The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 06, 1957, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT 5 Retirements, 3 Leaves, 3 Resignations Granted Five retirements, three resignations and three leaves of absence have been announced. Of the five retiring faculty members, four have had more than 35 years of service. Dr. Stuart W. Frost, professor of economic entomology, Dr. Frederick G. Merkle, professor of soil technology, and Dr. William F. Hall, professor of agricultural education, will retire July 1 with emeritus rank. J. Stanley Cobb, associate pro fessor of agronomy, will also re tire July 1, and Ira L. Yoder, county agricultural agent in Sny der county, will retire April 1. Joined Staff in 1918 Dr. Frost, a graduate of Cornell University, where he also re ceived his doctor of philosophy degree, joined the University fac ulty in 1918. Dr. Merkle joined the faculty in 1919. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts, he received his doctor of philoso phy degree from Cornell. Dr. Hall received his bachelor and master of science degrees from the University, joining the staff in 1920. He received his doc tor of philosophy degree from Cornell. Cobb, another graduate of Cor nell, received his master of sci ence degree from the University of Massachusetts. Graduate of University Yoder is a University graduate and has served on the extension staff since 1928, first in Dauphin county and Crawford county, and since 1929 in Snyder County. The three resignations include those of Ruth A. Bowman, exten- CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BE IN BT tneo a.s. THE PRECEDING DAT SATES--17 words or less: ItOJA On* insertion MTh Two insertions $l.OO Three insertions Additional words ll for .05 for dock' day of tomertioa. FOR SALE 15G3 CHEVROLET ^_-door. excellent con- 45,000 original miles. See in park ing lot back of service buildings. HO 64142 19:41 CHEVROLET Convertible. Yellow with black top recently reconditioned motor. Call Phil Steel Al) 7-4721. • b 4 PLYMOUTH 2-door. black and white. Excellent condition Call AD 74L29 after p.m.. ask for Eldred. FOR REM THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Avail able immediately. Four blacks from cam pus. Can AD 84344. ONE DOUBLE room available at 207 E. Park Ate. Call Al) F-6042 or inquire be tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. TO SHARE room with male student—two blocks north of campus. Norwood Hark ness AD 7-2174. CRAY HARRIS Tweed topcoat mistakenly taken from Delta Sigma Phi Saturday alight. Reward if returned. Call Ron Kolb at AD 7.4151. PERSON WHO accidentally picked up long topcoat on Friday night at Paradise Cafe "'Wimp call AD 7-4614 ask for Don. Sadly mimed by owner. ONE WHITE laundry bag on Sat. March 2 outside. of 1213 S. Frazier St. Call John AD 84142. A COLLEGE RlNG—blue stone. University . _ of Scranton. initials H.J.W.: left in basement lavatory of library on Feb. 2. Write to Harold Weiss, Box 212, New Bloomfield, Pa. Reward. ONE MANS gold wedding band in vieinilY of Glenland pool: inscription Feb. 1. 1956. Call AD :4982. FOUND SMALL LADIES' wristwatch found near Temporary Building parking lot. Make ■ot distinguishable. Owner call AD 74848 .after 5:30 p.m. - WANTED SAX. TRLIMPET. Clarinet players needed for Thespian Show, Curs and Dolls. March 29 - April 6: Contact Ken Todd AD 7-4967. TO BUY for easb--good used foreign model ear. State model and year; send inquiries to Box S 7. Jersey Shore. Pa. WORK WANTED MUSIC FOR Dancing. aevcn-piece dance band. Cali Ed logic. ext. INC EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires trsk- inir of theses. reports. term Papers. etc. Fast, reasonable service. Flione AD E-6943. MISCELLANEOUS FOR FROMM and expert radio and ohm°. crap* *lrene ohm; ST State College T . V .1:31 South Allen Street. Is YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? It ao ail AD 7449: or bring macbitne ie 4U W. Collets Awe. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PE sion home economist in Arm strong County, effective March 31; Sachindranarayan Bhaduri, asso ciate in engineering research, ef fective Feb. 28; and Rustam B. Chinoy, also an associate in engia neering research, effective March 15. Three leaves of absences have been approved. To Work on Book Theodore J. Gates, professor and head of the Department of English Composition, has been granted a leave from July 1 to Dec. 31 and will work on a text book in English composition. Dr. James J. Reid, professor ofl bacteriology, granted a leave from 1 July 1 to Dec. 31, will visit other colleges and universities to study bacteriology laboratories. Franklin R. Cook, professor of 'business law, while on leave from Sept. 1 to Jan. 31, will work on a, text he is writing in the public! utilities field. WHAT IS THE NOISE IN A SOWUNG ALLEYI IRVING PETERSON. pin Din N.Y. STATE COLL. ►OR TEACHERS WHAT IS AN ANTEROOM IN AN ENGLISH POKE STATIONS J[PET lICHLti. Bobby Lobby INORTN 77.XAS STATE COLL MOM WHOM DO SAIIORS GET