The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 20, 1956, Image 1
—Daily Collegian Photo by Dave Hamar IT'S PENNSYLVANIA ROUNDUP time as Lion right halfback Andy Mocoyni (Bethlehem) steps for short gain in third period of Saturday's game against North Carolina State. Grounded Lion is Paul North (Baden). Wolfpack defenders are John Szuchan (70 Phoenixville) and Bob Pepe (85- Pittsburgh). Story on page six. . . Campus Chest Collects $1017.61 After Official Campaign Ends Contributions totaling $1017.61 were turned into the Campus Chest after the of ficial close of the five-day solicitations campaign Friday night. Despite the additional contributions, the drive fell short of the $12,000 goal established by the Campus Chest executive committee by $B6OO. Total contributions to date amount to $3400, with money from approximately 200 solicitors still expected. The average contribution per person was 62 cents, in contrast to 3ast year's average contribution of 45 cents. Still Accepting Money Edward Long, tabulations chair man, said money can still be re turned to members of the Cam pus Chest executive committee from 1 to 10p.m. today in the lounge opposite the Hetzel Union desk. The-winner of the sorority tro phy was Sigma Delta Tau. with 33 girls contributing $135. Run ner-up was Kappa-Kappa Gamma with 49 members contributing $BB. Winners of the fraternity tro phy' and of the independent living unit trophy will not be announced until after Thanksgiving vacation, Robert Gellman, chairman of the drive, said, becuse fraternity and independent r turns have not been completed Praises In praising t runner-up of t Gellman said: "These coeds job. I attribut• raising funds f. the fact that t Special events Members' of conducted a s the Main Gat shoes in Ire= week, and m Kappa Gamma fraternity hou At the time closed at 11 pa had been tunic the Campus CI mittee. .Addit were turned terday. Sororities e winner and•the e sorority trophy, did an excellent their success in Campus Chest to I - ,ey both sponsored ast week." • - I Sigma Delta Tau I oe-shine booth at • and also shined !rnity houses . last -mbers of Kappa shined 100 cars at • he drive offiei6lly . Friday, $2382.39 d into members of est executive corn .nal. contributions Saturday and yes- $9O Collecte A total of $9O to be used by World University Service for emergency aid to Hungarian stu dents was collected at Beaver Field during the Penn State- North Carolina State game Satur day, according to Adelaide Naca mu, University WUS co-chairman. Miss Nacamu, a sophomore in education from Peekskill, N.Y., said she received a letter Friday from the Philadelphia regional WUS office asking that funds be Collected for Hungarian aid. Cam Sitdown Started By Hungarians i BUDAPEST, Nov. 19 (JP)—Hun garian workers shifted strike wea pons today in the passive revolt that has followed armed - rebellion. They ended their general walk out in favor of a sitdown on the job: Between 30 and 50 per cent of &WipeSt'S factory hands went back to their plants under - pres sure from the Soviet army, its Communist Hungarian allies and the prospect of misery in the ap proaching winter. But they did little except stand around and talk. The military situation seemed unchanged. There was no confir mation here for a Vienna report that the Russians were replacing their tank troops in Hungary with 20 fresh infantry divisions. • for Hungary pus Chest allotments to WUS do not cover this situation, she said. The collections already have been sent to the Philadelphia office. Future fund-raising drives will be conducted on campus, Miss Nacamu said, but added she did not know exactly what plans would be made. Assisting Miss Nacamu in col lections at Beaver Field were Tarmilla Weisl, sophoMore in ap plied arts from Rome, Italy, and Gertrude Hammel, freshman in education from Glenshaw. rld at a Glance Ambassador Luce Drops Italian Post WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 (1p)..._ Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce resigned, today as ambassador to Italy, ask— ing President Eisenhower to re lieve her of her duties "at the earliest convenient moment." James D. Zellerbach. 64-year old San Francisco industrialist, is reported to be under consider ation as Mrs. Luce's successor in Rome. Zellerbach was U.S. for eign aid director in Italy. Eden Suffers Overstrain LONDON. Nov. 19 (A')—Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden took his doctors' advice in the midst of the unresolved Suez crisis to night and announced his with drawal from public engagements. The royal family's physician. Sir Horace Evans, said Eden was suffering from overstrain. Road Conditions Seen Favorable For Home Trek Students leaving the area for Thanksgiving vacation will have no worry of hazardous driving Conditions, according to the University weather station. The weather is forecast to be partly cloudy tonight and tomorrow morning with a slight chance of rain tonight but on a whole, traveling conditions throughout the state are reported as good. Thanksgiving recess will offi cially begirt at 11:50 a.m. tomor row and will end at 8 a.m. Mon day. Residence halls will be closed to students at 5 p.m. tomorrow. Lunch will be the last meal served in the dormitories before the be-1 Members of the House of Rep ginning of the vacation. t tresentatives of the Women's Stu ' Dorms Reopen Sunday [ dent Government Association will The dormitories will reopen atl 1 p.m. Sunday. Monday morning ! meet . at 12:30 p.m. today in 209 breakfast will be the first meal Hetzel Union for a possible final ; served in the dining halls after; vote on the proposed revision of the recess. 