—Daily Collegian Photo by Dave Bayer ROLLED-UP SLEEVES and a hat to shade out the sun, a work man puts up one of the candles which will give a yule touch to College Ave. "They looked out of place yesterday," one coed in Bermuda shorts said. The University is aiding the borough in paying for the candles. BusAd Faeutty Outscores Student Council in Football The business administration faculty, proving that they still have plenty of spunk, beat the student council 18-2 in a touch football game . yesterday. The faculty defeated the coun cil in a softball game earlier this semester The game was played on the golf course. If a side failed to make a touchdown on four downs, they had to punt to the other side. Dean Ossian MacKenzie, who had played in the softball'game, cheered the team from the side lines this time. The faculty .scored their first touchdown on two plays. Paul Mazza, instructor in accounting, made all three touchdowns for the faculty. The council scored their two points on a safety. Harry Brown, junior in busi ness administration from Pitts burgh, and Frank McFaden, sen ior in business administration from Gladwyne, were passers for the council. Mazza passed for the faculty. Mazza, Reed Phalan. assistant professor of business law, and Ed ward Herman, assistant professor of economics, starred for the fac ulty. Brown, Burton Hollander, soph omore in business administration from Monessen, and Harry Neu man, senior in business adminis tration from Philadelphia, spark ed the council. Blue Band members gathered around the sidelines for the last minutes of the game and added a touch of football music. Employment Interviews The following firms will con duct interviews for February graduates and advance degree candidates who expect to receive degrees during the current school year in the Placement Service of fice in 112 Old Main: Dec. 3, Burroughs: BS: LA. Bua Adm, all interested in sales. Dec. 5, National Bureau of Standards: All degrees: Phys Chem. Phys. EE, ME. Dec. 5. Penn Union Electric Corp: BS: ME, IE, F.E. Eng Sci. 'Dec. 3, Sneer Carbon; BS: Cer, ChE, CE, EE, IE, ME. Dec. .5, 6, Monsanto; PhD: Chem. ChE. Frosh Victors— (Continued from page one) dent of the freshman class, George Smith, on his victory in the elec tion yesterday. I strongly urge every member of the freshman class to get behind the new gov ernment and give 'it his whole hearted support," Neifert said. a II H IOIIIIIIIIIIIII H IIIIIIIII I III IIIIIIIIIIIIHIMMUIHIMIHIMIUMMONOIONHIBIUMOIHIMINItHIHIHIIE, '.. -:--- Let's all go to the Biggest =. ==, = _ = = IES PEP RALLY = 1 EE 15E a 9 Tonight 7 : 30 Front of Rec Hall ER E 2 With S = a fi The Blue Band Skits -- 4 Nittany Lion g. Limutmommunnummumminiummumummumminummuuntimmuummunimmintia, UNITED . NATIONS SEMINAR TOUR NOVEMBER 17-20 ' Scholarships Visitin General Assembly Soviet Mission Cost $32 Yugoslav Mission Scholarships United Kingdom ' Time Payments Mission Offered lsraeli Mission Sponsors: University Christian Association Political Science Department STILL AVAILABLE 7 PLACES PHONE 8-8441. Ext. 541 . OLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PE Approved Fraternities The following fraternities have been approved by the dean of men's office for the entertain ment of women guests tonight and tomorrow night: Acacia. Alpha Chi Rho. Alpha Chi Sig.. ma. Alpha F:p,ilon Pi. Alpha Gamma Rho. Alpha Phi Delta. Alpha Rho Chi. Alpha Sigma Phi. Alpha Tau Omega. Alpha Zeta. Keaver Houle. Beta Sigma Rho. Reta Theta Pi. Chi Phi. Delta Chi. Delta Sigma Lamb da. Delta Sigma Phi. . Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Shona. Delta Upsilon, Kappa Delta Rho, Kappa Sizmit, Lambda Chi Alpha. Phi Delta Theta. Phi Epsilon Pi. Phi Gamma Delta. Phi Kappa. Phi Kappa Sigma. Phi Kappa Tau. Phi Mu Delta. Phi Sigma Delta. Phi Swam, Ps Kappa Alpha. Pi Kappa Phi. Sigma Kappa. Pi Kappa Alpha. Pi Kappa Phi. Shrum Alpha Epsilon. Sigma Alpha Mu. Sigma Chi Sigma Nu. Siam:, Phi Alpha. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Sigma Pi. