PAGE 'EIGHT Students' Donations Support Penn State Scholarship Fund (Second of a•series explaining the Dunkerly, Glen Elder, James proximately six $lOO scholarships projects of organizations benefit- Emerick, Philip Hazen, James be presented. tang from Campus Chest funds.) Ifft, Daniel Karg, and Dianne( In order to be eligible for a The only scholarship con- Krause. !Penn State Student scholarship, trolled by the University t h at Selection of scholarship reci-'a person must have a 2.5 • All pients are usually made in MarchlUniversity average and must earn is supported by funds donated by the deans of the colleges, the a large portion of his college ex by students to help other students University Comptroller , and the i penses. is the Penn State Student Schol- All-University president. arship Fund. The purpose of the fund as set This scholarship fund will re-tforth by All-University Cabinet,: ceive a percentage of the total land approved by the Board of! collections receiv4,l during the an- Trustees, is to aid needy students! nual Campus Chest solicitations of good character who are re campaign which will begin Mon- quired to work part time to con day and continue until Nov. 16. tinue their education and who The fund was established in 3951 when Ralph Egolf, a former All-University Cabinet member, contacted Herbert R. Kinley, ad ministrative accounting assistant, to see what could be done with the $lOOO profit from the Spring Week carnival. Since that time, the fund has been enriched by contributions from other Spring Week carni vals, All-University Cabinet gifts, the bulk of Traffic Court fines, and student organization dona tions. In commenting on the need for funds, Kinsey said: "All persons receiving the schol arships. to date. have been stu dents compelled to earn a sub stantial portion of their college expenses." In 1952, the first scholarship of $25 was presented. Each year since then the number of students receiving scholarships and the amount of money for each schol arship has increased. Last year eight $lOO scholar ships were presented. Recipients included Joyce Cox, Clarence CLASSIFIEDS "A4l most ime in by 11:611 the preceding fang." KATES IT w.rds et in.S4 One Inikertion Sg.TIN Two Insertions $l.OO Three inimrtions Additional words f rot .01 for each day of insertion. FOl4 SALE TWO TICKETS for nostun !tame- $7.04. 1311YY CIit:ISTMAS Cards now. A wide *election of cm& •re on sale in the Initi MODEL T Ford touring car. E% er3- thing urn. fl hi. Dra..e rad inter. Never reehinetl. Seenstai on tier. Will sell for best erffer. Phone AD 1e6622 or EL. L.-L.3h2. • '49 OLDS FS 4-door Jordan : hydrarnatic, radio. heater. $275. Call Harry Jones N-131,13 etcninga. RECORDS—mostly classical km, condition at sacrifice; many for 14 0 ai r 5, 5. 9. Bony Thomas. AD 9-L952. QUALITY Guitars—two Spanish one a.lrctrie Hawaiian and amplifier. Romeinable. Room 6 Pond Lab between 2 .114 5 p.m. NEW LOW price.: on Reeves Sounders& tontfest.ionai quality ',cording lane. Stand ard reel 52,33. long-play 54.00. Shadle A.SOCifiellc. 151 S. Allen. AD 54.0.4. FOR RENT DOUBLE ROOM available immediately. At 617 ti. Furter Ave. Engineering atudenta preferred. Cali AD 7-4144. HALF OF desirable double room for rent inonedintely. Student must make change for unavoidable mamma. Inquire 409 S. Atherton Street. Phone AD 8-9609. MAN'S BROWN Wallet. important cards. Finder may ko.•n moue!, and wallet- Tlease rclurn card.. BRIEFCASE— initials C.R.0., near Parking Lot 4.2 Thun.lay afternoon at 4. Call 110 LOST—ALPHA Chi Omega (AChiOt soror ity pin. vicinity unknown. Finder please contact Barbara Lynne Kinnier. 896 Grange. WOULD PERSON taking Prentice Dail bOr .0011 MC book from HUB pl-ore torn to place they found it ONE lIILUE Key hat by the bridge below the Dud. Pond. Finder peke contort Jack Whittle. Sigma Pi AD 7-4921. LOST. STRAYED or stolen: Watch in Me lire nitr. Csill Bill Forker ext. 9a. Reward. No questions asked. WORK WANTED InrERIENcEn SECRETARY desire, typ ing et theses. reports. etc. Fast reason able serf ice. Phone AD 1,-10.443 RIDE WANTED 41 , 01. 