'the coed lateness rule after the The Hetzel Union Building will Isi gn-in hour. be closed Thanksgiving Day. Thel - building will remain open from! The revision, suggested five 18 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, Satur-i weeks ago, would do away with the 3-minute grace period and ddv, and Sunday, according to, George L. Donovan, director o f;substitute in its place a total of !associate student affairs. 120 minutes to be used throughout Lion's Den to Close (the semester, in cases of emer- The Lion's Den will close at.' gency. 1:30 p.m. tomoz row and will re- Recommendation Tabled I open at 3 p.m. Sunday. The Ter- Two Weeks ago a recommenda ! race Room will close for Thanks-,tion on the revision was brought !giving Day but for the remainder s back from the committee and then lof the vacation will retain its tabled. ' regular hours. 1 At the present time, the revi- The Pattee Library will close sion read as follows: at 5 p.m. tomorrow and will re-) "In replacement of the 3-min main closed Thanksgiving Day. It, Li t e grace period now in effect, will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.l we propose 20 late minutes per on Friday and from 9 a.m. untilsemester excluding traveling late . noon on Saturday. The library l ness. This is applicable to 9:15. I will be closed all day Sunday. 110, 11, 12, 1 and 2 o'clock permis- Thel Waring Hall Snack Bar sions. Any lateness after this 20 I will close at 1 p.m. tomorrow. It'minutes will be dealt with by t will reopen at 9 a.m. next Mon-,Judicial." day. I -- Report to Be Tabled Foreign Student Visits 1 The representatives are to hear 1 Twenty foreign students from a report on the organizational 'the University will leave tomor-'meeting of the Housing Commit row afternoon for Pine Grove, a!tee which was held Nov. 8. small industrial community inl The dormitory housing chair- Schuylkill county, to spend the'man of each dorm, headed by Thanksgiving vacation with the!Katherine Vyse, junior - in arts and townspeople of Pine Grove. !letters from Winnetica, 111., met The plan, which was originatedtwith Otto E. Mueller, director of last year, was devised becausethousing, to discuss any grievances veterans in the Pine Grove area, which may have arisen concern expressed the belief that moreiing housing. [ should be done to help people in 1 this country learn to know more! A l uni to Sponsor about people of other countries. IP'll I 1 The visit will also give the for- e c eign students - a chance to learn'JMO ker, Grid Ball !more about life in an American , Ismokhome. For Pitt Weekend The students will enjoy a tra-i Two annual events, a ditional Thanksgiving dinner in' . . er Her-.and a Grid i ron Ball, will high ! various homes, a trip to the Her-, Ishey Chocolate Corporation, and light the Pittsburgh football week (a square dance. I end. • I The annual smoker. under soon- Tart-time Campus Jobs , sorship of the Penn State Alumni 'Available for Vacationi Club, will be held Friday evening Students who desire part-time /in the Pittsburh Room of the ;Penn-SheratonHotel. The ro , jobs on cam p u s during the ; gram will begin with a Blue Band •Thanksgiving vacation should re-I concert at 8 p.m. Iport tomorrow to the Student; The Penn State Lions, young Employment Service in 112 Oldt alumni group of the Pittsturgh Main. will sponsor its third annual 1 The office will be open from 81Ga rrei Iron Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ito noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. i in Satgrtaly Oakland. the University Club IMusic for the dance will be pro vided by Brad Hunt's Huntsmen_ iTickets are S 4 per couple. Reservations should be made in Lodge Reports 'advance by writing Tom McCal !him, Penn State Lions, P.O. Box 132, Pittsburgh 30, or phoning On Deportation: GR 1-2140. Students may attend both af ; fairs. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Nov.i 1 9 ()—Henryß Cabot Lodge Jr. , told the UN today the Soviet Un-I ion has deported 16,000 Hungar-: ians from Budapest. He said many i would die just as victims of Nazi' concentration camps died and hel heatedly demanded that the Rus-. sians stop this "inhumanity" im mediately- The U.S. chief delegate spoke to the UN Assembly after Soviet, Foreign Minister Dmitri Shepilov angrily accused the United States) and the non-Communist world of instigating the Hungarian trou bles_ The two diplomats clashed in the first round of Assembly, debate on a resolution by Cuba calling on the deportations of Hungarians. -~---~ ~~~ 'Late' Rule Will Face Vote Today No Paper Tomorrow The Daily Collegian will not be published tomorrow because of the start of the Thanksgiving recess. The next issue will appear Tuesday. NC State Grid Movies To Be Shown Tonight Another look at the most ex citing three minutes and fif teen seconds of Penn State football this year will be avail able at 7 tonight in 121 Sparks. John Chaffetz. head football manager. will narrate the films of Saturday's North Carolina State thriller.