The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 13, 1957, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Harpsichord, Mime Star in 'Counterpart 7 Frans Reynders, mime, and Herman Chessid, harpsi chordist, will appear in “Counterpart,” a program of music and pantomine March 19 in Schwab Auditorium. A miipe is a kind of drama in which scenes from life are imitated and generally represented in a satirical manner. The person who acis out this drama' is known as a mime. Frans Reynders studied panto mine with Etienne Decroux, who also taught Marcel Marceau and Jean Louis Barrault. As a mem ber of Decroux’ troupe, Reynders toured Europe and Great Britain ant! later starred in musical com edy in his native Holland. Former Art Teacher Reynders, a former art teacher and scenic designer, has always bad a love of music and the harp sichord. He long felt that the harpsichord and its literature would provide the ideal auditory world in which he could perform his mimes. After coming to the United States with his American wife, he sought to put his idea into actuality. Reynders was brought into con-1 tact with Herman Chessid, harp sichordist and former pupil of i Ralph Kirkpatrick. Chessid real ized, that by working with Reyn ■ders, harpsichord music could be •‘> * get to with a Marlboro FILTER • FLAVOR • FLIP-TOP BOX come accessible to a much larger audience. In addition to Chessid’s practi cal experience as a recording and performing artist, his background in composition enabled him to clarify musical forms to Reynders in a manner which could be used as a basis for conceiving mimes, both abstract and narrative. The nature of this duo emphasizes the equality of each medium. Music is *Mirrored* Thus, while the mime is en hanced by a new dimension, the music, in turn, becomes “mirror ed” in its human “counterpart.” A program might, for example, include the selection Prelude and Fugue in D Minor from Bach with the mime acting out the theme of “The Bird.” BX Candidates to Meet Candidates for the Book Ex change will meet at 7:30 tonight in 215-216 Hetzel Union. First, second and third semester stu dents are eligible. You like THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Nittany Council Plans Inquiry Nittany Council Monday night set in motion plans to investigate its alloting of $lO a semester to each dorm for social affairs. Mel Weaver, council president, pointed out that the special allot ment is not always put to.its best use. The money should be used for mixers and other activities to aid relations between coeds and men of the Nittany dorms, Wea ver said during a meeting Monday night. Weaver appointed a committee to look into the situation with a possibility of setting up a more definite plan for issuing the money. The council also planned to re vise its constitution. Eng Council OK's Open House Study The Engineering Student Coun-. cil last night set up a committee to study with department heads! of the College of Engineering andj Architecture the possibility of; holding an open house this spring.! The council had sponsored open] houses in past years, but none was held last year. The council suggested that the engineering' honorary societies might use the open house for their spring proj ects. Williamson-- (Continued from page one) firmation had he known of the two salaries. Mahany questioned "just how much part-time work” Dr. Wil iliamson would be able to do at .the University on weekends as he said was his plan. Sen. Yosko (D.-Northampton) made it clear that he would cast no more votes for confirmation of “out-of-staters” to high Pennsyl vania posts. Dr. Williamson has been af filiated with industry in other states before coming to the Uni versity. However, he has been a registered Republican voter in Pennsylvania for three years. “I want to make it clear that I'll go along with no more carpet -baggers,” Yosko said. “It might be well to keep college professors where they belong —in the col leges.” Athletic Insurance— (Continued from page one) McCoy said he couldn’t answer that now. McCoy thought that the bill might have been introduced be cause of a case in California where the higher courts awarded a football player about $400,000 because of injuries he received in a high school game. The bill would thus protect state-support jed schools from being sued for 'such large amounts. X '%: WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1957 Service Test Date Clarified by Office The Selective Service Qualifi cation Test, scheduled for 8:30 a.m. April 18 in 121 Sparks, will be given as originally planned, although the Spring recess begins at 11:50 a.m. on April 17. Students living in" the resi dence halls who desire to take the test will be accommodated in one of the residence halls at a nominal charge, the dean of men’s office said. Requests for accom modations should be made at the Department of Housing office in Waring Hall. Application blanks for the test are now available at the dean of men’s office. NROTC Quarterdeck Elects New Officers Roger Levin, junior in metal lurgy from Glen Richey, has been elected commander of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Quarterdeck Society. Other officers are Clair Heck athorn, vice-commander; Michael Chapman, ship’s secretary; and Challen Bonar, corresponding sec retary. CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BG IN BY 11:00 a.m. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES —17 words or less: 50.50 One insertion $0.75 Two insertions $l.OO Three insertions Additional words 3 for .05 for each day of insertion* FOR SALE brief case and woman** BRAND NEW nationally advertised matched t*t of luggage; very reasonable. Call Martin Harris AD 7-4033. HAMS HELICRAFTERS, S-76 Tcceivfr, four bands, like new —$100. Stop by 286 Hamilton after 6 p.m. 45 SPEED Portable Columbia Record • Player. Call **Zach’' the 'good Samaritan ext 968 any night after 7 p.m.—s2o. BRAND NEW brief case for sale at great savings. Call Martin Harris at AD 7-4033* FOB RENT 2 SINGLE Rooms for students. 611 Fugh St. Call AD 7-2610. SINGLE ROOM for rent, $6 per week. Call AD 8-9195. 4, DOUBLE Rooms, close to campus, for spring semester. Call AD 7-4933 for in* formation. 4' ROOMS and bath available March 1. 810 S. Allen, Apartment I—sBo1 —$80 monthly. Can be seen Wednesday 6:30 till 10. ONE DOUBLE room and one-half double room including free parking. Call Mrs. Kester, 234 S. Allen St. ROOMS WITH board for three students, two'blocks from campus. 243 S. Pugh St* SINGLE AND double room for spring semester. Contact AD 7-215 G or S-5547 after 6 p.m. NICE FIRST Floor room adjoining bath. can bo occupied as single or double; reasonable rent. AD Ss-9609 or AD 7-45G6, 409 S. Atherton. GRADUATE STUDENTS, upperclassmen will find comfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or private bath. The Colonial, 123 W. Nittany Ave. Cen tral location, quietly operated for rest and study. Low student rates. Phone AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7792 ask for C.R. TIRED OF Hiking? Need quiet? Desirable rooms l!-j blocks from campus. (Reason able." Comfortable. Inquire 519 W. College, GLASSES—bIack frames between Main Eng and McElwain Feb. 7. Urgently needed. Phone .Lee Hart 432 McElwain. , RAIN COAT, trench coat type. Sat- night at Beta Sigma Rho. I may have yours* Call Ed Dubbs,'Collegian Office, ext. 543* METALLURGY 59 book in the vicinity of 200 Home Ec. south, Wednesday Feb. 5, Call AD 8-9095, George Whitmore. Reward* WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED-SECRETARY desire* typ ing of thesis, reports, etc. Fast, reason able service. Phone AD 8-6943. HELP WANTED STUDENTS TO work at odd jobs cleaning up buildings, carpentry, etc. in exchange for room or board or both. Write Box 142 State College, Pa. for additional informa tion. State number of hours per week you would have available for work. STUDENT PIN Boys—steady part-tima job if you can schedule the right two or three evenings. It’s $1.95 single or $3.9a doubles for a full two-hour tourna ment. Inquire Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh St* WANTED INDEPENDENT MEN and Women. Relax ation and enjoyment. Participate in the AIM-Leonides Chorus Tue.«. evening at 7:00 in the HUB Auditorium. MEALS DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED meals at reasonable rates; any meal available* Call AD 8-9590 and ask for Chester. MISCELLANEOUS TIRED OF* looking at the same old book covers? Pick up a fresh, new supply at HUB desk. FREE. FOR PROMPI and expert radio and phono* graph service stop at State College T.V„ 232 South Alien Street. IS YOUR typewriter giving yon trouble? If <o. call AD 7-2492 or bring macblnt pink case