The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 18, 1956, Image 8

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Christ-Janer Expresses Ideal;
To Construct an Art Center
Albert Christ-Janer, calling himself a "monomaniac," says that he has "a constant
love for one ideal—to build an art center."
Christ-Janer was invited to the University just for this purpose by former President
Milton S. Eisenhower. The artist-author-professor became director of the School of the Arts
last February.
His wife, Virginia, believes that "more presidents fall beneath him than anyone else
could probably know "
Before coming to the University,
Christ-Saner was invited to estab
lish art schools at both the Uni
versity of Chicago by President
Robert Hutchins and New York
University by President Henry
Heald. Soon after he arrived at
each school, the president re
signed in order to work with the
Ford Foundation.
'Not Artistic: Wife Says
When asked if she were an ar
tist also, A7rs. Chrisf-Janer re
plied, ''one in the family is
Her husband says, however, that
she "would give him an inferior
ity complex in the kitchen" al
though be claims to make "a mean
ice cream cone?'
He insists that the secret of her
cooking success came when she
learned to read while teaching
literature at Stephens College.
"She has a following instinct
with a touch of personal genius
added," he says.-
The Christ-Janers moved into
their modern, split-level home,
designed by William Hajjar, pro
fessor of architecture, in Septem
ber. The walls contain many of
the art director's own paintings,
some of which are now on exhi
bition in the Retzel Union Build
First. Interest Is Painting
Christ-Janet's main aspiration,
be says, is to paint.
"Painting is a process of evolu
tion," he believes. "When I was
young I was more concerned with
representation of nature. Now na
ture inspires me, hut I don't copy
"Painting is not like cooking,"
he continued. "You can't arrive
at art with a recipe."
The University arts director
will be one of 20 artists exhibit
ing work in January at the Staten
Island museum, celebrating the
300th anniversary of the island.
The exhibition in which he was
proudest to participate, Christ-
Janer says, was the 1955 Inter
national Water Color Exhibition
in the Brooklyn Museum. Paint
ings were shown by - 90 artists
from each of the following coun
tries—America, France, Japan,
Italy and England.
Author of Four Books
Chirst-Janer has also written
four books on painting, 19th cen
tury history of American art and
"one about the guy who invented
the short bladed table knife."
He is now co-editing a new
American hymnal and has com
missioned the work of outstand
ing American composers and
As director of the School of the
Arts, Christ-Janer says that there
are things he hopes to accom
plish-1)- establish a concert-lec
ture forum, 2) build an art center,
and 3) constantly improve the
curriculum and staff of the School
of the Arts.
"Students are first," he believes.
"My goal is to invite the best stu
dents to the University and to
serve them,"
Sponsored by
Penn State Alumni Club of. Greater Harrisburg
Wednesday, December 26, 1956
West Shore Country Club
9:00 to 1:00 $3.00 per couple Dress Optional -
The Alumni and Undergraduates of All Colleges and
Universities and their Friends Are Invited
—Daily Collegian Photo by Dace Savor
director of the School of the Arts, and his wife. Virginia, glance
over an art publication in their modern, split-level home.
ALBERT CHRIST-JANER. artist, author and profesior: says that
painting is his fondest interesL Here he is at work in the Temporary
Union Building, the present campus art center.
.H 1 Ec Societies to Meet
Grad Exam Applications
1 Phi Upsilon Omicron , hornet Applications and information for
,economics service society, - will,'Graduate Record Examinations
'meet with Omicron Nu, home are availthle in 117 Buckhout.
'economics honorary society, at' The examination will be 'given
16:45 tonight in the Home Eco- Jan. 19 at the University. '
nomics Living Center. All applications '.must be re
-1 Dr. Dorothy Houghton, profes- ceived by Jan.. 4 at - Education
sor of home economics, will con- Testing Service, 29- Nassau St.,
'duct a panel discussion. PrinCeton, N.J.
Alumni Will Hold
Dance in Reading
The Berks County Alumni Club
will hold its annual Penn State
Dance at 10 p.m. Dec. 26 in the
Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Reading.
Bud Rader's orchestra will play
for the dance.
Admission is $6 a couple. Pro
ceeds will go to the Levi Lamb
Scholarship Fund.
University students; alumnae,
and guests may attend.
Reservations may be made by
notifying Edward Hintz at Phi
Delta Theta fraternity.
Boer Elected to Office
Ernie Baer, who was named
this summer to succeed Nick Thiel
as coach of the Penn State la
crosse team, was elected secre
tary-treasurer of the Lacrosse
Coaches Association of America
last weekend.
Do Not Bring Sorrow
To Your Folks on This
Happy Season—
Drive Carefully
When Going Home
Merry Xmas
Always Pleasure
Serving YOU
112 S. Frazier St,
Phone AD 8-8381
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I Prof on Safety Council
Joseph Intorre, associate in
charge of driver testing in the In
stitute of Public Safety, has been
named to the education commit
tee of the newly-formed Gover
nor's Traffic Safety Council.
The council is directed by Dr,
Amos E. Neyhart, administrative
head of the institute.
ADS MUST RE IN BY It :40 a.m.
RATES—IT words or Itas:
di. :40 One insertion
$0.75 Two insertions
51.00 Three insertions
Additional words 3 for .05
for each day of insertion.
SKIS, white Army skis, length 6 2 4 c St. and
poles. Call Dick Lawless, ext. frig.
WOMEN'S SKATES, size 7—ss. Good NW;
dition. used one year. Call AD V-6441.
MEN'S HOCKEY Skates, size 9-15. Good
'condition. used one year. AD It -UM
UNUSUALLY FINE Guitar at $2O. and a
beauty at $50.--also Hawaiian Eiettrie
Guitar with amplifier. a steal at O.
Evenings between 8-14;30. Room 6. Fond
CAMERA:, ARGOFLEX—leather carrying
case, ground-OA:me focus. VAL Call AD
lb CARTOONS. beautiful girls. clever
articles. Beat from America's leading
college humor mavaiines. All in Exchange
Issue of Froth. On sale tomorrow at HUM.
West Dorms. Mall, and Corner Room.
DOUBLE ROOM or half double room
available immediately, or next venwster.,
Centaet H. Schulte, litix 154, Whitmore
SORORITY PIN, Zeta Tau Aloha, white
Kohl pis) with guard and officer's key.
Finder call 276 Simmons.
SORORITY PIN and Fraternity Pin. Alpha
Chi Ornena and Kappa Delta Rho. Call
Grange 896. Kathy Stroup.
TOPCOAT, grey suburban, near Engineer.
ing Library: David Ildanro's name inride
collar. Call ett. 783.
ALLIGATOR RAINCOAT with torsi pocket
outside 125 Sparks on Friday. Col) Job*
Batley, ext. 257.
FOR PROMPT and expert radio and phono.
graph service stop at State College TN.
232 South Allen Street.
IS YOUR typewriter giving lon trouble':
It eo. tall AD 7-2492 or bring warble*
to 633 W College Ave.
Ntoti have t WE k 1