PAGE EIGHT Nittany Freshman (Continued front pag.s. one) the opposite end of the dorm away from him. The counselor told the AIM board that no cigarette was in evidence when the student, at his request, entered his room. The student, however, replied that he Threw the cig Tette away before entering the building. While the two were in the counselor's room, another firecracker was exploded. The board's extensive examina tion included inspection of "ex hibit A," the firecracker with a specially-made long fuse attached. The student will appear before the University Senate Subcom mittee on Discipline to appeal his case. First Beer Case In its first case, the AIM group recommended judicial probation and a letter to the parents of two freshmen who brought beer into Irving Hall from a down to .fin tavern. The students, both 18 years old, reported that another student, who was over 21 years of age, bought the beer after the trio at tended a downtown movie. They said the third person whom they would not identify did not know they were going to take the beer into the dorm. The counselor, who caught the students after the beer was con sumed, said it was the first time the students were involved in any trouble. The judicial board said WHAT DOES A KNIGHT USE TO PING HOME THE ISACONI Dragon Wagon WHAT IS AN• ANGRY EMPLOYER, =UM= 13:1==33 Luckies Taste "IT'S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER . . . CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER ! CA. T. Co. PRODUCT OF CZatiLitiGr :MS GIACCACM7.7 AMERICA'S LEADING MANUFACTURER OT CIGARETTES testimony of the counselor was a deciding factor in its decision 2 Violate Drinking Code Two other freshmen received a recommendation for judicial pro bation for violating the frosh drinking code at a joint party of Sigma Alpha Mu and Kappa Sig ma fraternities. They were caught by IFC checkers. The two fraternities were placed on five weeks social probation and rushing privileges of the stu dents were suspended for a year by action of the IFC Board of Control. Both students signed names at the door before entering the party but one of the students was not stamped. They said they drank soda first but then took some beer. The judicial board said the IFC decision was not considered in making its decision. Professor Will Discuss Wildlife and Weather Dr. W. M. Sharp, professor of wildlife management, will speak . to the American Meteorological.Lalltern to Accept Articles Society at 7 tonight on the rela- 1 Contributions for the spring is tion between wildlife and wea- I ,sue of Lantern, University literary ther. magazine, may now be submitted I The meeting will be held in l ,at the Hetzel Union desk. 220 Mineral Industries. The pub-I Both fiction and non-fiction ar 'lie may attend and refreshments; ticles will be considered for pub .will be served. 'lication. STUCK FOR MONEY? /to/ SEND IT IN AND WHAT ARE WISE mews umniGse ee 640•• ;4, jztt =NMI WHAT 1$ A COWARDLY BIRDt Crou BOSJ I=l THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PE Sages' Wages CII:H. at Rana, Petitions Available lAt Hetzel Union For TIM Election Petitions are still being accept ed for town independent men in terested in serving on the TEVI Council. The petitions may be obtained at the Hetzel Union desk and must bear the signatures of at least 20 independents living down town. The filled petitions must be turned in at the Hetzel Union desk no later than 5 p.m. Tuesday Elections will be held Wednes day at the HUB and Thursday in front of the Corner Room. The polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Town independent men will be allowed to vote for any five of the candidates on the ballot with the 19 men receiving the most votes gaining seats on the TIM Council. The one candidate receiving more votes than any other will win a seat on the Association of Independent Men Board of Gov ernors as well. DO A DO YOU like to shirk work? Here's some easy money—start Stickling! We'll pay $25 for every Stickler we print—and for hundreds that never get used. Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words have the same number of syllables. (Don't do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe- Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. And remember you're bound to Stickle better when you're enjoying a Lucky, because Luckies taste better. Luckies' mild, good-tasting to bacco is TOASTED to taste even better. Fact is, you'll say Luckies are the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! WHAT IS AN AGILE INSECT! 0-X4el4`4 OW' It p i e .. 4 -, • %. ~,, -4--* - ,X - s: T-' - ',.. ....., :4 - ...., ~...t. fo lk 4; 1.(! 