The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 19, 1957, Image 5
TUESDAY. FEBRUAI Y 19. 1957 New Arrivals 17 Puj Withi Newly-elected officers of Pi; Lambda Phi are David Lenzner, rex; Robert Farber, archon; Sid ney Schreiber, keeper of the ex chequer; Surasak Phaunaphakdi, By CABOLE GIBSON • scribe; and Bernard Resnick, mar ;ity sheep barn is abounding with new life. But not all the offspring are' sh^‘ w p ] e dges of Pi Lambda Phi •ge litters of Border Collie puppies were born there in the past Richard Hunter, Calvin j Deitch, Joseph Grosskettler and Richard Price. Initiates are Ro bert Farber, Joseph Lev, Surasak Phaunaphakdi and Donald Schrie ber. The Univer: lambs, for two la months. One of thi born Feb. 1, ct« litters, bom Dec. 24, contains nine puppies, while the-other litter, tains eight, making a total of 17 puppies ies belong to r, superinten are used by The Border Col] Carroll S. Shaffnc dent of sheep, am him in. his work. Collies, were use; hams; briefly aboul for a period of a f a. former superintei but he- took, the c when he accepted tion;, No. dogs have the: sheep barns fi until. Shaffner, can versity three years [ at the sheep -10 years ago :w months by dent of sheep, ogs with him another posi been used at om that time e to the Uni ago. Owns- Seven Collies Shaffner - usuallj keeps, about three: of his collies at the Uni versity-barns.' However; he breeds his dogs- to • sell at d owns seven collies.. He keeps t vo of his dogs on his farm- near Oak Hall and the others are farmed out in Ohio and. Pennsylvania. The Shaffner. Border Collies are guaranteed to be good herd ers, and’ any puppy ( that Shaffner sells will be replaced by another dog if he can not be trained to work. The Shaffner strain fs especial ly known for the dogs' gentle dis positions, and usually sells for a price- somewhere between-$35-and $5O. The color markings of the collies are the-determining factor in the price asked for each dog. Originated' in Scotland All Shaffner’s dogs are black and-white,,the most popular color combination for Border Collies in the- United l States; Shaffner has been breeding Bor der Collies for over 20 years and first became interested in them when He saw one herding sheep at a dog trial while he was still' living: on. his father’s farm in Ok lahoma. He. explained that the’ dogs originated, in Scotland! and that he started the Carroll Shaffner strain, of Border Collies by buy ing his-dogs there. Offers Training Instruction Shaffner trains the- dogs he keeps to herd animals, and. offers training instruction with all. the puppies He sells. He said that Bor der Collies could' be trained to herd all types of livestock, and that he had- sold-' dogs for use on poultry; turkey and cattle farms. Shaffner said that the instinct of" herding sheep- was bred, into the dogs,'and that the hisses, whis tles, clucks and hand gestures that he uses merely indicate the direction he wants them to take Make* House Pels The dogs- cair. also be taught to cut out: one or more sheep from the rest of the herd. The best time to begin training, the dogs, Shaffner said; is- imme diately- after weaning when, they are about eight, weeks old; A- dog can be trained - in- four months when he is six months old. Shaffner said- that Border Col lies also make fine house pets. However, they are active animals and; are- happiest in. a: home where they have- plenty of opportunity to exercise. NteW' Artillery Insignia The Army has adopted a new artillery insignia symbolizing the modernization of artillery weap ons: Scheduled for use beginning in 1958; the new insignia, displaying the familiar crossed artillery can nons: witha missile inserted: in the center,, will, replace the- present insignia. GAMMA SIGMA MEMBERS MEETING TONIGHT 6:30 IN 3 WHITE HALL Increase 'Papulation' University Sheep Bam A WASH TUB is valuable when, it is filled, with Border Collie puppies.. Each puppy will sell for a price somewhere between S3S and $50.. Three- other puppies were born in the same litter as the six resiled in the lub. The collies are six weeks old. -iiging.. tendent of sheep, herds, the. sheep daily.. HomeEc Students Start Cafeteria’ Food Service Students in hotel and.institution! administration have started, food} service this semester in the Hbme| Economics- cafeteria and’ Maple ! Room. I The cafeteria lunch' hours are : 11:50'a.m. to 12:50'p.m, Monday', through Friday: Dinners are; served' from 5:30. to 6:30' p.m.! Tuesday, Wednesday, and' Thurs- 1 day of each week. • Penn Staters contributed $177,- 654 to the 1956 Alumni Fund. THE DAILY- COLLEGIAN. - STATE " COLLEGE: PENNSYLVANIA' i Pick ; Ywrcetf of the doldrums lake your study breaks at The Nilfany De!L j |We Serve Delicious . . . Hamburgers 25c ; Hatdags ... 