The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 08, 1956, Image 2
PAGE TWO Silva Calls Eisenhower Landslide Big Surprise Dr. Ruth Silva, associate professor of political science, said yesterday that the big election surprise was that Eisenhower's victory was a landslide. Equally surprising, she said, was the Republican's winning three border states— Kentucky, Oklahoma and West Virginia. The other two border states—Maryland and Mis souri—went as she had expected. Dr. Sirva had anticipated all of these states, except Maryland, to go Democratic. Although, she said, with the Mid die East outbreak, the winnintu margin was a question mark. Crisis Advantageous to Ike This international crisis rt bounded to Eisenhower's advar sage, the political scientist be Neves, and particularly in th middle western states. She hat. expected the Republican gain it the urban areas and among th, negro voters Three weeks ago Dr. Silva ant Dr. Evan Johnson, professor of mathematics, predicted that the Democrats would be in control of the United States House of Rep resentatives no matter who won the presidential election. Prediction System Evolved The two University specialist:, have evolved a system whereby they claim to predict with accur acy the outcome of congressional elections. Dr. Silva said that so far in this congressional election she has mistakenly predicted only one seat but believes that more errors will appear as the final returns come in. Dr. Johnson and Dr. Silva use three factor analysis formulae to make their forecasts. The formu lae, one each' for Republicans, Northern Democrats and South ern Democrats, include such fac tors as winning margin in the last election, "coat - tail" influence, votes on issues in the last Con gress. and so forth 0 ~ra~~ Now "THE RACK" Starring Paul Newman Wendell Corey Walter Pidgeon r......: I:4s, 3:46, SM. T:45, •:45 *NITTANY Today at 6:15 - 8:00 - 5:45 Delightful as "Red Shoe's" "Dance Little Lady" with Sadler's Wells Ballet Co. FRIDAY & SATURDAY U.S. Marine Band STARS & STRIPES FOREVER with Clifton Webb 4-CATHAUM Now - 1:48. 3:44, 5:46.7:35. 5:35 The Power and the Prize in CinemaSeope with Robert Taylor WMAJ PROGRAM SCHEDULE Thursday, November g :Si Sign Oa '6 AT UgM!MK=C= MiaMi iAS _ 9:414 __ _ N=:!= DIME I=ll!MElMii:2 l .!:=Z=l IMM!!IIMEI MlSMatMalig==l cjilee. !or A Dew I 1 :$ll _- ---- ...._ /2:00 __ _ IMEM3MEE 022=1 EMMEMI 11=i=Z! 1=9!!!!!!!! 1:H _ 1 :IL -_ wflen..w of Meek 1:IMI ----- MMGM2=I MiERESEM ME!M!! :SI ________ _ _ Lees. News :•• -----_—.-- Fellow Lewis Jr. :t ________ World News EMIEIMEa —.. Social Secasiar rameram 111 As Too Solicre <1 , 81,15/ 536 TMs is cavil Detests. Sal* -- It's A Crime "PM 'Wadi Mews SAS Kook of Noe !fasters 5:45 Campos News twNratt 415:011 _____ Grobrailago 1:1* _ By JUDY HARKISON GOP Landslide Explained Commenting on the probable easons behind the GOP land 'ide, Dr. Silva said that Steven Mn criticized the Suez situatior ke a "Monday morning quarter ack" when he expressed sym athy to Israel and thereby eemed to imply that we shoule tervene there. "Secretary of State John Foster )ulles handled the Suez crisis , adly." she said. "but Stevensor lad no sensible or feasible alter ative." "It seems to me that Stevensor ''as criticized the administration for its wise actions in the Middle East and has been silent on its - tupidities." she explained. Believes Nixon Held Farm Vote Dr. Silva believes that Eisen hower won by a landslide in spite of Nixon, with the exception of the Middle West. Nixon, she said, helped to hold the vote there in spite of declining farm prices. It's rhyme time! ..\\ /if = =1 I=l=l Magic at Nom E6cS .1100 ell •&UET. costume sun nacos' , rouses M2==!