FRIDAY. NOVEMBER Lion Close At A seven-man P. regular season to a ei. this afternoon at Pit The Lion frosh The meet was or changed in order th football game. Lion hopes agai mores—Ed Moran have been the back. pected to figure pro Captain Don Wo. against the Manhatta spot on the club. HL balance plan. Sophomore Bob hompson, who had been rated highly in Weh ner's pre-season -pia s but has not as yet reached his expected potential, completes ' erner's top five entries. Senior Ron Levi., another harrier who has not been very im pressive thus far, a d sophomore Jay Kirby complete the Lion traveling squad. Juni a r Alan Jones, who had entered all previous Lion meets this year, ould not make the trip due to a back ailment. This meet looks to be no different from any previous one this season. The Lions will again have to depend on the legs of Moran. Schoenebeck. and Kerr to ease the possible road to victory by finishing among the first five runners. This has been the pattern all year, and there is no indication that it will change today. With the exceptiOn of the Cornell and Michigan State meets, the three sophomores have been the major factors in the Nittany wins. Moran did not finish against the Big Red—Schoenebeck and Kerr tied for second—while the Spartans, due to a tremendous team performance, whitewashed the "Werribrmen". Woodrow is also expected to figure strongly in Lion victory efforts after finishing in a four-way tie with the sophomores for first place against Manhattan. Werner looks for another good show ing by his captain. Pittsburgh, which has lost only one dual meet in its last 25 outings, is unbeaten in four dual encounters and one triangular meet this year. The Panthers are also defending IC4-A champion. Sophomore Vince Timon became the lop Panther runner when veteran Arnie Sowell left school for the semester in order to com pete in the Olympic games at Melboiirne. Coach Norm Gordon's freshman runners will be looking for their first win of the season after losing to Cornell and Navy earlier this year. Dick Englebrink, Sam White, and Joe Thompson, whom Gordon rates as the team's best runners, lead the eight-man squad which also includes Ron Houghton, Jack Williams, Wil Donahue, George Jones, and Dick McClure. The last five have shown steady improve ment, according to Gordon. 9. 1956 Harriers Season itt Today !nn State cross-country team brings its 1956 u se l today when it meets the Pittsburgh Panthers sburgh. ill also race the Pittsburgh yearlings ;ginally scheduled to be run Saturday, but was I t the harriers could return in time for the center on Coach Chick Werner's three sopho- Clem Schoenebeck, and Fred Kerr. They • ne of the Lion squad all season and are ex inently in today's race. drow, who turned in a creditable performance Jaspers last Saturday, rates the number four has been a consistent aid in Werner's team THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Rooters Host Army Tomorrow West Point's soccer team. will try to establish a beach- 1 head on the Beaver Field soc cer turf tomorrow morning when the Nittany Lion boot ers make their final home ap pearance of the 1956 season. A luntri rm pilsiv h e o 3- 1 3-1 r asc e ° c rn or P d il Tri d the present campaign, will be seek ing revenge against Coach Ken Hosterman's eleven. They have i n9t defeated the Lions since cop ping a 4-3 decision in 1953. In 1954 therLions won 5-1 and last year the Nittany hooters again emerged with a victory. 3-1. That win left the all-time series record at 10-6-3. The Cadets won only two out of ten skirmishes in 1955 and at the end of the season had a seven game losing streak. That was quite a comedown for the West Point booters who usually are listed among the top soccer teams in the country. Ithaca College stretched the losing string to eight in the Army 1 1 o 5(1 6 LQ° riaA/T75 Dance _ .../7' 14 URI r,.."'N I'C RALL --.......,.. , i r tiox. , . . ._ _ _ __ ____ - ... _ ADC11.5.510N- riernßEß6Rip -5 •, START NOW! WIN A WORLD TOUR FOR TWO YOU'LL GO FOR OLD GOLDS Either REGULAR, KING SIZE or the GREAT NEW FILTERS Old Golds taste ter " Old Golds give yoi tobaccos. Nature-- ripened tobaccos . HERE ARE YOUR OLD GOLD 14 _La fcc4 -- -9'irb cc)) PUZZLE NO. 16 MESO3 CLUE: Established by a Wealthy Boston lawyer, this school was the first women's college to have scientific laboratories. ANSWER Name Address City Stale_ Coney's Hold until you have completed sit 24 puzzles SO RIC SO LIGHT SO GOLDEN BRIGHT ! BEST TASTE YET - IN A FILTER CIGARETTE opener this year, but the Cadetsshut out Brockport Teachers. co finally broke it with a 3-1 win national champs with the Lions over Panzer in the next game. last year. 4-0. In their last exhibition, Army (Continued on ixige eight) Save Your Dress Your dress shirts are for dal For dates. Change into a sport after class hours and save on laundry bills. Select your sportshirts at Penn. shire and save again on thei low fadory•to-you price. From 2 for $5 to $5.95 eac 204 W. College Ave.. State College PUZZLES PUZZLE NO. 17 NET CLUE This midwest university is con ducted by the Congregation of the Holy Cram A field hotele on the campus here is a memorial to a great football coach. ANSWER Name_ Address City Stale Cc liege Field until you have completed a/124 Umalto PUZZLE NO. 18 VN I IL ) ,M 1 Er:M I 46 CLUE: A railroad magnate gave 51.000,000 to help found this Southern university. Among its alumni in writer Robert Pena Warren. ANSWER Name Address City State Calms Hold until you have eosapkrad an 'l4 wee. Ist Prize: WORLD TOUR FOR TWO or $5,000 CASH 2nd Prize: Trip to Paris 3rd-6141 Prizes: Trips to Bonne& 7th-16th Prizes: RCA Hi-Fi sets Madr,N 17*-115th Prizes: Brooks Bros. PAGE SEVEN AD 7-4783 SAL NOV, tO