The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 13, 1957, Image 1

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    Ann Mitrauer
(Eltr iathi
VOL 57. No. 126
—Dailr Colleziin Photo by Bob Thompson
UGLY MAN Izzy "Spider" Schwab and his court.
'Ugly" Contest
By Phi Sigma
Amid singing, dancing, and shouting, Israel Schwab,
Phi Sigma Delta’s monstrous spider, was named the ugliest
man on campus as the Ugly Man contest closed last night
Second place winner was Phi Kappa. Sigma’s Gene Fos
ter, who was “hanged” in the wild finale of his fraternity’s
skit. Seven fraternities competed
in the finals.
Schwab was given the 24-inch
winner’s trophy by John Hunt,
president of Alpha Phi Omega,
men’s national service fraternity
and contest sponsor. He clutched
the trophy, tightly in • his eight
black arms, as he was surrounded
and carried from the Hetzel Union
ballroom by his deliriously happy
fraternity brothers.
The winning skit was centered
around the reformation of Izzy
Spider, who scared Little Miss
Muffet and teased little children.
The members of
the chorus, each
wearing a grey
T-shirt imprint
ed with a spider
web, watc-hed the
proceed ings in
shocked silence.
The skit , ended
with the chor
ussc'r earning
“Change Your
Ways” at a re
pentant Izzy.
Second-p lace
winner Fhi Kappa Sigma and
the black-shrouded members of
Chi Omega tried and hanged ugly
man Gene Foster. Dragged in byi
(Continued on page five) - I
Prison Escapees
Get Longer Term
The three Rockview inmates
who were' recaptured Monday
night near Stroudsburg alter a
chase through Easton, were given
four-to-eight ■ year additions to
thejj present sentences after they
pleaded guilty to escaping.
The • three were transferred to
the. correctional, diagnostic .and
classification center at Western
Penitentiary yesterday. '
The three i convicts are John
Welty, burglar; Earl Eehr, rapist;
and William Richter, burglar and
receiver of stolen goods.
Lion Party Will Meet
The Lion Party Steering Com
mittee will hold ah open meeting
at 7 p.m. tomorrow in 121 Sparks
to discuss the future of student
John Godayte, clique chairman,
, said any student may attend. The
group will discuss - the aims and
achievements of student govem
-ineni,..! . -
Ann McKnight
Joan Kauing
Post Offices
Will Close
Doors Today
The University Park and State
College post offices will not be
open today.
The Saturday closing is part of
a moratorium which went into
effect at midnight on almost all
mail services throughout the
The “economy measures” were
ordered by Postmaster General
Arthur E. Summerfield, who said
the Post Office needs $47 million
dollars more from Congress to
operate normal service through
June 30.
To Open Later
Under orders from the depart
ment, the University Park post
office will not open until 9 a.m.
weekdays, instead of 8:30 a.m.,
and the State College" post office
will not open until 8:30 instead of
8 a.m.
tyone of the 38,000 post offices
in the U.S. will stay open for more
than BVi hours per day. Monday
mail deliveries to downtown busi
ness districts will be limited to
two per day.
One Pickup Set Today
One mail pickup will be made
today on campus, but no deliver
ies will be made on campus or
Although the House Appropri
ations Committee recommended
an extra $4l million for the post
office, according to the Associ
ated Press, Summerfield said his
economy cutbacks “musf go into
effect as scheduled.”
Summerfield said the service
cutbacks will continue until the
post office has the money on
hand to restore normal service
through June 30, the end of the
fiscal year.
Sigma Delta. Chi to Meet
Sigma Delta Chi, men’s profes
sional journalism fraternity, will
meet at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow at Phi
Kappa Tau. -
Kappa Alpha Psi Placed on Probation
Kappa Alpha Psi has been]
placed on social probation by!
the Senate Committee on Stu
dent Affairs after, the frater
nity’s scholastic standing fell
to a 1.97 average for the fall
Social privileges, including par
ticipation in Spring Week, have
been suspended for the remainder
of the semester.
University Policy
.The policy of the University is
to suspend spring semester social
privileges of a fraternity or sor
ority if the group falls below a
Last spring Delta Tau Delta, Pi
Lambda Phi and Pi Kappa Phi
were placed on social probation
for scholastic reasons. This Tall,
Sally Lou Ralston
Five Selected
To Vie for Title
Of 'Miss State'
Joan Kassing, Barbara Kinnier, Ann McKnight, Ann
Nitrauer and Sally Lou Ralston were selected Thursday
night as finalists from 33 entrants for the Miss Penn State
The judges, 10 townspeople, held three to five minute
informal interviews with each of the contestants. They
selected the finalists, on the basis
of poise, speech, carriage, person
ality, attractiveness and grooming.
