The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 25, 1956, Image 8

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UCA to Sponsor 5-Day
A conference entitled, “UCA|
and the World Church,’’ to bel
open to students and faculty!
members interested in learn
ing of the activities of the
world church, will be sponsored
by the University Christian
Association beginning Friday
through Tuesday.
The conference will include
three lectures by Rev. Stewart
Meacham. formerly a Methodist
mission worker in India; informal
discussion periods on Monday and
Tuesday conducted by Elias Peter,
youth director of the Church of
South India; and Bible study
classes and worship services.
Supper to Open Conference
The conference will begin with
a cafeteria-style supper at 5:30 to
7:30 p.m. Friday at which time
Rev. Meacham will deliver the
oening address, “You and the
World Church.”
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I Morning prayer services will be
delivered from 8:10 to 8:40 a.r.i.
[Saturday in the Helen Eakin
Eisenhower Chapel and will be
followed by study hours at 9, 10,
and 11 a.m. in the small lounge
of the chapel.
Conferees to Meet at Chapel
At 4:30 p.m. Saturday, conferees
will meet at the Chape] to leave
for the UCA Cabin for supper.
Rev. Meacham will deliver his
second address following the meal.
Discussion periods and evening
prayer also are planned.
The Sunday program will in
clude a common study hour at 9
a.m. in 102 Chapel; regular Sun
day worship services at 10:45 a.m.
in Schwab Auditorium; and a
platform address by Rev. Mea
cham during a dinner at 12:15
to 2:30 p.m. in the Hetzel Union
Mixers Scheduled
From 3 to 5 p.m. open houses
and coffee hours will be held in
What’s Doin
at Pratt & Whit
'Artist's conception of Palm Beach Facility shows two-st<
ing headquarters structure, center, and single-story ma:
and laboratory facilities will be located in area beyond
Believing that the future of aviation lay with larger
aircraft, higher speeds and greater ranges, the found
ers of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft established an iron
clad policy demanding constant striving to develop
aircraft engines that would continually surpass pre
vious accomplishments. The intervening restless years
at P i- W A have been filled with continuing progress
which proved the wisdom of that early decision.
Brand new areas of technology were explored; rec
ognition as undisputed leader in its field was at
tained; expansion to accommodate the growth of
the company resulted in a nationwide network of
auxiliary facilities.
Florida long America’s year ’round playground
is now providing ground for the continued expan
sion of America’s foremost aircraft engine builder.
H’orlif't foremost designer and builder of aireraft engine!
Sunshine and science ...
star performers
new Florida
Otvl i i • • • f U »it • d Ahirtft C•rp•r • I I • •
.the Memorial Lounge of the
i Mr. Peter will lead informal
discussions concerning the 'mis
sion of the world church and the
church and university, for stu
dents, faculty, and staff members
on Monday and Tuesday.
Students interested in informa
tion pretaining to vocations over
seas—either church-paid or work
m governmental or United Nations
agencies, are encouraged to at
tend the discussions or to schedule
personal interview's with Mr.
Coed Contact Prohibited
In Old Days at'State'
In the Rules of the Pennsylvan
ia State College, 1875-1885, stu
dents were forbidden "to associate
with students of the opposite sex
during either session or vacation,
without special permission of the
President and the Preceptress.”
Ideally located in Palm Beach County, P & W A’s
newest facility will' be an important engineering
auxiliary to the main laboratories and plants in.
Connecticut Major factors in selecting the site were
the mild climate and sufficient isolation to permit
development and test of highly advanced and ex
tremely powerful jet engines with minimum acous
tical disturbance to the surrounding resort com
The engineering graduate who begins his career
at this Florida facility will have the rare opportunity
of keeping pace with its anticipated growth. In an
organization renowned for development engineering
superiority, he will be able to gain invaluable ex
perience working on vital, long-range projects that
are a challenge to the imagination.
IM Football
(Continued from page seven)
score occurred shortly after the
kick-off on a Dewitt to Larry
Freedman completion good for 14
yards. Bob Bastion was next to
haul down Dewitt’s throw, this
one counting 6 yards. Larry
Beighy picked off a Jack Van
Vechten pass and then scored on
Dewitt’s heave. Bastion came
back to score the finale on a 13-
Alpha Sigma Phi battered Al
pha Zeta in the last game, 19-7.
Lou Lynch scored all three Al
pha Sig T.D.s, coming on three
passes. The first was a Jim Nor
ton-Dick Ferrari combo which
covered 61. Dick Gray hit Lynch
for the second and Ferrari’s pass
got the third. Don Snyder tallied
for AZ.
Silva Will Pick Victors
Dr. Ruth Silva, associate pro
fessor political science, will pre
dict Pennsylvania congressional
seats at 9 tonight over the WDFM
and WMAJ news round-up.
Chem Phys Council
Freshmen students interested in
Chemistry-Physics Student Coun
cil positions may nominate them
selves on bulletin, boards in Os
mond, Whitmore, Pond, and Wal
ker laboratories.
