The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 09, 1956, Image 8

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Nittany Pass Defense
Faces Test Tomorrow
The Nittany Lions' highly
touted pass defense will get
a going over tomorrow when
the air-minded Boston Ter
riers tackle the Lions on Bea
ver Field.
The Nittany pass defense.
rated fifth in the nation, has
held the opposition to only 18
completions in six games while
intercepting 16 passes.
The Terriers, in their six
games, have thrown 100 passes
and completed 42. an indication
that they like to throw passes
and usually complete them. The
42 completions have gained 708
yards as against 596 for the
Lions, who have completed 38
out of 81 attempts. Six of the
Terrier passes have gone for
Although the possibility of an
air duel appears inevitable, the
Lions will definitely travel via the
ground because of the supposed
weakness of the Terrier line.
Boston has a heavy and strong
line but it lacks experience. The
Terriers have been able to score,
but so have their opponents. In
the six games this season the Ter
riers have tallied 98 points while
their opponents have scored 113.
This is almost directly opposite
from the Lions' statistics. In the
same amount of games the Lions
have pushed across 116 points
while holding opponents to 49. en
average of approximately eight
per game.
The mainstay of the Boston
forward wall is guard Lou Love
ly who does not play as his
name implies. Lovely is rated by
Coach Buff Donelli as one of
the top linemen in the East. The
6-0. 195 pound senior is also
an outstanding candidate for
post-season All-East honors.
Along with Lovely at the Ter-,
rier guard posts is Joe Verscharen.:
who is a converted back. Ver-!
scharen was switched because of
his defensive ability and lack of;
talent at guard. Only 185 pounds.!
he lacks experience and weight at
that position.
Donelli lost both of last l'ear's,
starting ends through graduation;
and has had to play a sophomore
and junior at the wing spots. John
Regan. 6-2, 205, and Bob Knight !
6-3. 210. will probably be the ends!
for Donelli. Knight is a sopho-I
more but is one of the top de-i
fensivemen on the team and, ac-,
(Continued Irvin page scren)
In other games this year Ar
my beat Colgate. 4.1: lost to
West Chester. 1-0. and Yale. 3-0:
and tied with City College of
New York. 2-2.
In comparison with common
opponents, Penn State defeated
Colgate 5-2 and tied West Chester
Only three met, are back who
saw action against the Lions in
1955. Captain Al Krapf was a
starter at left halfback and Bob
Alsheimer at center forward.
Krapf is again at left half but
Alsheimer has been pushed out
of center forward by a top sopho
more prospect, Tom Carpenter.
Bob Allen, a starter this year
at inside right, broke into the
lineup against the Lions in 1955
as a substitute wingman.
• The rest of the Army lineup
will find senior Dick Pfeiffer and
junior Henry Gardner at full
backs; senor Mike Keating and
junior Chuck Oxreider at the
other halves: junior Bill Morrison
and senior Chuck Moses at the
wings: junior Juan Villanes at in
side left and sophomore Fled
Manzo defending the goal.
• pizza parties at reduced raic
•pretzels and chips in bulk
•wholesale sandwiches
Mili Plum
Defensive star: six interceptions
Oysters on the Half Shell
Mon.-Thurs. 5-11 p.m. 233 E. Beaver
Fri. and Sat. 5-12
Sun. 12 Noon-8 p.m. AD 8-6765
... %~
A~ ~
I`f ~ ~j
cording to Terrier reports, he can
develop into All-American ma
terial in a few years.
At tackles John Migliore and
Ed Paulauskas prevail. Paul
auskas. 6-1. 213, is only a soph
omore, but was voted the out
standing freshman player in
'55. Migliore, 6-0, 211, is a hold
over from last year and is re
garded as a rugged and aggres
sive lineman.
Charley Wanoski, 6-1, 200, was
converted from guard to center
this year and has shown good po
tential at that position.
Approximately 4500 high school
band performers will help swell
tomorrow's crowd to about 30.000,
the largest crowd of the year.
Game time is 1:30 p.m. (EST).
Rip Engle, Penn State football
coach, considers his center, Dan
Radakovich. of Kennywood, Pa.,
one of the finest in the East.
North Carolina State will bring
a strong Pennsylvania contingent
to Beaver Field for its game with
Penn State. Nov. 17.
' Engineering history is being made at Chrysler Missile Operations. We
are meeting and conquering the challenge of two of today's most important
missiles-the Redstone and Jupiter Ballistic Missiles.
As a graduate engineer we offer you an opportunity to share in this
adventure in engineering for we need young men with the necessary vision
and creativeness to work in today's newest and most rapidly expanding field.
In no other area of engineering are the opportunities as great or the future as
bright for a young engineer as in this dramatic industry.