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Tau Phi Delta. Theta Chi. Theta Delta Chi. Theta Kappa Phi. Theta Xi. Triangle. Zeta, Beta Tau. Omega Psi Phi and Pi Sigma Upsilon have been approved for tomorrow night only. Women Marines To Visit Campus A Marine Corps women officer selection team will visit the cam pus Nov. 27 and 28 to discuss opportunities for women students to earn commissions as second lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserve. The officer training class is open to college sophomores, jun iors, seniors and graduates, and does not require specialized stud ies or drills during the academic year. Training for. the women of ficers training class takes place during the summer vacation per ' iod. Sophomores and juniors com plete the first six-week course the summer after enrolling in the program. The second six weeks are completed the following sum mer_ Seniors and graduates corn plete 'the full 12 weeks in one summer. Soph Victors-- (Continued from page one) sincere thanks to all those who helped me to attain office. I feel that it is a great honor to have been chosen to represent the sophomore class and I eagerly look forward to assuming the re sponsibilities and duties of the office of Sophomore class presi dent. I hope everyone will continue to support our student govern ment here at the University, for only with cooperation and in terest can anything - Worthwhile be accomplished "for a better Penn State." In losing. Yeosock said: "I'd like to offer my congratulations to Jack Sopko. the new president of the sophomore class. I couldn't have lost to a better man. "Also. I would like to thank all those who helped me duling the campaign and those who sup ported me- in the election. The help and support was deeply ap preciated." NSYLVANIA Experimental Theatre Plays Will Feature Comedy, Mime A reconstruction of a commedia dell arte' play and a series of six mimes will be presented in the production. "Comedy and Mime—The Roots of Popular Comedy." at 7:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in, the Little Theatre in Old Main. The commedia dell arte' play.! "Pantalone in Love" is based on a sixteenth century style of act ing which involVes improvisation: of lines and stage business. Short; comedy routines were originatedd memorized. and adapted to a plot• and presented extemporaneously.' This same technique was in eluded as part of the three-week . Short Comedy Course offered by the Experimental Theetre andl taught by Dr. Russell Graves of. Lycoming College. Also included; in the course were comedy tech-1 niques, which have been used by W. C. Fields, Laurel and Hardy, Phil Silvers, Martin and Lewis and other comedians. These, ac cording to Graves, are the same clowning techniques used by the Romans. Cast members for "Pontalone in Love" are students, faculty mem bers, and townspeople who par ticipated in the Short Comedy Course. The cast includes Sidney Bow hill, assistant professor of electri cal engineering, as Capitano Spa vento di Barcelona; John O'Con ner, assistant professor of phil osophy, as Arlecchino; Ruth Yea ton, graduate student in theatre arts from State College, as Fran ceschina; Joseph Conaway, grad uate student in speech from Erie, as Doctor Graziano: and Robert Young a student at the State Col lege High School, as Pulcinella. The series of mime productions will be performed by Conaway and James Shull, president of the BOALSBURG Steak-House Your Favorite Beverage Thick Juicy Steaks Spaghetti Sunday Dinners Served 12-10 p.m. State College Community Thea tre. The mimes which include Walking. Bicycling. the Ladder, the Recital. the Magician. and a Western will be presented in a Marcel-Marceau style. Tickets for the production are available in the Green Room of Schwab Auditorium and at the door. Admission is free. Blue Key Hats at HUB Blue Key initiates may obtain 'their hats on the second floor or the Hetzel Union Building. The picture for LaVie will be 'taken at 8:40 p.m. Monday at the Penn State Photo Shop. Walker to Address Faculty President Eric A. Walker will address the faculty at 4:10 p.m. Tuesday in Schwab Ai,ditnrium. on the best shoes in Q h ? State College. mai Pizza Tel. HO 6-6251 PAGE FIVE THIS IS JUST A REMINDER THAT Simon's 10% sale will con tinue until Saturday. miss this chance for unusual bargains
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