The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1956, Image 7
SATURDAY, NOVEM 6 Li• Leav For I A six-man Pen versity Park at 2:1 for the annual IC , Freshman Coa man squad. _ I Captain Don * * Fred Kerr High-Stepping Harrier Swimming (Continued from page six) back to defeat DTD, 23-18. DTD's Bob Berry splashed to victory in the freestyle in :31.9, .5 of a sec ond off the IM record and the fastest time of the season. Bob Pulver won the butterfly in :39.7 and the backstroke in :41.7 for DTD's other two first places. Phi Kappa Sig's Jack Javens, Mike Beattie, Jack Loßue, and Phil Hodges copped .the relay in 1:04.3 with Hodges taking the div ing with 16 points. ATO dumped DU, 27-14, in spite of Steve Stevens' 13 points. DU's Stevens won the freestyle in :32.4, the butterfly in :37.8, .1 of a second short of the IM record, and took second in the dive. ATO's Harry Sloat, Ed Schwar, Bob Weil, and Larry Bayer an nexed the relay in 1:01.9. Chuck Bartholomew thrashed to victory in the backstroke in :44.7 for ATO. Delta Sigma Phi's Ron Kolb. George Hunter, Bill Kiser, and Bob Grove swept Delta Sig to a 22-19 win over defending cham pion Beta Theta Pi by taking the relay in 1:03.7. Pigskin Coin Flips . . . Out On a Limb The Daily Collegian's wizards of the crystal ball are playing it close to the vest as the weekly football poll enters the home stretch. With the exception of three games, the scribes and coach Frank Patrick are in total agreement. In fact, Patrick and Vicious Vince Carocci agree all the way, except Princeton-Yale. ' So it all hinges on Yale-Princeton, Vanderbilt-Tulane, and Ar kansas-Southern Methodist. Vicious and Lucky Lou Prato, tied for the lead, differ on one of these. Lucky Lou picks SMU. Fearless Fran Fanucci, two behind the leaders, also likes SMU, but tests the limb with a Tulane over Vandy guess. Obviously Pat rick, giving it another whirl, cannot threaten the leaders due to his total agreement with one of them. In his last try, Patrick got eight right. The fact that everyone chose Syracuse over Colgate does not necessarily reflect the true wishes of the forecasters! Fanucci Carocci Prato Coaches .617 .633 .633 ' .583 'Yale-Princeton Yale Princeton Princeton Yale Corn.-Dart. . Dart. Dart. Dart. Dart. OSU-lowa OSU OSU OSU OSU Harv.-Brown Harr. Harv. Harv. Harv. Purdue-Nthwstn. Purdue ' Purdue Purdue Purdue Vandy-Tulane Tulane Vandy Vandy Vandy Auburn-Ga. Auburn Auburn Auburn Auburn Pitt -Army ' Pitt Pitt Pitt Pitt S. Car.-Md. . . Car. S. Car. S. Car. S. Car. N.D.-N. Car. .D, .. ND. N.D. N.D. Syra.-Colg. • yra. Syra. Syra. Syra. Mich St.-Minn. 'ch. St. Mich. St. Mich. St. Mich. St. Ark.ric.- SM if - . • i • i USC-Ore. ISC ' USC USC USC 111.-Wisc. . - 11. " 111. ni. In. • lER 17. 1956 n Harriers - Today C4-A Run State cross - country team will leave Uni this afternoon en route to New York City -A harrier test on Monday. Norm Gordon will also enter a seven- I oodrow and sophomores Fred Kerr, Ed * Moran, and Clem Schoenebeck, the mainstays of Coach Chick Werner's harrier contingent all season, will again shoulder the bulk of the Lion burden against a top flight eastern field. Sophomores Bob Thompson and Jay Kirby round out the Nittany traveling squad. This is the first taste of post season competition for the Lions. They are expected to enter the intercollegiate run Nov. 21 at Michigan State. Kerr Most Consistent Woodrow, Kerr, Moran and Schoenebeck are definitely the big guns as far as the Lions are concerned. Kerr has been the most consistent of the group with outstanding performances in each of the Lion meets, with the ex ception of the Michigan State en counter. Moran and Schoenebeck ran impressive races against Navy and Manhattan, while Schoene beck tied Kerr for second in the Nittany win over Cornell. Wood row jumped suddenly into the cross-country spotlight two weeks ago when he finished in a four way first place with the three sophomores against the Jaspers. He climaxed the season with a first place against Pittsburgh last week. Thompson had been rated high ly in Werner's pre-season plans, but has been unable to find him self yet. Kirby, after experiencing a fair freshman season last year, was hampered by a back injury during the middle of the season and has not figured prominently in the Lion wins. Boast 4-1 Record The Lions. finished the regular season with a 4-1 record, beating Cornell, Navy, Manhattan, and Pitt while losing only to Michi gan State. Gordon's freshman squad con sists of Dick Englebrink, Joe Thompson, Sam White, Dick Wil liams, Len Donahue, Ron Hough ton, and George Jones. The Lion yearlings finished the regular season with a 1-2 slate, defeating Pitt while losing to Cor nell and Navy. Last year, the frosh, headed by Kerr, Schoenebeck, and Thomp son, grabbed a second place in the "IC's" behind St. Johns. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Last Horne Stand IT'S THE FINAL home appearance for the nine staring seniors, pictured above with Coach Rip Engle. when the Lions and North Carolina State tangle on Beaver Field this afternoon. From left to right they are: (top) guard Dick DeLuca. tackle Jack Calderone. center Dan Radakovich. tackler Walt Mazur and end Doug Mechling. (center) Engle and Captain Sam Valentine, (bottom) halfback Ray Alberigi, quarterback Milt Plum and halfback Billy Kane. Frosh Coed --- (Continued from page six) Maxine was overjoyed with the judges' decision, but she remained in the same com posure that dominates her CR &pm, HAIR GROOM TONIC field hockey move- smooth ments. "It's rather unbelievable." she said, "being that I'm only a freshman. It's really a great hon-' or." Looking forward to more col lege hockey playing, Maxine said she hopes she can make the fir team someday. With three years of schoa ahead of her, Maxine has the l& tential to make a name for her sel; and for Penn State in the i field hockey sports world. 6XI cC-(2..ce HAIR GROOM TONIC IN UNBREAKABLE PLASTIC! Grooms your hair while it treats your scalp. Controls loose dandruff. 1.00 0........ SHULTON New York • Toronto PAGE SEVEN