The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 15, 1956, Image 7
THURSDAY. NOVEMBER Lion 800 Leading The Nittany Lion -. season could well be de the fittest." Starting with the- N, the Lion booters will pl in a short span of ei Whether the Nittany men can emerge from tt ing quarter of their set victorious fashion remai seen. But if they do, the' . almost no doubt in a mind over the placing Lions in the ranks of th collegiate soccer powe nation.. After tomorrow's g . with the once-beaten Mid• - the Lions slip over to W. ."ngton, D.C., for a Saturday ternoon encounter with Catho Uni versity. Coach Ken Hosterma 's eleven don their traveling clot es again Tuesday to meet Templ - Univer sity in Philadelphia. ey close the season next Saturda in Pitts burgh against the Pitt Panthers. The Lions will prob • bly meet, their roughest oppone , t tomorH row •at Annapolis. Th- Middies,' who are almost alw. ys listed among the leading tea s in any collegiate sport,. have only one loss this year—a 1-0 . ecision to Yale. They have eight vi osies to their credit, including four shut outs, and hive accumulated 33 goals while limiting their op ponents to seven. " Pennsylvania was the only team able to chalk up more than a goal against the blue wave. The Quakers, who handed the Lions their lone defeat of the season, 3-2, lost a heart-breaking 4-3 overtime decision to the Middies. In other g a ime s Navy de feated Brooklyn College, 6-0; Princeton, 2-0; Virginia. 3-1; Pitts burgh, 5-1; Slippery Rock State Teachers College, 6-0; Haverford, , 5-0; and Swarthmore, 2-1. Mantle Unanimous Choice as MVP NEW YORK, Nov. 14 RI Mickey Mantle, the New York Yankee slugger who won the American League's triple batting crown, today was unanimously named the most valuableplayer of the League in the balloting of the Baseball Writers Assn. Only once before in the history of the voting had a player won without a dissenting vote. That was in 1953 when Cleveland's Al Rosen won. SHALE ASSOCIATES "The House of High Fidelity" Invite You to . . . Enjoy a Bogen Hi-Fi.Sysitent Always on Demonstration -151 S. Allen— 15. 1956 ers to Battle earns in East ccer teams final four games of the 1956 cribed by the Darwin theory, "survival of 'vy game tomorrow afternoon in Annapolis, :y four of the East's leading soccer teams 'ht days DU, ATO Cop soccer grind- ledule in to be I • l e will be 1 y one's Bowling Wins Two shutouts were registered in Tuesday night's intramural bowling action. Delta Upsilon, led by Jim Lockerman, whitewashed Phi Delta Theta, 4-0, and Alpha Tau Omega, spearheaded by Dave Dickinson's 235 single and 528 series, trounced Alpha Zeta, 4-0. of the I- top ten ;. in the In other fraternity action Theta Xi defeated Phi Gamma Delta 3-1, and Kappa Delta Rho topped Sigma Alpha Mu 3-1, despite Al lan Rose's 203 single and 518 series for the losers. Theta Delta Chi knocked off Tau Phi Delta, 3-1, and Phi Sigma Delta and Tau Kappa Epsilon split at 2-2. Penn State defeated Illinois and Ohio State in its last two starts against Big Ten football teams. iuMntiv.x M •• Ks./) I LOVE ' 4 -/ the food _ . # • : •19 - ... at . . . PENN STATE DINER THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ASSIGNMENT WITH A FUTURE Engineering history is being made at Chrysler Missile Operations. We are meeting and conquering the challenge of two of today's most important missiles—the Redstone .and Jupiter Ballistic Missiles. As a graduate engineer we offer you an opportunity to share in this adventure in engineering for we need young men with the necessary vision and creativeness to work in today's newest and most rapidly expanding iield. In no other area of engineering are the opportunities as great or the future as bright for a young engineer as in this dramatic industry.. You will find at Chrysler Missile Operations- a work atmosphere which is geared to new ideas and where ample opportunity is given each individual to achieve leadership and full command of all phases of missile development. You will work shoulder to shoulder with many of today's greatest missile scientists and pioneers whose names are synonymous with pilotless flight. If you wish to become part of a wide open—full of the future—engineer- - ing field, one which will literally lift you out of the ordinary and into a whole new world of engineering opportunities, then graduate to Chrysler—Guide Post to Opportunity! ' We invite you to discuss your opportunities at Chrysler Missile with ` -. .;“ ...., ' _ .—....,, , 4 : 4 ..4-;.-.; ',..,•;".., T.,'7.....•_ . .•-• ..i, :c. -,;-!.•;- _ -- ....-•'_-, "Y --;r4;;1- , :il , #-* , ':',•i4- r.;,-i;=',.1.:'...4,.= •f . `.. 4 N ..., ..-„,,,',-i:':,,!,,,,•',:,-..j,,,-,*. ~. ,i, -_.. --,:ir-A:..f.0: . 1 ' 4 7 :;ct : ::, • - t.!`• - ,"; ' '.. ' 7,"..-14:.".*.q,.;-..,,1. -,•, -, _. _-- -: .....; .: 1 _A•c: . ...• ~ -.2 ' ' • - --r.'4-'44'....:•t7'!"'..,E1Liv : 1 4. ~ ' '..".'. tr::'' ..t"%.7:::., ' -Ain.., -."' -..-- , -4.1i:',...ei;`,-^,-C:' ....' : 3.-rfy3l‘,, ..'...% ; ' , - ' ENGINEER , /• 4 Let ' s c c . 4 .... i..... „..., Ta I k _ ~, 0...4. ~ ..• i . se .... .. Turkey , . ~,,,, .. . 4 . 1 We are engaged in long range growth .. . insured by a substantial back4og of contracts and a stair of electronics engineers with national prestige. Tbis combination of work and skill provides an atmosphere conducive to your maximum deveiopment. This development will carry with it optimum advancement with commensurate monetary reward. 01If peossmt fotilitios compels* 211,000 sq►ars fool of floe spec* To meet our expansion program a modem plant is under construction at Timonium, Maryland, one of Baltimore's most pleasant suburbs. I.ppY THEL ZINK in the Placement Office on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 CHRYSLER CORPORATION Missile Operations .. . Personnel Department P.O. Box 2628 . . . Detroit 31, Michigan At Hoover Ekdrouics you hare the opportunity to exploit and develop your talents. HOOVER ELECTRONICS CO. 3640 WOODLAND AVE. aw write Hooves ofkirs vets • oriWe oppoibmity to visa is le wimoksose envionaseat cod give me creative tallest: the opportuaity to process in tie 14min, fields. TELEMETRY EIACTRONIC R e EQUIPMENT RADIO NAVIGATION AIDS * • MISSILE GUIDANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTATION INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SPECIALIZED TEST EQUIPMENT CAMPUS INTERVIEWS Nov. 27, 1956 BALTIMORE 15, M. Selbridlery 11b• 111•••••• Compositto = ' •f." , : 1 Y- 7 • 7 . .>i,'.ittr4:•>: , „; -ƒ • ' -.~:.. -, .-:..]: - 4, -& - ; ;... e.:" ; ',-..:1....:47,1!.',--`.*.‘