The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 14, 1956, Image 7

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As •
It has been know,
polls, conducted by
and otherise a farce.
and usually draw tl
in the country, but
This week the ex ; i,
kept the Lion football t
the top 20, but hav:
"powerful" George W
who lost to West Vir l
who were tied by Bost.
sity, both victims of th
Since the Nittany L'
no metropolitan pa •
haie to suffer the co
for lack of votes, whi
meantime, teams like
the votes to back the..
receive all the publici.
The Lions, after be.. ing Ohio
State and West Virgin . on con
secutive weekends, j mped to'
10th in the INS poll, 1 th in the
AP, and 12th in the U'. But fol
lowing their loss to S • acuse by,
four points they have ..opped out
of sight and on one pol were not
even listed in the top 0.
There is no remedy or the sit
uation and as was stated above
the polls do make good reading
material, but to take them ser
ious is idiotic, even if the Lions
are included, and from here on
in this, office will look upon them
as just "good reading material."
BOSTON BITS . .. For the first
time in six games and one pre
season scrimmage captain Sam
Valentine did not lose the toss of
the coin, but he did 'not win it
either. Boston's co-captain Chuck
Fiorino had the choice and he
Boston Coach Buff Donelli
called the Lions "the best Penn
State I ever saw, and I've seen
plenty of them." Donelli's strat
egy was to stop the Lions up
the middle, but the Lions
turned the tables and' ran the
ends to great advantage.
Halfback Billy Kane's 85 yards
rushing pushed him into the lead
among the Lion backs with 418
yards. Kane's halfback partner
and fraternity brother, Ray Al
berigi, dropped to second with 390
yards. Bruce Gilmore. Is third
with 345 yards and has the high
est per average carry, 6.0, on the
According to comments in the
press box Valentine has already
accumulated a number of votes
for the All-America team, which
will be selected in the near fu
ture. Looking over the guards in
the East, it seems without a doubt
The Class Ring is a
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toward his or her college. It is
an emblem of treasured mem
ories of companionship and
learning while preparing for
life's opportunities. Class rings
are worn for sentimental rea
sons—and it is this fact that
accounts for our uncompromis
ing attitude toward beauty,
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see your ring at MUR'S JEW
ELRY today.
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Largest manufacturer of rings
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R 14,1956
By FRAN FANUCCI, Sports Editor
for some time that the weekly football
he three wire services, are inaccurate
The polls make good reading material
- attention of almost every sports fan
at's where it ends.
:efts, for the second straight week, have
am out of
that Valentine should be selected
Saturday's win gave the Lions
their 18th straight winning sea
son. Only three teams—Okla
homa. Kentucky. and the Lions
—have had winning seasons
every yeai since World War II
inia and
n Univer-
-as have
!- r they
e, in the
W have
~.up and
A Boston football announcer,
covering Saturday's game, _said
that he personally thought •the
Lions were a much better team
than Syracuse. He pointed out
the versatility of the Lions com
pared to the ground-minded Or
SOCCER STUFF . . . Steve Flam
penis, captain and defensive star
of the Lion soccer team, was hon-
ESSQ . .-RES EA ROA works wonders v+ritf, . • . .•. .- • •
Fabulous oil-made rubber for the -world of sports
All-American kicks and crashing tackles put a brutal squeeze on the rubber in a football.
But footballs with bladders of Butyl rubber take punishment in stride . . .hold air indefinitely
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Proof,,cmce again, that ESSO RESEARCH works wonders with oil! Esso
Boxing Entry
Deadline Today
Ail entries for intramural hoe
ing must be made by 4:30 p.m. to
day at the intramural office in Rec
Separate competition will be
provided for fraternity and inde
pendent groups. Each weight class
must have a minimum of eight
Boxing equipment will be avail-;
able for daily use starting Mon-:
day, Nov. 26 between the hours of:
4 to 6 p.m. John McHugh will be:
at the starting area to supervise'
and issue equipment to those who'
want to work out.
Thaden to Talk Tonight
On Trip Through Russia
The Sociology Club will meet at
7 tonight in the Hetzel Union
assembly hall.
Dr. Edward Thaden, a student
of Russian history, will show
slides of his trip to RuSsia at the
The meeting is open to the
ored by the Berks County Offi
cials' Association at a banquet
Monday night at Reading, Flam
poris' home town. Flamporis and
Bill Remely, co-captain of the
West Chester soccer team and a
former teammate of Flamporis in
high school, were given awards
for being the top college soccer
players from the area.
Now in Stock!
Warm-up Jackets.
Al/ Sizes $l5 95
Penn State Sweat Shirts
are• the perfect gift
• for Little Brother
•or Little Sister
You can get it at
S. Allen St.
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