20c ' Delicious Kosher ! Corn Beef on Rye 35c ( The Home of Delicious Sandwiches I Nittany Belt 1 Where Atherton and Simmons meet New .nitiates of Delta Sigma (Author of “Barefoot Boy. With Chet It." etc.) DIARY OF A COED MONDAY: Prof Pomfritt spran'g quiz in English lit this morning. If Shakespeare didn't write Canterbury Tales, I’m back in the steam laundry.... Lunch at the house turkey hash. Question: how can we have turkey hash when we never had turkey ?... Smoked, a good, natural Philip Morris after lunch. Yum, yum!... Played bridge in the afternoon. When game wa3 over, Mildred Olliphant stabbed me several times with hatpin. Must learn weak club bid Dinner at house —lamb hash. Question: how can we have lamb hash when we never had lamb ? Smoked a Philip Morris after dinner. Good -0! —no filter, no foolin’!... Chapter meeting at night. Motion made to abolish capital punishment for pledges. Motion defeated Smoked some more Philip Morrises. Natural! Dreamy!... And so to bed. TUESDAY: Faculty tea. Spilled pot of oolong on Dean of Women. She very snappish. Offered her a Philip Morris. Still snappish. Offered skin graft. No help.... Dinner at Kozy Kampus Kafe —l4 hamburgers. But no dessert. Have to watch waistline And. so to bed. WEDNESDAY r Got our marks in English lit quiz. Lucky for me Shakespeare wrote Canterbury Tales! ... Date with Ralph Feldspar. Purely platonic. Ralph wanted to talk about love trouble he’s been having with ?Jady Vanderklung. I said things were bound to improve. Ralph said he hopes so because the last four times he called on Mady she dumped vacuum cleaner- bag on him. Smoked Philip Morris. Yummm! Dinner at house—bread. That’s all; just bread And so to bed. THURSDAY: Three packages from home laundry, cookies, records. So hungry I ate all three.... Quiz in American history. If James K. Polk didn’t invent cotton gin, I’m in big trouble Had afternoon date w’ith Erwin Trull, pre-med. Nice boy but no loot. Took me to see another appendectomy. Ho-hum! But we had Philip Morrises afterwards. Goody, goody, gumdrops l... Din ner at house. Big excitement—Vanessa Strength an nounced her engagement. While girls flocked around to congratulate Vanessa, I ate everybody's mackerel.... Then smoked a good, natural. Philip Morris. Divoon!.... And. so to bed. FRIDAT: Got our marks in American history quiz:. Was dismayed to learn that James K. Polk did not invent cotton gin. He wrote Canterbury Tales. . . . Odd! . . . Lunch at the house bread hash.... Philip Morris after lunch, Grandy-dandy!... Spent afternoon getting-dressed, for date tonight with Norman. Twonkey. Norman is tall, dark,, loaded a perfect doll! Only thing wrong is he never tells girl where he is going to take her. So T put on a bathing suit, on top o£ that an evening gown, and on top of that a snowsuit. Thus 1 was ready for a splash party, dance, or toboggan slide So what do you think happened? He entered me in a steeplechase, that’s what! SATURDAY AND-SUNDAY: Days of rest, play, quiet, meditation, and aaah! —Philip Morris!... And so to bed. Coeda and,of course, eds (oo in your bus;' campus week, a companion ecer-comlant, ever-true, and ecer-umicome is today’s' natural Philip Mania Cigarette, made in regular and long rise by the sponsors- o/ this- column. jPhi are Anthony DiGuglielmo. j Ralph Moore, John Tullar, Nor jman Himmelein, Harry Minich, iEugene Schlegel, Joseph Kester, | and Robert Gemmill. j New initiates of Sigma Pi fra jtemity are John Lado, Lawrence Miller, Dennis Clark, John Kerr, Jack Vogel, Robert Ignatin, Har old Baker, Douglas Epp, Gerald Cornell, Donald McLaughlin, and Ray Albed. • The Penn State Alumni Asso ciation was founded in 1870. (&Max Shulman. 1957 PAGE HVE