PAGE TEN Gilmore's Gone BRUCE GILMORE, Lion reserve halfback, sweeps end on the start of his 33-yard, first quarter touchdown run. Andy Moconyi (14) leads interference. Lion player kneeling at extreme right is Maurice Schleicher (32). Five Lettermen, Two Sophs Head 1956-57 Nittany Cagers By VINCE CAROCCI F,-uerience could prove a deter r-;,iing factor in Penn State's 7'456-57 basketball outlook since Coach John Egli has only five re ing lettermen around which to build his squad. At the moment, the situation on the Recreation Hall center c'•urt seems to be that Captain hob Leisher. center Bob Ramsay. ,and forwards Steve Baidy and ;Pon Rainey arc going to figure the strongest in Egli's plans this yea r. For his fifth man. Egli will have to choose from lettermen Jim Jordy or sophomores Carm Palmiero and Tom Hancock. The battle for the fifth starting berth seems to he a tossup at the mo ment, all three alternating in the spot. The cagers were hurt by the loss of their three leading scor ers last year—Earl Fields. Rudy Marisa, and Bob Hoffman— through groduation but fortun ately Egli has an abundant sup ply of sophomores to work with. Along with Palmicro and Han cock. Egli can keep Greg Schwen deman. Bob Edwards, Jim Patter son and Ted Kubista to call on in c.:;.ze of emergency. All received experience on last year's fresh man squad. Rod Perry. the famed trackman. ^was a surprise candidate for the souad and has shown a great deal of speed and potential in previous 'workouts. However, he still needs time to sharpen his shooting eye and accustom himself to college ball. He was an All-State eager while at Coatesville High School. 'but did not compete in college baa-ethall. Leisher. Ramsay. Baidy. Rain ey. and Jordy all saw a good deal of varsity action last sea son but none were consistent high scorers. Each of the first four hit a "hot" streak, but failed off as the season pro gressed. With the year of ex perience under their belts. Egli feels that they could prove to be a high-scoring unit as they gain the feel of actual compe lion once more. The Lion coach feels that this year's club will have a much stronger bench to depend on than last 3.ear's. edition. However, he feels that his sophomores will have to ;lain the much-needed varsity experience in order for the team to reach its full poten tiaL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA —Daily Collegian Photo by George Harrison THE FIVE RETURNING lettermen on Coach John Egli's cage squad get set to launch the 1956-57 season underway against Carnegie Tech. They are Jim Jordy (lower left), Steve Baidy (upper left). Bob Ramsey (upper right). Ron Rainey (lower right) and Bob Leisher (center). During the practice sessions. the squad has shown a lot of drive, aggressiveness, and spirit. The players have displayed a SPORTSWEAR ... FOR EVERYDAY WEAR We have the tailored jackets that are made for Penn State weather. Ivy League stripes of 100% wool with rayon quilted lining. The best that your money can buy. Factory-to-you jackets and priced at only $13.95. 204 W. College Ave.. State College 'strong determination to battle un 'der the boards—an important Lac ' ;tor since successful rebounding 'is an essential order to win. AD 7-4783 4 Teams In Swimming Three fraternities and one independent team advanced to the quarter-finals in intramural swimming last night. Sigma Alpha Epsilon registered a 33-8 victory over Pi'Kappa Alpha, Delta Upsilon edged by Theta Xi, 23-18, and Beta Theta Pi trounced Sigma Pi, 28-12. In the independent league the Treys won by forfeit over Pollock 4. Dan Lessig led SAE's triumph with 8 points. He was also first leg on the victorious 120-yard relay squad. Lessig took a second in the 60-yard free style ,and a first in diving with 18.2 points. James Musser also added to SAE's win with a first place clocking of 33.6 in the 60-yard free style. Teammates Jay Tim bers in the 60-yard backstroke and Dick Barrett in the 60-yard breaststroke helped their frater nity by winning the events in 45.3 and 45.0 respectively. The 120-yard relay team of Lessig. Dan Friday, Bob Mur ray. and Jim Musser came home first in 1:04.5. Delta Upsilon's Sieve Stevens took two firsts to lead his learn to victory. Stevens won the 60- yard free style in 32.3 and copped first place in diving with 22.9 points. IM Cage-- (continued from page nine) was Doug Hawk who scored nine points. The "high men" for the Hawks were Kovelsky and Swank with 3 tallies apiece. The Tribe knocked off the Nit tany Glashers 25-17. Frank with 10 points was high man for the Tribe and Pytel paced the losers with 8. The Terrapin's Griffis with 14 points led his team to a rousing 29-12 victory over the Shuffle !boarders. Johncon led the losers with 5 markers. The Cyclops bumped off the Pugh St. Cats 16-13. Werner's 5 points led the wad• for Cyclops and I'nrfmann paced the van quished Kittens with 4 tallies. In the evening's finals, The.. Newmanites triumphed over Grande 25-20. Frank Saurmann poured in 8 Newmanite points while Brown paced the losing quintet with 9. In Thursday night's play the Ramblers turned back Nittany 30. 36-32; The Kreams edged the Rockets. 26-22; Dorm 13 walloped the Treys, 31-14: The Deuces Wild romped over the Continentals. 31-18: _The Aces beat the Skins, 23-19: The Panthers licked the Schorers, 27-14; The Gnarps de feated the Geeche Birds, 26-20;, The Black Knights squeaked past the Warriors, 18-17; and the Hun-, gry Five routed the Jordan II men 27-15. Sitting mighty pretty . . . Is this week's LAMBRETTA GIRL, on her cute little Lcanbretta. (She's Pam Alexander Ist Sem Elem Ed, Metuchen, N.J.) _ You too can be sitting pretty by treating yourself to the newest and most sensational machine on wheels—the LAMBRETTA motor scooter CLARK MOTOR CO. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1956 Win Teammate Frank Tripano won the 60-yard backstroke in 44.8 while Gerry Huston, Theta Xi, finished first in the 60-yard breaststroke with a clocking of 44.7. Theta Xis' relay team won in 1:07.6. Tom Imswiler, Gil Lev, and Chuck Fegley led Beta Theta Pi to their victory over Sigma Pi. Imswiler annexed the back stroke in 43.5, Lev captured the breaststroke in 47.0, and Fegley won diving honors with 20.0 points. • Sigma Pi's Brooke Moyer took the free style race in 33.8 while Beta Theta Pi's combina tion of Ted Lyon. Mac Milligan. Bill Meckling, and Ted Mig natti won out in the 120-yard relay with a winning time of 1:05.6. Penn State traditionally plays four of its nine football games on the home grounds at University Park, Pa. - „ 120 S. PUGH