~Ad« moat be tn by Il:t6
the preceding day-**
17 words or leu;
$6.56 One Insertion
96.75 Twa Insertions
61.66 Thru Insertions
Additional words 3 for -66
for each day of Insertion.
TUXEDO—size 40 regular, in good con*
dition *lO. Call AD 7-3427.
1966 FORD Fairlane Club sedan lolly
equipped with radio, heater, Fordamntie
twin signals, back-up lights and two new
Firestone town and country- snow treads.
$1496. Call AD 7-7724 after 8 p.m.
FOR SALE—I94B Ford 4-dr $125. 1947
Ford 2-<lr $75. 1949 Ford 4-dr, doesn’t
look too good but runs -perfectly $l9O. 1950
Chev. Carryall station wagon, all metal
InHiy, three seats, radio, heater and winter
tires 52&5. All cars in good condition. Can
be financed if desired. Phone AD S-6622 or
EL 5-5382.
TWO EXPENSIVE slightly used formal*,
tize 11; ice blue, champagne. Will tacri
fiee. Call 264 Simmons.
BINOCULARS 12x50, perfect for hunting;
excellent condition. Phone AD 8-9952
after 19 p m.. ask for Joe.
NEW LOW prices on Reeves Soundcraft
professional quality recording tape.
Standard reel $2.33, long-play $4.00. Shadle
Ai-ociales. 151 S. Allen, AD 8-8061.
l T »-ed less than 10 hours. $95. Call AD
S-8952 or 8-8061.
TWO HOUSE Trailers; condition excellent.
with all modern conveniences. 1952 36 ft-,
two bedrooms or 1949 33 ft., one bedicorn.
Call KL 5-2040.
K&E SLIDE RULE. If found cal! Kenneth
Kuba AD 7-2002.
WILL - PERSON who took “Baracuda”
rain coat from outside 239 Sparks Mon.
morning. Please call Joe Nock AD 7-7881.
J ha\e yours.
PAIR OF black-rimmed glasses in brown
case lost betw-een Nittany and Schwab
I p m. Tues. Call Nittany 26 ext. 2SG. Paul
(•RAY JACKET taken from outside 8
Sparks Tues. afternoon. Cal! AD 8-8870.
Sparks, Monday. Finder please call An*
thony Cimei at AD 8-3006.
BROWN LEATHER Key Case with 2
ke>V inside. If- found call Roger Fried
rich AD 8-4)013.
ONE POISONOUS Snake. Return to Cen
ter Stage Friday or Saturday. Needed
for “My 3 Angels/* ____
in Sparks. Reward. Call AD 7-4928. Mc-
Laughlin. .
1956 BETHLEHEM High School Class
Ring. Initials T.J.D. Believed lost in Rec
Hall. Finder call 282 Simmons.
LOST NEXT tn 16 Sparks —Alligator Rain
coat with red plaid lining, have jours.
Would appreciate exchange. Ext. ,266 after
5 p.m. Ask'For Richard Gummo.
GREY SUEDE Jacket In«it last week on
campus or taken from Kappa Delta Rho.
Call AD 7-2337.
DOUBLE Room, 340 East Prospect,
immediate occupancy. male student;
quiet, pleasant surroundings. Call AD 7-
7852 any time.
DOUBLE Room with Board, 317 E.
Beaver. Phone AD 8-9135 ask for Bob
DOUBLE ROOM, with board—sl9 per week.
220 East Nittany Ave. Fhone Mrs. Hart
man AD 7-7247.
DOUBLE OR Single Room* across from
Atherton Hall. Inquire: Campanis Shoe
Repair, 343 East College Ave. AD 8-8172.
HOME COOKED meals at reasonable rates
7 days per week. Call AD 8-3590 and ask
for Chester.
TUXEDO IN good condition at reasonable
price; size 42 long. Call AD 7-3427.
Epsilon Pi, 429 E. Hamilton.
EXPERIENCED NEAT Clerk for part-time
work. Apply Chicago Meat House, rear
139 North Gill street.
EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires .typing of
thesis reporta, etc. Mary Jo Lindhome,
128 Locust Lane.
SQUARE DANCING with the “Serenaders”
this Saturday, Oct 27, Woodman.HalL
Dames sponsored. Couples welcomed. For
information AD 8-9607.
THE STUDENT Floral Agency thanks you
for your many corsage orders. Tonight
Ixdwecn 5 and 7, p.m. will be the last
chance tn order. See you by the West
Dorm P.O, or in the Nlttanv-Pollock dining
Young Democrats meeting, 105 Willard
tonight 7.
FpR PROMPT and expert radio and phono
graph service stop at State College T.V.,
232 South Allen Street
CHIROPRACTORS—Dr. James W. Maurer*
Dr. Joseph Kryemienski—new office ad
dress, 138 B. Beaver Ave. (above Weis
Storei. Phone AD 7-3900.-
IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble?
' If to. cal) AD T-2492 or bring enaehuM
to 633 W - College Ave.
European party at Presbyterian Student
Ccxier Sai. aiU'at 8. Come oa down I