The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 07, 1956, Image 7

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quarter-finals is
Of the tw,
test occurred in the fraternity
- Phi Delta Theta managed
Phi Gamma Delta, 7-6. j
In the other fraternity game)
SPE won in an overt me after
coming from behind nd tying
the regulation contest, 7.
In the indie tourne the Ti
mites edged Stan's : s in an
overtime, and the Viol at or s
kicked a field goal to d• eat bare
footed looter King Ching's
Pollock 12 squad, 3-0.
In a dull first half ther team
could move for a first own ex
cept for a Bill Schwa to Stod
dard to Al Buffington ariel that
covered 20 yards but was nulli
fied by a penalty.
Phi Delt scored their TO on the
first series of plays in the second
half as a pass by Phi Gam's Terry
Hutton was intercepted by TOM
Hancock on the Phi Gam 35. Han
cock tossed to Earl Poust on the
15 for the Try:
Torn Burns leistirely>ooted the.
seventh point that wasl to be the
deciding one later in the game.
With three minutes left in the
contest, John Lessig snared a
Stoddard aerial on the Phi Gam
47 and moved down the left side
line with a Phi Delt defender 15
yards in front of him attempting
to cover an eligible Phi Gam re
ceiver. At the 10-yard line, the
Phi Delt made a late move to stop
the Phi Gam, but Lessig cut back
to the right and burst into TO
Behind 7-6, with less than three
minutes, Terry Hutton slipped the
conversion off his foot and
An attempted short kickoff by
Phi Gam failed when a Phi Delt
lineman smothered the ball on
his 35 and Phi Delt retained pos
session of the pigskin except for
the last play of the game.
On that last play; Hutton re
ceived a pass on his 21 and
heaved a long one to the Phi Dell
37 as the clock ended the game.
The Phi Cam receiver had only
One defender to elude _and score
all Reaches
a domination of defense in last night's intramural,
and fraternity divisions. • •
fraternity quarter-final games, the highest scoring con-,
games when all four scored a touchdown' each.
to make good on their extra point attempt and defeated
the winning tally, but was
In the Timites game, the sensa
tionalists who won a game earlier
in the season with only six play
ers, scored a victory over Stan's
Boys after each could get only
one first down in regulation play.
Defense won the overtime for
the Timites as they dropped the
- Boys" for a 10-yard loss and an
other 5-yard loss. Neither team
actually advanced the ball in the
overtime but the losses put the
ball in their opponent's territory
after the six plays and the Ti
mites won.
The Violators' victory came
when Tony Taormina passed to
Ted Leffler from the 45. to the 17
where the attack lost yardage and
stalled. But Keith Deardorff boot
ed the 41-yarder .for the 3-S) score.
Ching attempted an equalizer
from the 36 late in the second
half, but the "bare-footed boy"
was not up to his usual par and
the pigskin fell short of the up-
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—l5l S. Allen—Open Evenings—
Margeran grabbed a three-yard
toss from Jim Macklan for the
Theta Xi six-pointer. Lynn Baker
added the conversion for a 7-0
SPE came back with Jack Mi
chaels tossing 40 yards to Fun
seek. Duane Campbell evened the
game at 7-all and another IM
game went into overtime.
After a series of interceptions
and no completions. the ball rest
ed on the Theta Xi side of the
gridiron for the SPE win.
Gridders Set—
(Continued from page six)
the top 10 punters in the nation.
scoring is spread among 12
players with Kane top man with
Il points, all on touchdowns.
Plum is second with 15, accumu
lated on two field goals and nine
extra points. Four players—Andy
Moconyi, Paul North, Dave Kas
perian, and Bruce Gilmore—are
all tied with 12 points each.
Nitiany Lions Drop From Top 20
In Associated Press Football Poll
The Penn State football team. ing with 30 first place votes.
dropped from the top 20 teams Tennessee is third in the listings.
in the nation for the first time[Tech and Tennessee meet in one
in two weeks following its loss!of the top games across the nation
to Syracuse. according to the' Saturday.
latest Associated Press weekly Michigan State's Spartans. on
football poll. top of the pack for a week. re
The Lions had jumped into the; mained in fourth place white
nation's spotlight with a 7-6 wiwTexas Pt&M stayed in fifth place.
over Ohio State. good for an lath! Minnesota. 9.6 victor over
rating and advanced up the list! Pitt in another controversial
with a 16-6 victory over West , contest, jumped from eighth to
Virginia. good for the 12th place.l sixth, while Ohio State dropped
H owever , th e defeat d roppe d one place to seventh_ Miami of
th e Lions from the list of the Florida advanced from ninth to
nation's best. The victory push. eighth.
ed Syracuse into ninth place— 4 Syracuse holds the ninth VOL
th e fi rs t l i me th e O range h as , with Michigan—entering the top
entered the First 10. 1 10 for the first time—in 10th place.
The seventh weekly poll showed) The second 10: Clemson. Navy.
Oklahoma receiving 116 first pl aee !Florida. Oregon State. low a,
ballots out of a possible 172 for' Southern California. Texas Chris
first place honors. The Sooners'itian. Colorado. UCLA and Pitt
rating 'was not ;Affected because tie, and Stanford.
of its 2.7-19 comeback win over!
Colorado. Colorado led at half Lenny Moore, since graduated.
time. 19-6. scored Penn State's only touch-
Georgia Tech, who edged Duke, down against Army at West Point
7-0, retained its second place rat-last year.
It o
8 to 11:30 p.m. Adm. $.50
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