4 ;ATE. SYIiACCSE • icinity. Nov. A return Nov. 11. Ext. 24cElonin 2G2. MISCELLANEOUS ELSIE-- R ready to stepping fronf S-12 Friday at TIM Hop- Elmer. J. T. SOUSA : You can buy Mitrine Band tickets at the HUB. Waring Hall, Sigma Chi and Music Room, FOR PROMPT and expert radio and phono- graph tenter stop at State Collette TM.' 232 South atilen Street 18 lOL morn:rites giving sou trouble? 'll' so •-ali AD 7 -2492 or bring rtutelline (have made contributions to stu dent activities. Total money contributed to the! fund as of June 30, amounted to! 520,338.11. Money for the scholar-1 ship is not taken from the. total: amount, but from the principle collected on the annual income. Kinley said that this year ap- A dui r.l ty.": r • (•$' offir•Toi* • rt: t'l4 - .~i•,'~[9:"J~,R:. . _ .0 . . r-,.- •z: . .. 'Both divisions of - Lockhced are engaged in a long-range expansion program in their fields of endeavor. 4.i. . ... . ~ ,, i : 6 •4 ,,^ 'V.: ' , :‘.' . () , : z .-.; - '' . ....'•- •,.,, t' '' * ...y : 9 , California Division activities in Burbank ), cover virtually every phase of commercial . II ..:.:<,; and military aircraft. Seventeen different ; .• Models of plahes are in production, including -', . cargo and passenger transports, high Mach t-: .:- -'; performance fighters, jet trainers, radar search planes, patrol bombers. t..;'' B. S. graduates who wish to attain a Master's rS Degree will be interested in the California e); ....,„;;; Division's Masters-Degree Work-Study 113- Program. In the program, participants achieve t .... , ,, 1:3 their M.S. while working concurrently tti on Lockheed's engineering staff. 4 .... - :,..,. t.'? . **l,Vtitzt,frio;a4,..,u, ..::.-, .:':A*k , ..^2,;•.:14 ~,,';.' ;:;',Le.,...;..: r l f' :4y v.*:. W... ft; —• 0 . Vi. -........... I _ v.... -40 • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA %:mss-~:~:.. in Engineering; ..Physics ... Mathematics 7...,...`i:.i . f„ ~, .!' Aircraft Corporation California Division • Georgia Division :.`. -- -r: . :.,1•,;.: - ,;..f , ••,,-.':;.: This broad expansion program is creating new positions in each division: Gr i adirates i n fields of .7 . Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical r• Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics - are invited to investigate their role in Lockheed's expansion. =MEI California Division, Burbank, California • Georgia Division, Marietta, Georgia SPECIAL GROUP EXTENDED PLAY 45 RPM RECORDS Now on Sale Single E.P. List $1.49 . . . Now $.98 each E.P. UNIVERSITY RECORD SHOP "Acrosz from Atherton Hall" 350 E. College Ave. Open Evenings Phone AD 7-7731 Graduates 3Lioolr.l .eecl Aircraft Corporation Course - in Comedy Open to Students Students interested in working as actors, directors, or technicall crewman may register for thel three-week course in comedy which is now being held at 7:15 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays, at Center Stage. Dr. Russell Graves of Lycom ing College, the instructor, has se lected a group of short plays from different periods of history which show the basic comic techniques. ~.te: ~~, y.< :s~:.zr'~i,~:o,~r~%.;:~;'~,'-ri''..".'~y: nw~ u,~ x-' ~~i~~i",4°.:~¢".~.,' `~~~«."6.' will be on campus to discuss your future M!PME "C ' iffC7a4o. s ,MV , T.Vi s 4 3% 4 - Staff Representatives NOVEMBER. 9 - In toc'kheed's expanding research and development program. Separate interviews will be given for each division. •,^ ; • At Lockheed in Marietta, Georgia, new C-130A turbo-prop transports and B-47 jet bombers are being manufactured-in the country's largest aircraft plant under one• roof. The division is already one of the South's largest industries. Moreover, a new engineering center is now in development as part of the division's expansion program. In addition, advanced research and develop ment are underway on nuclear energy and its relationship to aircraft. A number of other highly significant classified projects augment the extensive production program. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8, ATTENTION FRATERNITY ME Sally's has •pizza parties at reduced rat •pretzels and chips in bul • wholesale sandwiches • and Sub-Ho's at prices you'll appreciate for your weekend parties ;.; :a. :7 ~Y -
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