PAGE SIX Mullen, Vega Out to Retain Eastern Titles Gene Wettstone's gymnastics team, 1957 Eastern Inter-, Leading 20-16 the the half, andipaced by Tom Allshouse's 17 Penn State rolls out the wel-I Four def e n din g champions, ollegiate team champions, turns tomorrow to the ElGL . p o ints, the Birds went on to tak l come mat for and one other the 53rd annuallr 9 u s l. s individual contests, scheduled for Syracuse, N.Y. a 34-28 triumph. d r eren er din u g ps Champion will be The Nittany Lion artists will be out to prove that their The Greensmokersov.n the ,Eastern d ,ea the Eastern Intercollegiate Wrest-enrolled for the tournament. Penn and Schorers, 38-31, behind the sharp-,ling Association championships. State's Sid Nodland,- 123, Johnson, •I 30; Lehigh's 5-0 league record was not a freak, but the result of "depth" shooting of Bob Pivik, 14 points.l and the championship work of * * * and Joe Pekarek, 12 points- The last time the Lions enter-' ;Joe Gratto, .137; and Pitt's Dave juniors Phil Mullen and Armando The Duces Wild, chased and al- tained the EIWA crowd was in of pitts _ l oosinson (no relation to the Lion 1955. The University Vega_ most caught during the second burgh won the team title thatlgrappler), 157, will return to de end the titles they won Last year. Vega will be o uto to defend his half, edged McKee Five, 20-18 .1 year, edging Coach Charley Spei-i f :John Van Vechten was high Second-place finishers from Eastern all-roun n parallel bar scot' del's matmen 51-50 for the honor.; er, accounting for half of- his , lt was Pitt's second straight El.-. last year are Pitt's Bill Hulmmas, titles while Mullen will be de- 1 123: State's John Pepe, 137, team's 20 points. 'WA title. I and Dave Adams, 147; and Syr fending his rope climb champion- 1 The Aces, trying to improve! . . ship. their 1-6 record, fell one p0int,,,,,_,,, ers ran that championship` ;short as they dropped a 22-211 P anthers Mullen may have the tougher title defense in that Army's Paul decision to the Dippers. string to three with another one-`in 1955 as did his teammate, Pitt point decision over the Lions,; Captain Ed Peery, who was upset Dean has hit 3.4 four times. Mul- i John Metz, 18 points. and Rich •2l-20. len, who had a record 3.4 time Lucas, 11 points. led the McKee - , in the 1956 130-pound semi-finals last year, has come close to that Minos to a 33-17 victory over the! If Coach Rex Peery's grape-,by Springfield's Joe Alissi. Peery clocking only once this year. Hamilton Skins. - lers capture the crown this year,;is also a two-time National cham- In the Cadet meet two weeks 1 The McKee Mustangs p u n e d : they will match the record of 'pion at 123. away in the second half to beat!Penn State and Navy with four ; ago, Mullen scrapped the pan _ i the Continentals, 24-18_ Sam M or _ l consecutiee tourney titles_ Cor-16 a • in 3.5. but V . Sr topped by Dean - - ‘ . • timer of McKee was high scorerinell,. Lehigh, and Yale share the Frat ernities with a 3A. \ ;with seven points. t •all-time mark with five straight' Both Dean and Mullen had top . ' , • 1 In fraternity action, Phi Kappa; championships. • • - clocking of 3.9 on the Syracuse 0-- • ;Sigma, led by Bob McMath's, Wrestlers from sixteen mem- :Win In Bowling rope this year. Mullen accounts ... -","' • - 'eight points, whipped Alpha! her schools plus Springfield I the slow times of both him and his' • • I !Gamma Rho, 22-13. , College and Colgate will send I Phi Sigma Delta squeezed by I top contender to a slow rope in ~ Delta Tau Delta dumped Tau! representatives. Springfield and 'Phi Gamma Delta, 1893-1830, to Archibald Gymnasium which is . o - a : 'Phi Delta, 31-21, with Bob