PAGE EIGHT Latin-American Educators Enroll in Special Course Twenty-two Latin-American educators are taking a spe cial 10-month course at the University in American educa tional methods. The group, which is made up of school administrators and teachers from Paraguay, Guatemala, Panama and Bo livia, will concentrate their studies in the field of school supervision under the tutelage of the Department of Elementary Education. The program will consist of classroom activities at the Uni versity and observation in many school systems throughout Penn sylvania. The group will attend the annual meeting of the Na tional Association of Supervision and Curriculum in St. Louis in March. Intern Teachers It is hoped that the visiting educators will gain actual teach ing experience in American schools through serving as intern teachers in Pennsylvania schools in the fall. Dr. Charles M. Long, professor and head of the Department of Education, is supervising the pro ject, under the auspices of the Government’s International Co operation Administration. Ed Prof is Co-ordinator Dr. Joseph Alessandro, assis tant professor of education, is act ing as co-ordinator for the pro gram, and Mrs. Frances Nye, of the Lock Haven public school system, is serving as a member of the staff for the 10-month period. Women members of the group are living in Elm Cottage and the CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 e.m- THE PRECEDING OAT SATES—I 7 words or leu: $0.50 On# insertion 00.75 Two Insertions $l.OO Ttir## insertions Additional words S for .05 for each dmy #f insertion. FOR SALE PINK WALTZ-LENGTH formal, size 12; figure skatrfl, size C. Good condition. Reasonable. Call Anne. 247 McElwain. FOB BENT ONE DOUBLE room for men students. IH E. Bdiver Ave. Cal) AD 7-4147. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment, to share with two other jrraduate women students. Opposite HUB. Call AD 7-4411. DOUBLE ROOM. 140 E. College Ave. two men only. Call AD S-9165 ask for Abbe. ONE DOUBLE room and one-half double room including free parking. Call Mrs. Kester. -234 S. Allen St. TIRED OF Hiking? Need quiet? Desirable rooms I 1 ** blocks from campus. Reason able. Comfortable. Inquire 519 W. College. ROOMS FOR RENT s4s E. COLLEGE—across from Atherton dorms. Call Camparis Shoe Repair. AD $-£172. MISTAKEN black Dobbs drees hat. flat top. from Enr Units. Please call Pollock room 21. ext. 272. BROWN TWFED overcoat borrowed? Outside 121 Sparks between 4-5 Wednes day 13 Feb. return to Zip Wilson AD 7-4925. Reward. MAN'S YELLOW gold school ring with onyx set near Athenou. dated 1951. Sentimental value. Phone 227 Atherton. DOST BETWEEN Sparks and Bee Hall— black leather wallet containing important cards. Finder call Jerry Bogus AD S-6602. Reward. PERSON WHO accidentally picked tip brown overcoat outside 104 W«*\er please return; no questions asked. Call Lou AD $-6715. FOUND WATCH Geneva 17 jewel, found in front of Atherton last month. Owner please contact Rena, 22 Simmons. HELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP wanted at Alpha Epsilon PI fraternity. Call Arnold Kravatx or Jerome Abramson AD 7-2941. WANTED SORORITY GIRL who wants D&K Quar tet for their pledge dance on March 23. Please call Kcrl at AD 7-4444. MISCELLANEOUS MOTHER WILL care for other children in own apartment. Hourly or dally. Please call AD 7-7M4. FOR PROMPI and expert radio and phono graph service stop st State College T V 23? South Allen Street IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If eo call AD T-2492 or briny machine to €33 W College Are SADISTIC SIX now taking bookings for Dsncee and Jam Sessions. Contact Larry Aneako AD $-£694 before 9:39 p.m. FOX-TROT LATIN Specialties and modern jazr. The Paul Serrins Quartet. AD S 5179 after A Special afternoon raiem. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA men live in the borough. The vistors from Paraguay are Carolina Acosta, Bienverudo U garte, Donaides Davalos, Juan Riveras Roldan and Luis G. Ben ites; from Guatemala, Angelica Godoy and Oscar De Leon; from Panama, Elodia Valdelamar, Elsa Calvino, Olga Escudero, Beatriz Arosemena, Libroda Sagel, Guil lermina Fernandez, Eliseo Ce deno, Benjamin Vergara Jr., Fil omeno Ceballos, Felix Avila, Ni casio Vargas and Carlos Carrion; and from Bolivia, Franklin Rubin De Celis, Rene Calderon and Ar mando De Castro. War Film to Be Shown A film dealing with the Italian Campaign in World War 11, “The Liberation of Rome,” will be shown at Ip.m. Thursday ini Schwab Auditorium. j The film is one in a series of j World War II films to be shown | in Schwab Auditorium at later j dates. '• I CIGARETTES Luckies Taste Better “IT’S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER ; : : CLEANER, FRESHER/ SMOOTHER! CA.T. Co. PRODUCT or AMERICA'S LEADING MANUPACTU] {Tryouts Scheduled For Men's Debate