Miss Penn State will be selected
from among the five finalists at
the Coronation on April 29 at Rec
reation Hall.
Miss Pa. lo Judge
Miss Pennsylvania, Loma Ring
ler, will be one of the final judges]
for the Coronation. The names of]
other judges have not yet been
• Miss Kassing is sponsored by
Alpha Xi Delta and Lambda Chi
Alpha, and is a junior in arts and
letters from Bridgeville.
Miss Kinnier, junior in educa
tion from Danboro, is sponsored
by Beta Sigma Rho.
Miss McKnight, sponsored by
Phi Kappa Sigma and Chi Ome
ga, is a junior in education from
Mt. Lebanon.
Miss Nitrauer, sponsored by
Sigma Alpha Mu and Upperclass
Independent Women, is a junior
in education from Stroudsburg.
Miss Ralston, a junior in educa
tion from Harrisburg, is sponsored
by Alpha Sigma Phi and Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
Winner Gets 15 Points
The winner of the Miss Penn
State contest will receive 15
Spring Week points for her spon
soring group. Each .of the other;
four finalists will receive eightj
points and the other 28 contestants!
will receive one point for enter-1
ing. Trophies will be given to
Miss Penn State and the four
The townspeople who acted as
judges for the preliminaries were
Mrs. Herbert Imbt. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Porter, J. Rdwirr Bamitz,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn, Rob
ert H. Breon Jr., Peter Nastase,
John Dale, Frank Dashbach, Eu
gene Fulmer and James Kenney.
(however, Delta Tau Delta jumped
to 20th place from 52; Pi Lambda
Phi to 16 from 53; and Pi Kappa
Phi to 41 from 54.
Petition Approved
The Senate Committee also ap
proved a petition presented by
Sigma Phi Alpha, the oldest local
fraternity at the University, to
merge with Alpha Kappa Lambda
national fraternity.
With Sigma Phi Alpha obtain
ing national affiliation the num
ber of local fraternities at the
University will be reduced to two
—Pi Sigma Upsiion and Beaver
Celebration Planned
The Sigma Phi Alpha house is
located at 134 E. Foster Ave., and
the fraternity has 30 members. A
three-day celebration and formal
presentation, of the national char
ter will be held April 26 to 28.
Barbara Kinnier
IFC Will Hear
2 Final Reports
From Chairmen
The Interfraternity Council will
hear final reports from two com
mittee chairmen when it meets at
7:30 p.m. Monday in 219 Electri
cal Engineering.
Howard F. Thompson, past IFC
vice president and chairman of the
IFC-Panhel Ball, will present a
final report of the dance held on
April 5.
. Sammy Kaye and his orchestra
provided music for the dance.
Tiessler Report
David Tressler, chairman of the
Outstanding Fraternity Awards
committee, also will give a report.
The fraternity award was pre
sented April 4 at the annual IFC-
Panhel banquet held at the Nit
tany Lion Inn.
Alpha Zeta took first place. The
other top fraternities were Tau
Kappa Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Al
pha Chi Sigma. Triangle, Alpha
Gamma Rho, Phi Delta Theta,
Beta Sigma Rho, Phi Gamma Del
ta and Alpha Epsilon Pi, in' that
IFCPA Officers
James Hart, IFC president, will
j announce new officers of the IFC
i Purchasing Association. Elections
[were conducted Thursday night.
[The officers are Leslie Phillabaum
[of Acacia, president; James J.
Burns of- Theta Xi, vice president;
Mrs. Ada F. Konhauser, home
economist, secretary-treasurer.
Dr. Ralph R. Ricker, instructor
of physical education, will request
fraternities to provide housing for
athletes who are on scholarships
at the University and for those
who will be coming to the Uni
versity next year.
"One of the reasons we chose
to affiliate with Alpha Kappa
Lambda is because its framework
and ideals are comparable to ours
to a great extent,” said Leslie
Hoffman, house president.
Founded in 1907
Alpha Kappa Lambda was
founded by 11 men in January
1907 at the University of Cali
fornia in Berkeley, Calif.
The fraternity has 17 chapters,
the most recent ones established
in 1955 at the College of the Pa
cific in- Stockton, Calif., and at
Millikin University in Decatur,
When_ the local group receives
national status it will be the only
eastern chapter of Alpha Kappa
Lambda. Other chapters are at
Stanford University, the Univer
sities of Illinois, Wisconsin, Mich
igan, Kansas, Purdue University
and Ohio State University.. -