Pulver'• Colgate wdre invited last year take a 3-1 decision in Tuesday thinner and has no "anchor." ! . ' taking scoring honors with 17. Edi for the first time when the 'night's intramural bowling action. Last night Mullen explained the - 'Browning, of Tau Phi Delta,! tournament was thrown open 1 Alpha Tau Omega downed slow times: !scored 11 to non-members_ This came .Theta Delta Chi, 4-0, behind the Phil Mulleni "On the first climb in the Syra- Tau Kappa Epsilon triumphed about when officials lifted a re- !491 three game totals of both Hasn't reached peak yet cuse meet, I felt good, but I over Acacia, 21-14, after holding! striction that forced a school to andlTony Dorrell and Lou Gomlick. rrissed the pan. Since I had to:mates Gil Leu Dion Weissendta 10-4 halftime advantage. TKE's l send a full team. Sigma Alpha Nu took a 3-1 ver win to add to the team score, Ilby name. ;Paul Johnson led scoring with. Heading the list of entrants will, dict. from Phi Delta Theta, while had to pull cautiously and make l With IN:eissend being the 1956 eight points. ,be defending champion Pitts-!Phi Deles Paul Trimmer took sure I hit the pan the second time. Eastern runnerup in the all- 1 burgh, beaten by the Nittanies „, both the one and three game "But we'll all be out for in- ro u n d an d L eu an outstanding ; Utah, Bradley Get last week 14-11 for the first time thigh scores with" 177 and 482_ dividual efforts Saturday and performer this year Vega willin 27 dual meets: Penn State, who! Theta Xi defeated Tau Kappa not just team points. All I la-le not need to worry how diffi- . ,last won the crown in 1953; twice-. Epsilon, 3-1, and Alpha Zeta if I miss is my own medal and I cult a routine his chief oppon- NIT Cage Bids beaten Lehigh; powerful Cornell;lwhipped Tau Phi Delta, 4-0. 1 you can beet won't be cautious i eats will use in the tournament. i NEW YORK, March 6 —Utah surprising Navy; and Brown, the Kappa Delta Rho, paced by Joe ori either climb." i On the team honors Vega said, and Bradley. a pair of powerful.l9s7 sin League winner. Burn's 201, and Blaine Barron's I Other stiff competition will 532, downed Delta Upsilon,4 0 - - Dean and Mullen are far ahead Easterns is a good meet to; conference runnersup and favo-' of the Eastern field on the 20-foot decide who has the real power. rites of Madison Square Garden, Gala Opening Tonight - International Theatre Mo. of hemp but Senior Dick RehmlWe didn't really find out in the,fans, were picked today to corn-, has a good chance to take down'Army win (49 1 . 1 2-46 1 :2), but the,plete the field for the 20th Na-1 ....... - - ii , , a third. Reiim tied Mullen in theiEasterns will tell, even though tional Invitation Basketball Tour-' Syracuse dual-meet with his 3.91 there is no team title for the meet l narnent. 4. if C climb. ;itself." I The 12-team tournament will! Ili youzeo ithe i 141414110 0 10141 0 / His competition will come from :begin Saturday, March 16 and endl , , Cadet Bo') Deegan who scaled the Vessels Quits Football ; March 23. The seedings and draw: ,• Roc Hall length in 3.8 and Mid-; MIAMI, Fla., March 6 i,-P) —, hate not yet been made. h e r il coviii " . 