Preliminary tryouts for the men’s debate team will be held at 7 p.m. Monday in 316 Sparks. Freshmen and upperclassmen are eligible. During Monday’s meeting, candidates will be taught the principles of debate and as sisted in the preparation of a 5- minute speech. These speeches will be given at the final tryouts which will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 25 in 316 Sparks. Each candidate must de liver one 5-minute speech. Topics will be announced at the Monday meeting. (Contimed from page one) Placement Expansion- the councils. It believes it has succeeded in one respect, by co ordinating the major functions of the councils. Election Agreement The members of the board have agreed to hold all of the councils’ presidential elections before March 20 and each will hold the general membership elections April 3 and 4. The ICCB cannot move more rapidly towards unity between the councils because it has only the power to act as a sounding board and to recommend, not leg islate, said Donald Patterson, president of the Engineering and Architecture Student Council and chairman of the board. [•Six University alumni hold high positions in the United States [1 Steel Corporation. WHAT IS A TIMO CRUSTAOANI Limp Shrimp DAVID HUSMAN, STUDENTS! MAKE $25 J Do you like to shirk work? Here’s some easy money— start Stickling! We’ll pay $25 for every Stickler we V-® print—and for hundreds more that never get used. Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don’t do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe- Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Gambling" (Continued from page one) ery charges in Centre County : Court. Kohlweiler said he forged the checks for money lost in gamb ling in the dorms. All seven stu dents, however, rejected this claim. They said that Kohlweiler could not have lost much money as they only played for bets no larger than 5 cents. A dean’s re port showed false checks by Kohl weiler amounting to $227. The Nittany students also dis pelled a report by Kohlweiler to the dean’s office that the games often lasted to 3 a.m. Discovered by Counselor The six freshmen involved in the West Dorms incident were discovered gambling when a counselor, investigating a broken light fixture, entered the room to obtain a pencil and paper. A past record of good behavior, which was upheld by their dormi tory counselor, was taken into consideration in the decision of the AIM and Senate groups. WDFM Will Present New Student Program A new program on WDFM, Guest Disc Jockey, will feature students who want to try then hand at spinning records and in terviewing guests. Students interested in being on the program on Monday from 8:30 to 9 p.m. may send a post card to WDFM, University Park. The student should teU in one sentence why he wishes to parti cipate on the program. SIT DOWN in the common room,'take out your Luckies— and who pops up to share the fim? None other than that friendly, familiar figure, the Lounge Scrounge! He’s a sly guy, too; he knows which cigarettes taste best—and he knows just who carries ’em. Luckies taste better to buyers and borrowers—and no wonder! A Lucky is all cigarette . . . nothing but fine, mild, good-tasting tobacco that’s TOASTED to taste even better. Light up a Lucky right now. You’ll say it’s the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1957 WDFM to Begin 4 Hour Program Of Dance Music “Campus Beat,” a new WDFM radio program featuring music designed for dancing, will be broadcast Saturdays at 9:05 be ginning tonight. The 4-hour production offers music aimed at fraternity and sorority gatherings, dances and general campus “get-togethers.” News of campus interest will be presented between the record se lections. Another WDFM production, “Sounds in the Night/’ will pre sent a half hour of music by Cris Connor at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. The program will act as a pre view of the Jazz Festival to be held in Recreation Hall next Sun day afternoon. In addition to the recorded vocal stylings of Miss Connor, an nouncer Dick Richards will pre sent background material on the popular songstress from her early tours with Stan Kenton to her present position as a featured night club vocalist. AFROTC to Hold Donee The annual Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps drill team dinner-dance will be held at 6:30 tonight at the Autoport Restaur ant. The dress is military formal for the men and “cocktail” dresses for the women. Tickets for the dance are $5 a couple. WHAT IS A 97-lt. ARAM Weak Sheik JOHN AUCQIERO. YOUNGSTOWN U. WHERE DO YOU KEEP A HIGH HORSEI ROBIRT LONt. MISSISSIPPI SOUTHIRM WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU FORGET TO SHAVE! Stubble Trouble JEAN SHAW. RADCUFFI Or CXOAKSTYBS Toll Stall
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