4 • c-.4-''—zsi: . :.::•:::-,..":4 4 :z 4. =rain 13:1111I Better NSYLVANIA Ike Wants-- (Continued from page one) The President held a conference with congressional leaders this morning on the grave Mideast situation. After that meeting re ports spread that he was consid ering some kind of "moral sanc tions" against Israel, though their nature was not defined. He said it was "the general feeling" at his meeting with the congressional leaders that the whole problem should be laid be fore the American people. Eisenhower said in his talk to night that the UN "has made considerable progress" in trying to solve Middle East problems. But he said Israel's refusal to obey UN resolutions calling for withdrawal poses "a fateful mo ment." Boron Research Grant Awarded by Air Force The Air Research and Develop ment Command of the Air Force has awarded the University a grant of $17,756 to support re search on the .hemistry of boron compounds. The research is being. conducted by Dr. Thomas Wartik, associate professor of chemistry, who has held Air Force contracts for this basic work since 1952. Nycum Given Air Post I Charles Nycum, junior in ani mal husbandry from Johnstown, Chas been nominated Area C corn !mender of the Arnold Air Society. Spry Fly CIGARETTES :=M=l THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1957 Agency Supervisor To Speak Sunday On Ad Creativity Otto W. Prochazka, vice presi dent and creative supervisor of Benton and Bowles Inc., New York advertising agency, will speak at 3 p.m. Sunday in 212 Hetzel Union on "Creativity in Advertising." His talk, arranged as a part of the observance of Advertising Week by Alpha Delta Sigma, pro fessional advertising fraternity, will be open to the public. Prochazka, whc; served from 1941 to 1943 on the journalism faculty at the University, was born in New York and was grad uated from Middlebury College. His experience has included positions as copy editor on the New York Herald Tribune, as sisfant editor of Advertising and Selling magazine and editor of Advertising Age. Prior to accepting his present position, he held positions with Anderson and Cairns Inc., J. D. Tarcher Inc. and Ruthrauff and Ryan - Inc., all advertising agen cies. CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 cm THE PRECEDING DAY RAYCS—I7 words or less: • $0.50 One Insertion 30.75 Two insertions 31.00 Three, Insertions Additional words 3 for .95 for early • do, of insertion. FOR SALE EDMUNDS DUAL-GARB manifold and linkage. Ford and Marc. '49 to '62—s2o. Call Jim AD 8-9035. 1958 FORD Fairlane V-8 4-door Fordomatic, power steering. white sidewalls, 12000 miles. Must sell. Can be financed. May be seen at McClellan Chevrolet 1948 CHEVROLET. 64,000 miles, recently overhauled and inspected, heater—sl4o. Call Max Al) 8-8441. Atomic Reactor. FOR RENT ONE LARGE single comfortable quiet room. Immediate occupation at 340 E. Pros. pect. Call AD 7-7852. DOUBLE—SINGLE room with or without board: 3 students. Two blocks from campus. 243 S. Pugh St. ROOMS FOR RENT WANTED—MALE student to share room two blocks from campus. Norwood Hark. nem AD 7.2174. 948 E. COLLEGE--across from Atherton dorms. Call Campania Shoe Repair. AD 8-8172. WILL PERSON who took wrong Alligator raincoat Sat. at Alpha Sigma Phi. Please contact Al AD 7-4951. I have yours. WILL THE person who found K&E Slide. rule on second floor Whitmore Lab please return to owner at ext. 272. J. Bready. SHAEFFER SNORKEL Pen between EE and Infirmary on Tuesday. Finder please call AD 7-2586 ask for Rusa. TAN CHECKED seat-cushion at West Vir ginia basketball game. Person having it call ext. 2163 or AD 7.9235. BROWN NOTEBOOK 316 Watts (past address) on cover. Contained thirty 8 cent stamps, valuable notes. Phone Ted Abusamra, AD 7-3044, 117 E. Nittany. SMALL ARROW-SHAPED Pi Phi pin with pearls and rubies. Inscribed J. Hart• ley on back. Call Jean, 403 McElwain. PAIR OF yellow gold earrings, heart shaped set with tiny stones. Finder please con tact Becky Zahm at ext. 894 or ext. 643. WANTED CAMP COUNSELORS—Men. Long estab. lished Penna. camp. Experienced golf. tennis, -basketball. dramatic. Excellent op portunities. W. Kaplan, 1909 Spruce St.. Phila. 3, Pa. CAMP COUNSELORS—Women. Outstand ing Penna. co-ed camp. Experience only. Sports, pioneering, dramatics. Excellent facilities. Good salaries. Camp Saginaw, 1909 Spruce St., Phila. S. Pa. HELP WANTED MARIIIED COUPLE to assist in manage ment of boarding and rooming club in exchange for room. Call AD 8-6774 during office hours. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires typ ing of theses, reports, etc. Fast, reliable service. Dial AD 8-6943. MISCELLANEOUS DANCING EVERY Friday and Saturday. Friday 9:30 - 12:30; Saturday 9-1. Club 33, Bellefonte. CAMP RONDACK interviewing for women counsellors Sat. Feb. 23. Interested Mu dents apply Student Employment Service, Room 112 Old Main. Positions available in all fields. FOR FROMM and expert radio and phono. graph service stop at State College T.V. 232 South Allen Street. IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If so, call AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. THE EMBASSY BOYS—sociaLs, fraternity parties. jam sessions. Special rates to agriculture fraternities March let and 2nd. Contact Fred Kohn, Nittany 44, ext. 279. THE DEBONAIRES—music designed with dancing in mind, now accepting booking for dances 'and Jam sessions. Reasonable rates. Call • Buss Mollies. ext. 791.