The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 27, 1957, Image 7
WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27. 1957 Tan - Alligator Raincoats Lead In Overall Campus Fashions New C,rd Coat Conten s For . Coed pprova II With Penn tate weather in, mind, rainwe r is an appro priate startin i -off point for a glimpse at campus fashions. Alligator style raincoats, pre ferably tan, are way out front in the popularity contest. A newcomer in rainwear, the, trench coat in blue and white wat-1 er repellent cord, looks like a promising candidate to win coed, approval. The cord raincoat offers the desired feminine look plus a more dressy air, making it adapt able for dates. Shorter hip-length jackets are anuther strong note in rainwear. These sporty jackets are ideal for classei and the like, providing the wearer doesn't mind getting a trifle wet. Shirtdresses Return For sunnier ays, coeds will be ir d wearing the erennial favorites— skirts and b ouses. Cotton shirt dresses will also draw a portion of classroom attention. This season's feminine influ ence has sifted down to blouses, modifying the traditionally map tailored shirts into a softer ver sion of the shirt. Blouses are versatile, coming in every color imaginable, bright and soft plaids, and muted stripes. Skirts for campus wear are'pre dominatly strai g h t, however, slightly flared skirts are also in evidence. The Ivy League influ ence still prevails with belts in back. Straight Skirts Retained Former fabric favorites for skirts are retained in the varied weight cotton twills and chinos. -Straight skirts in bright heavy . weight cotton fabrics are also popular. For all skirts, belts in plaids and stripes or khaki cotton are prescribed. In the shirtdress department, pastels and stripes have the edge. Dark colors and no-wrinkle fab - ries. are particularly practical for .. coeds who want the "bandbox ' Tan Sneaker Appeals Casual footwear for .spring is ' paced , by the _ popular sneaker. Penn_ Statd coeds are generally .partial to • white, grey and navy. The strong push for tan gives that " color_ possibilities in this depart ment, No coed wants to look like every other - coed, but most of them end up doing just that. How to avoid being stereotyped? It is simple. Coeds who adapt the gen era, fashion trends to suit their own individuality earn the A's in appearance. Fashion-plates. are always the ' smart gals who freshen up the basic tenents with a few striking ideas. Shoes Stress Tapered Line There's - a pbint to shoes this spring. • The slender foot will be empha sized by a pointed toe and a low cut. Many of the new high heeled shoes are tapered to a pointed toe, adding a little length to the shoe. • Slenderness is also the latest in high heels where the thin tapered . line carries out. the pointed look. It adds to the feminine and deli cate appearance of shoes. Butkles seem to be the fav orite ornament on the high heel ed pump. Large, small, gaudy and sadtied buckles are gracing the toes of all different fashions in shoes. Patcnt leather is again a spring winner, with the new pebbled , patent leather gaining fame. Lea - ther gaining fame. Leather in all colors is, as usual, 10 sulan. FASHION SECTION STAFF: Becky Zahnt,.Pat Hunter, - Evie Onsa, Sue Conk/in, Carole 'son, Mickie Cohen, Anne Fried berg, Join Bransdorf. ' THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Fluffs, Flowers and Frills Adorn 'Milady's' Chapeau When "Milady" places her black velvet hat back on the shelf until next winter, she should reappnr (according to French designers) with a more feminine chapeau of fluff and flowers. Memories of the "Gibson-Girri wardrobe," according to the era are recalled by the enormous i Parisian experts, as are polka broad-brimmed hats piled high d o t s which may be seen cover with massive bouquets of roses ing, peeping from under or and poppies. In this same "shades- . of-the-thirties" vogue are the rip- draping gracefully from many Pie-brimmed skimmers with long spring bonnets. streamers down - the back. Bothl In accord with the "one color, styles are intended to create a. from head to toe" fashion, hats, new "Sentimental Lady" effect. I should match the entire outfit,' In keeping with the "Chanel look" in suits and accessories, )but if contrasts are . desired, the new close-cupped hats, !splashes of shocking pink, bold carefully fitted in either felt or Ired, pale blue or apricot are rec straw, are most stylish. ommended for the chic look in A new version of last year's se-1, 4 vere clothes stresses "prettiness"inaLs rather than "tailoredness." Softl Coiffures too will lose last straws folded in deep exaggerated! year's 'little boy look - add will dips with either one side elon-I take on fluffy feminine lines. gated or the back trim resembling! For the sleek-top look, hair will a sou'wester are also being shown. be worn flat on top and turned Bold silk surah prints. lacey up around the sides and across straw turbans, filmy chiffons the back. Wide headbands of and puffs of white organdy are , silk will be worn about an inch ranked among "musts in every • behind the hairlines. THE BARDLEY SUIT Exclusively Charles. Shop . - . - _:-.,.aea. very practical $59.95 Come in and live in a world of spring fashion. Youcan buy your lovely spring . coat at 49.95 and a stunning spring dress under it at only 25.00. Of course you'll want a - dressy spring blouse at- 5.95 to go with your suit and top it off with a pert and saucy spring hat at 7.95. Your charge account is invited ... Stop in tomorrow, won't you? P.S. For something special, see our chiffon formaLs from 29.95 Soft, Casual Appearance To Highlight Sportswear The "successful look" in spring sportswear this year will consist of soft, simple apparel, accentuating a casual appear- Fashion-minded women will have their choice of two color combinations for gay sports outfits—either flowered new prints or one color from head to toe with pastels once again playing a prominent role. Dutch Boy skirts that are easy on the hips and lantern-sleeved blouses are making the rounds again this spring. The ever-popular shirtdresses, with frilly yokes and full skirts or sheath-line skirts, will . be in cluded in the wardrobe of women who are practical, but love highly styled clothes at the same time. This season, the blouse that has long been the special possession of all types of women, is arriving in hundreds of variations, but is still as vital as ever to the well rounded wardrobe. Some are striped or printed, other splashed with flowers, ruffled with lace or' tailored like a man's shirt. Slim pants and Jamaica shorts to switch between blazers ands classic jackets, knit shirts and sweaters to share three skirts— perhaps one pleated sharkskind another of tan whipcord, and they third, butter-yellow flannel, will' combine to form a totally con-I , -•- . , . - ' '" "' ' 1 ' '''''''''' '',,,' ,i ' -::', , 5 . ,,:r •,, ,) '-`. , ::: ...• ~, .'..". :i.r.. ~ ' ""_-• '`„ - '''l'- - ii'-''''' N om - , : ‘'."....r•;:-••17,71-4;,-„..-,•/;..s...1-,_:•:-.•iz,,,t',9,i,q.•••_,. , .: , '' -,...1.:t*, • `.„ it+Tclie-4,1•:. 4„i14'.0,1;:4::,,,;,....-.1 , ,::-.• :::-23:4-4'11.1,,,,,_...4,,...:5Ne , ..:, - -t5', 4 ,,:::- . ; -, '' ,--,, ,4-5,,1.L'.- , :. , >Mze. f.,- ;:t7 -Z,, - , ..„-,,.,. 7 ,„... ,. .p. „ -... 4„--- - '41;4 , -,--- -, ARN`• ':, - ' ,:=4.14;. V;:4` ... f . \r,, . ~ ted I•'r' ~ ~• '-, : '''. 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A popular combination seen in many fashion magazines is orange flowers mixed with greens and blacks on white. Women who strive for the well collected, simple look will begin planning now for a smart variety of sports clothes, to achieve the easy, unencumbered good looks of natural sports tailoring. •In the 1947 "New Look." the/ Gibson Girl of the early 20th cen tury reappeared with her shirt waist, large sleeve, black ribbon around the'collar and full skirt. '" .: +`L