PAGE EIGHT ADA MUST SB IN BT II :•! (.■. THE PRECEDING DAT BATCB*-I9 wards or 1«m: ftit On* insertion |o.7ft Two Insertion* 11.00 Tfcre* insertion* Additional words 3 tor .98 tor each day of Insertion, FOR SALE IMS HOUSE TRAILER: SO*. TV. *ir ■conditioner, excellent condition—f 1660. Cali evenings AD 7-27 C&. mi TRIUMPH T-Bird Motorcycle, fully equipped. Excellent condition. Call AD T-4052. Dick Bender. XOMBO DRUM, ideal for ’’ocslirt to work with small group Call AD 6-SSll after i p.m. BLIKGERLAKD DRUM set. Three drums. nil accessories, cases and cymbals. 22“ Baas “silver sparkle/* tISO. Bill AD 8-3164. BUST SELL Immediately—lV46 Buick convertible; radio, heater, power win lows and seats. Best offer. Call ext. 263. ltS6 MOBILE HOME. Just right site. Just eight price. Call AD 8-8441 ext. €36