.
tickets at HUB desk
80c Thun. • $1.25 Fri. Sat.