The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 19, 1957, Image 9

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Penn State’s
ieers that thr
it be a circu:
The surpris:
;mal showing ;
'eat, 80-65, be 1
—Daily Collegian Photo by George Harrison
NOW CALM DOWN, HOT ROD! Referee Mike Jacobs succeeds
in calming Wesi'Virginia's Hoi Rod Hundley after a minor dispute,
over a referee's calL The Hot Rod seems to be disappointed with
the turn of events—wonder why?
Ramsay is caught in the middle
by West Virginia's two stand
outs, Rod Hundley (33) and
Lloyd Sharrer (b ’hind Ramsay)
during the exciting Nittany win
Lion Sieve
help Ramsay
Saturday might.
Baidy moves in 1
if possible.
E * .College
A block from
|fA— W Simmons
Calcium Chit ride on the
streets and roat s is injurious
to paint and chiome.
... So durii g this snowy
period we will jxperily scrub
the exterior of your car for
Phone AD 8-6143
ers Humiliate
nties', 80-65
sketball team proved to Hot Rod Hundley and the West Virginia Moun
sn’t room enough for both a clown and a Lion under the same roof, whe
top or a basketball arena, Saturday night at Recreation Hall.
Lion cagers, in no mood for clowning- antics of any sort- following a;
mn the night before, handed the highly-touted Mounties a humiliating)
approximately 6000 fans in one of the major cage upsets of the year.)
•¥■ ★ ★ ★ Hundley, the clown prince of
the modern court era, had no op
portunity to display his famed
court antics before the partial Nit-j
tany crowd as the Lions simply)
refused to bow before the awe-]
some West Virginia ability and
record—the loss was the Mounties!
first in their last 12 games, an)
almost complete reversal of an
earlier West Virginia-Penn State
Italian Spaghetti and Meat Balls
La Galleria
Fresh Sea Food
Fried Oysters Fantail Shrimp
Lobster Tail Steamed Clams
Steaks Chops Italian Foods
and your favorite beverage from our bar
233 E. Beaver AD 8-6765
Whai made ihe win even ,
more surprising was that the
Lions had returned to Univer
sity Park only five hours before
gametime following a 77-68 loss
to Penn. But they were surpris- ■
ingly ready, very willing, and ,
most certainly able Saturday i
night to turn in their best per- \
formance of the year. [
“Those kids played the best;
game I’ve ever seen them play," l
Coach John Egli said after the!
game. “You could tell that nobody |
was going to beat them.”
The Lions played their type of|
game Saturday night, waiting for)
the good shot instead of running;
with the Mountaineers as they did!
at Morgantown ear'ier this year.!
“We waited for the good shot . . .1
didn’t take a foolish shot in the' ;
second half," Eg 1 ' said. j
The Lions shot an amazing 6L
per cent in the second half, hit-;
ting for a creditable 47 per cent'
average over-all. 1
It was that second-half drive!
that proved the difference. Trail
ing, 34-29, at halftime, the cagers!
brought the home fans to their!
feet as they took a 35-34 lead:
in the first minute and 45 seconds'
of play in the period.
The Mouniies bounced back
to lake a 40-38 lead before two
fouls by Ron Rainey and a bas
ket by Steve Baidy gave the
Lions a Iwo-point advantage
with 16 minutes left. Once in
motion, the Lion offense never
Bob Edwards, who scored 27
points for the highest individual
Nittany performance of the year,
began to hit with amazing con
sistency from the pivot to boost
the Lion lead, 58-45.
At this point, Coach Fred
Schaus was forced to revert to a
full-court press, a press which
completely befuddled the Lions at
Penn. But the strategy never
fazed the hot-handed cagers.
Rainey and Edwards found the
man-to-man defense to their lik
ing and began scoring consistent
ly. Meanwhile, the Mountaineers
fell apart—the game was lost.
In winning, the Lions kept
Hundley in check. Although he
led the Mountie scorers with 23
points, he was not the fabulous
Hundley everyone raved so much
about. He couldn’t be —he never
had the chance to show the abil
(Continued on page ten)
Saxton Will Attempt
To Outbox Basilio
CLEVELAND, Feb. 18 (/P) —It may not please the fight
crowd, but Johnny Saxton is going to attempt to outbox
welterweight champion Carmen Basilio in their 15-round
title fight here Friday night.
“I have to box to win,” Saxton said here today. “! chn’t
think about the fans this time.” * * ir
He was referring to the Sep
tember battle with Syracuse,
when he attempted to outslug
Basilio and was knocked out in
the ninth round.
Speaking of their first meeting
in Chicago, when he outpointed
the champion in a much disputed
decision. Saxton said, “I don’t like
to hear the fans boo as they did
in Chicago when I outboxed him
but I can’t think about the fans
this time. I have to think about
Johnny Saxton and keep those
pay checks rolling in.”
Saxton is reported in top form
He hopes to outspeed Basilio and
outpunch him, not so much in the
power of his blows but in the
number he can deliver.
Basilio. on the other hand, says
he’s ready to take on Saxton re
gardless of which style he uses.
As for Saxton's speed, the cham
pion figures a few well aimed
body blows will take some of the
steam out of. the lightning fast' DOVtOII, Ci/ICV
challenger. > • 7 •
Basilio, who keeps moving in' Accept NIT Bids
and likes the rough house kind of i NTrw vork svh ir,p, The
fight, is the odds on favorite to TT NEW . Eeb - i: -' pl T Tbe
retain the title. University of Dayton Fivers, beat
en finalists m four of the last
b » e / lt e a^t: / I b ?,,? n adl< ? f‘ ve National Invitation Basket
ana television (NBC) with a local oa!1 Tournaments, and the Uni
television blackout. Iversity of Cincinnati, today ac
. ~ ~ ~ jcepted bids to ‘he 1957 NIT start-
Neiger Coaching Pitt ing at Madison Square Garden
Gene Wettstone, Penn State'March 16.
and Olympic gymnastics coach., The NIT now has four teams
regards Pitt as the most improved in the fold for the 12-team field,
team in the East. The Panthers, a’Seattle University and Memphis
‘comparative newcomer to thejState previously accepted invita
sport, are coached by Warren: tions.
Neiger, native Philadelphian and
former Penn State gymnast.
It is a little known fact that
Van Heusen, in addition to
its regular merchandise, also
makes a grand line of invisible
shirts. Alas, they have never
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lose them easily. Laundries are
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are not just walked over, they're
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So, we’re stuck with thou
sands of them, and we’ve just
decided to give them away. To
you! Just write Van Heusen.
We will send you free a com
plete wardrobe of invisible
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Not us. We’ll send you hun -
For The Best in Sport or Dress Shirts
Dayton has a 15-7 record with
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As for visible shirts and
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We have most of the new styles
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tain styles last a long, long
time. Your local haberdasher
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selection. See him soon.
Phillips-Jones Corp., 417
Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y.