MARCUM Harbor Barb" CARL UMW PL CLARK IJNIVIRSITV WHAT IS A PAL! ItOMlOll 0014 lIARTIr. O. o► SOUThEnt CAL. Luckies Taste Better "IT'S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER : : CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER! *A. T. Co. FRODUCT OF Se a. a .,m,,U.A. AMERICA'S LEADING MANUFACTURER 07 CIGARETTES Employment Interviews The following firms will con duct interviews for June and August graduates in the Place ment Service Office in 112 Old Main. March 19: Du Pont: BS & MS: Math, HotelAd, Journ, Acctg, Fin, Mktg. See Set T & T; Jra in Math for summer employment. Elliott Co: EE, ME, ChE. /E. MS: ME. ChE. General Electric: BS & MS: EE. ME. ChE, IE, Met, Phys, Math, AeroE. Eng Sci, Chern: Also Jra & Sns in above fields for summer employment Socony Mobil: BS: Pnge, for operations. 'March 20: Do Pont Armstrong Cork Arena, Steel: BS: ChE, EE, ME, EE, EngSei, lE, ME. LA. Corning Glass: BS & MS: Acetg, Bus Ad. Bakelite: BS & MS: ChE, Chem, CE, EH, Eng Set, lE. ME. Metropolitan Life Insurance: BS: Moon, Math. BuaMgmt, I&RE, lE. Reynolds Metals: BS: ChE, CE, EE, ME, Met, lE, Chem, BusAd, LA (Sales Only) March 211 Du Pont The following camps will inter view at the Student Employment Service, 112 Old Main: Match P: Camp Owaiasa on Lake Naomi, Penna.; Camp Kittatinny, Penna. Pollock Council to Meet The Pollock Council will meet at 6:30 tonight in Room 4 of Nit tany 20. The council will discuss a spring dance and ways of improving the condition of the dormitory's trash and mud problem. N. I, WHAT 15 A TAIL SONY NORTHERNER; ate °).% Os. rrquic 01.1v111. Lanky Yankee U. or TAMPA WHAT WOULD A SOUTH SEA ISLANDER USE TO WASH WINDOWS, OAVID MOM. lOWA STATE MUGS CIGARETTES Wan Don NSYLVANIA NSA Question— (Continued from page two) vice has net been able to work effectively at the University be cause it has not been recognized by student groups. NSA, Miss Hill stated, has nev er been an actual working body —it has always been either on the way in or on the way out. Richards cited the "active part" played by NSA in screening the Hungarian refugee students and placing them in schools. Names of schools with com munity living plans were sent to AIM by the information service, Howes said. However, he went on, in other situations AIM con tacted the National Independent Students Association for material rather than NSA. IFCPA Action-- (Continued from page one) ernities entered. The award was won by Phi Gamma Delta frat ernity. Alpha Zeta will conduct a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 9 and 10 in the HUB. A trophy will be presented to the fraternity or men's group that has the highest percentage of mem bers as donors. Last year, the drive was sponsored by Phi Delta [ Theta and the trophy was pre sented to Alpha Zeta. The council will hold a special meeting Monday night to vote on the IFCPA constitution and on proposed changes to the IFC Rushing Code. IN POKER, WHAT IS A SHY MYR BLANCH, CHRISTOPHER. DOMINICAN COLLIGI 11 Spare MESSAGE to Botany majors: today's lesson is easy. No spore lore, plant cant or stalk talk. Just the fact that Luckies' fine tobacco is A-1 Puff Stuff! This information won't help you graduate, but it'll cue you to the best smoking you ever had. You see, fine tobacco means better taste. A Lucky is all fine tobacco . . . nothing but mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. Why settle for less? You'll say a Lucky is the best-tasting cigarette ou ever smoked! - STUDENTS ! MAKE $25 ri : lir Do you like to shirk work? Here's some easy money ,§) —start Stickling! We'll pay $25 for every Stickler * 4 AI we print—and for hundreds more that never get used. Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers: Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don't do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. W=M=l WEDNESDAY. MARCH 6. 1957 Gas Well Blows in $lOO,OOO Fire South of Indiana INDIANA, Pa., March 5 (JP) Fire today caused an estimated $lOO,OOO damage to a natural gas well being- drilled about nine miles southwest of Indiana. The Simpson Drilling Co. was drilling the well for the Manu facturers Light & Heat Co. of Pittsburgh and the Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co. of Indiana. Simpson officials said the drill ing rig, pipe and other equipment were destroyed. Whether drilling operations will continue will be determined later. A spark on the drilling platform apparently set off the escaping gas, Simpson officials said. They said the well was down to a depth of 3,000 feet. - The striking of gas from "Shal low sands" was unexpected, they said, since plans called for drill ing to at least a depth of 7,000 feet. The blaze was extinguished by Simpson workers and firemen from Indiana, Saltsburg and El derton. Group to Hear Soc Prof Dr. Jessie R. Bernard, profes sor of sociology, will address a dinner meeting of the Centre County chapter of the Reserve Officers Association at 5:30 p.m. today in the Hetzel Union Build ing. rs! Scanty Ante