= Luckies Taste Better CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER I THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA 111 swas Mo e " woos 4 4 \1; ON C e t ": coy 0'1" wmAt IS A NV GHOST' ( k .. . ii * la ' Cag Ghoul rgofCi K IM Stevenson probably harmed himself, she continued, when, in the last wild swing of a seem ingly desperate man, implied in - o many words that the president vill drop dead within four years. Stevenson Sought Jewish Vote In seeking the Jewish vote, she ;aid, Stevenson seemed to criti -:ize the administration for not ending troops to Israel. "Apparently it didn't pay off ecause he didn't get the expected support in New York City." Dr. Silva believes that the Mid ile East crisis worked in Eisen hower's favor. The reasons for this, she claims, is that many peo ple don't want to "change horses in the middle of the stream" and also the fact that Eisenhower is a military man. "Stevenson's proposals for the draft and the halt of nuclear wea pon testing," she said, "didn't ring very realistically today with war breaking out around us." so' s t," " sla s it c*" 011 go.soo, omiLimmiggi IirASTUDENTS! MAKE $25 Do you like to shirk work? Here's some easy money--start Stickling! We'll pay $25 for every Stickler we print--and for hundreds more that never get used. Stickler* are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don't do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and dam to NeSPY-Joe-Lucky. Boz 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Employment Interviews The following firms will con duct interviews for February graduates and advanced degree candidates who expect to receive degrees during the current school year in the Placement Service office in 112 Old Main: Nov. 21, Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.. All Degreen: EE. MetE. CE. ME. IE, ChE, Phys. Chem. Ind. Psych. LAE, 'BusMgmt: DS. MS: Area... Nor. 27. Celanese Corp. of America: BS: ChE. Chem. IF ME: MS: ChE. Chem. ME: PhD: ChE, Chem. Nor. 27, Glenn L. Martin. Ali Decrees 1.010 • •• • 0 0 • 0 0 eli li li 0.• • • • •• • • 0 • 00 il• 0 II 00 00000000 il 4.100 . :01 111 111 1 1111 1111 111 1 1 1111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111gi •=.lO •.. ‘ 6=-- .=. 0•--0 o= o ..._. •=. •=• ...._. .=• 4040 0= • 4040 0= • 4,--41 4= o • —• •= o4,== . ....7:=o 4,==. _... •= 0 • F 0 R ._. •=. 411..0 o= oo +o •= • • • 0= • 40..0 0= • 0 .. 4 0 0= • • ••• •= • • = 0 •= • T H E 0 .. • • • • ...• • = • • ..-.• el= • 0 ~... 0 41=6 400 0..... • --. ,•=ll.O 011==• t • —•• 00000000000 dome 00000 moo••••••••••••••••••—• nfIIMIHHHHHHONININIMMININEWHINIM OiI• . With a fresh batch of FMMI maganies WMltUlli maturrAcirgasit or amass rs! HERE'S A STICKIER! who WOULD YVO' CALL 2 A LUCKY STRIKE'CK. PA (Ste PARAORAPO 8ELOW1) 'HAT'S THE LATEST thing in college iothes? Packs of Luckies, naturally. So if rou've got a pack in your pocket,- you're ight in style. That explains the answer to he Stickler—it's Dapper Wrapper! Luckies are always in good taste because they're made of fine tobacco—light, naturally good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. Got a pocket? Stock-it —with Luckies! You'll say they're the best tasting cigarette you ever smoked! CICIAREITtS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1956 'Officials' Club to Train Potential Coed Referees Coeds who would like to ref eree intramural basketball games may attend the Officials Club meeting at +3:30 tonight in 3 White Hall. Members of the club will begin to referee games this week with the start of the IM cage league. Officiating training and new rule changes will be discussed at the meeting. AeroE. EE. Chr : Cr. Met. Phys. rit. Nov. 27. Naval Research I.alvs: Ait Degrees: Math, Chem. Met, Phys. 1::E. ME. AeroE. s in TOASTED" to taste better!