01 shipman Doby. .Halfback Billy Vessels of the! Penn State's 1957 football cap- . Olympian Vega will have ajßaltimore Colts is quitting pro- fain, Joe Sabol. played on the line - much simpler time defending hisJessional football to go to work and in the backfield both as title against the East's best—team- for a Miami construction firm. ;schoolboy and collegian. d 'Oa r )14'011. Zg r i r . V. iii +itkella To see.lier I cgo on a* lipid ay r , . . Two 'Shrimps' on AP All-America NEW YORK. March 6 dist's Southwest Conference chain- Three big guys an d two "shrimps - were named today to the 1957 Associated Press collegiate basketball All- America. The big boys are Wilt (The. Stilt) Chamberlain, 7-foot sopho more sensation at K-nsas in the Big Seven; Lennie Rosenbiuth, 6-5 star of unbeaten North Caro lina in the Atlantic Coast Con ference, and "Hot Rod" Hundley, 6-4 whiz at West Virginia in the Southern Conference. Little 5-10 Gary Thompson of lowa State in the Big Seven and 5-9 Chet (The Jet) Forte of Columbia in the Ivy League complete the lineup. Nationally known for their colorful exploits on the hard wood, these five were selected for the tenth annual AP All- America in large part on the reconinienas of 272 sports writers and broadcasters throughout the country. Elgin (The Rabbit) Baylor. Se attle sophomore who is heralded on the Pacific Coast as better in some respects than Chamberlain, tops a second team quintet Others on the second team are: Jim Krebs of Southern Metho- WIMMER'S SUNOCO - r E. College I V I 2 block from omll Simmons Jack Wimmer says . . . . this wet weather washes grease out rapidly so don't for get to give your car a lube job soon, especially if after 1000 miles. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA pions: Charley Tyra of Louisville; Grady Wallace, high scoring South Carolina ace, and Frank Howard of Ohio State in the Big Ten. On the third team are Temple's accomplished junior. Guy Rod gers; Detroit's Bill Ebben: Missis sippi State's Jim Ashmore: Indi ana's Archie Dees and California's Larry Friend. FIRST TEAM Wilt Chamberlain, Kansas Len Rosenbluth, North Carolina Chet Forte, Columbia Rod Hundley, West Virginia Ettr'o fiten's ~11n Look and Feel Like a Fashion Expert in a Charcoal-Striped Ivy League Suit Consider this smart-looking, light grey, charcoal-striped suit in your wardrobe. It's soft quality, all wool flannel construction will add pride and presitige to your appearance. Trim lapels . . . luxurious lining . . . and all the "Ivy" features . . . are tailored into this conservatively-styled flannel. Hur's offers this suit in all sizes . . . to aLsure you a per fect fit. .. . . . 45.00 • • Extra Trousers Available 114 E. College Ave • Open Monday evenings till • Geeche Birds Defeat Aiche 'ln Cage Action The Geeche Birds led off Tues day night's intramural bask Aball action by handing the Aiche quin tet its eighth straight loss. Gary Thompson, lowa Stale SECOND TEAM Elgin Baylor- Seattle Charley Tyra, Louisville Jim Krebs, Southern Methodist Grady Wallace. South Carolina Frank Howard, Ohio State THUM TEAM Guy Rodgers, Temple Bill Ebben, Detroit Jim Ashmore, Mississippi State Archie Dees, Indiana Larry Friend. California Honorable mention included: Dave Ricketts. Duquesne, and Don Hermon. Pitt. EIWA Tournament Returns to Rey Hall Tournament wrestling re-, come from Rutgers, Syracuse, turns to Recreation Hall next:Harvard, Army, Princeton, Yale, Temple, Franklin and Marshall, Friday and Saturday wheniColombia, and Penn. e - 6 EXECUTIVE. WANTED Are you a dreamer with his feet on the ground? • Do you think "top echelon"? • Do you win and hold friends easily? • If you do and you qualify for our manage. went training program . . . WE'LL OFFER YOU FAR-REACHING EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNITIES in food manufacturing anti processing Our representative will visit your campus March 8 Make as appointment at your placement office now for an interview with him. The third largest toad dis tributor located in 21 states throughout midwest and south. THURSDAY. MARCH 7. 1957 (NO EXPEUENCE NECESSARY) Ask to see our booklet: "Management Training Opportunities" ger MFG. DIVISION