You will find at Chrysler Missile Operations a work atmosphere which
is geared to new ideas and where ample opportunity is given each individual
to achieve leadership and full command of all phases of missile development.
You will work shoulder to shoulder with many of today's greatest missile
scientists and pioneers whose names are synonymous with pilotless flight.
- If you wish to become part of a wide open—full of the future—engineer
ing-field, one which will literally lift you out of the ordinary and into' a whole
new world of engineering opportunities, then graduate to Chrysler—Guide
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We invite you to discuss your opportunities at Chrysler Missile with 1
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in the Placement Office on
Missile Operations ... Personnel Department
P.O. Box 2628 . .. Detroit 31, Michigan
Nittany 44 Win
Action in Wednesday night's
independent intramural basket
ball league saw Nittany 44 scor
ing a 24-22 win over the Shanty
town Nine in an overtime period.
In other games, Nittany 43 de
feated the Five Nitts, 22-19, the
Calder Alleycats trampled the
Hotshots, 37-12, and the Old Ones
defeated the Atherton Men, 28-16.
"Adt oast be in by 11:0411 .aas.
the arecediag day."
VI wards et less:
110.541 Oa* Insertion "
$O.lll Two (Insertions
SIN Mrs* Insertions
Additional words 11 for AI
for myth day of insertion.
ASK A Theta Sig! See them in the 8X
window. For 10 rents! Crew-neck twin
" , eater eet, Sbetland wool. .Buy a ticket
RESERVED SEAT tickets for Boston Uni
‘ersity football game. Call AD £411514
after 6 p.m.
TWO TICKETS for Boston xiime--$7.00
Call Miss Stewart eat. 2403.
BUY CHRISTMAS Cards now. A wide
selection of cards are on sale in the
Hume Ec Lobby.
1515 MODEL T Ford touring car. Every.
thing. original. Braes radiator. Never
re.tored. Second owner. Will sell for best
offer. Phone AD 8-6622 or EL 5-1432.
'49 OLDS 88 4-door sedan ; hydramatic,
radio, heater. 1275. Call Harry Jones
AD li•G013 etenialia.
L.P. RECORDS—mostly classical. Excel
lent condition at sacrifice; many for
Music 5, 6. 9. Holly Thomas, AD 9-6952.
NEW LOW prices on Reese% S.ounderoft
profer.sional rurality recording tape. Stand
ard reel 12.33. long-Play $4.00. Shadle
Asteeiatea. 151 S. Allen, AD 8-EO4l.
DOUBLE' ROOM available immediately. At
t. 17 E. Foster Me. Engineering students
ore ferret,. Call AD 7-4144.
HALF OF desirable double room for rent
immediately. Student must make change
for una‘oidable reasons. Inquire 409 S.
Atherton Street. Phone Al) S-9609.
or write
Cage Contest
Penn Haven tripped the Bul
lets, 30-27, and the Wesley Five
won 38-20 over the 1.1.'5.
Bob Thomas's 'lB markers led
the Cougars to a 40-6 win over
the Co-ops, and Nit ta n y 31
downed the Violators, 31-24. By
virtue of a strong second half,
Nittany 41 defeated the Twenty
Five Fives, 17-14.
ONE BLACK Onyx cufflink between
Temporary Building and HUB. Rcarard.
Cull AD 7-2505.
MAN'S BROWN Wallet, important cards.
Finder may keep money and wallet.
Pleabe return cards.
BRlEFCASE—initials Ci.R.O.. near Parking
Lot 42 Thursday afternoon at 4. Call
HO 6-6185.
WOULD PERSON ;taking Prentice Mall
Labor course book from HUB please re.
turn to place they found it
ONE BLUE Key hat by the bridge Lebow
the Duck Pond. Finder please contact
Jack Whittle, Sigma Pi AD 7-4928.
GIRL'S WHITE beaded evening , bog on
rbrking Lot Oct. 27. Owner mast
claim bag at 215 Mineral Industries by
ming for ad.
ing of theses. reports. etc. Fast reason
able service. Phone AD 5-0043.
NEED SOME money? Come and win a
prize at the TIM Hop tonight 9-12. HUH
NEWLY PATENTED Loretta Kaufman
Creme. Clears the skin of acne pimide.y
acid rash. efzema and other skin irritations.
You need only a few applications. Satis
faction guaranteed. Try it and be amazed
at the results. Distributed by Sara B.
Kaufman. Buy it at 410 E. College Ave..
State College.
FOR PROMPT and expert radio and phonon.
graph service stop at State College T.V..
232 South Allen Street.
IS YOUR typewriter giving you .4volible7
If eo. eel( AD 7-2492 or bring roachloo
to 633 W College Ave.
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