The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 19, 1956, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Red China's Fall Predicted BT PAT EVANS Dr. T. Z. Koo. visiting Chin ese professor from Bucknel) University, predicted last night the eventual downfall of Com munism in Red China if the present totalitarian govern ment continues. Starvation and danger can be endured; but when a soul is de prived of freedom it will revolt. Dr. Koo said. He spoke on the topic “Red China And You” at an Inter national Affairs Forum in the me morial lounge of the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. Explains Background In explaining the background of the revolutions in China, Dr. Koo said China was a “secluded nation” until the middle of the I9th century. The open door pol icy, he said, caused “the begin ning of a series of changes in Chinese life.” The monarchy, he 'aid. was overthrown in the 1911 revolu- COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS ano*t be m by 11:00 a.m. the preceding day.** RATES 17 ward* or im; S6.SO One Insertion $0.76 Twe Infraction* ItJt Three -insertion* Additional word* 9 for ,t( for earfc day of insertion. FOR SALE 27' TRAILER Hou»tc in exetlUnt condition. oil four, bathroom and rldiw **r. LookUtl arros# from Heckler Chrv., Jh-ilefor.U'. B*+l off«*r. ]rwjuirc 20 Valentine Kt.. Ikllff«n*e, LATK 11*55 Imperial 34 foot Moliile Home. Th ’ns trailer »•■ in p*»rf«-<t condition. $2795 include* financing. AD 8-9414. TAN RAINCOAT at Rinalclo'e. 1 have your*. Call AD 7-4402, Date McCullough. 3MAN*£ SILVER Gruen wmtuoilch. silver and Mack Iwnd. Lo?»t in Frcar Lab on Wednesday. If found pleat* call Robert Morrison AD 7-2108. BLACK CHARCOAL Jacket during Thea y»ian *how Tkurx. night. 1 have yours. Call AD 7.7732 a»k for Shelly. SCHAEFFER mechanical jencil, %te>n»Ly of Mechanical Knp. Building. Return to Ralph Clinard, 607 W. College. ONE IJIIACKI.FT of linjr aenralis: aenti mental \a)ue. If found call Barbara Hill, 312 Atheitnn. WINSTON scores top marks for flavor 1 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA |tion. The three principles which set off that revolution are now ! prevalent in the countries of the [Middle East, according to Dr. [Koo. The principles are; 1. Democracy, or primarily, abolishing hereditary government. 2. Rationalism, or, the “welfare, honor; and dignity of the nation as well as of the clan.” 3. Livelihood. ("People have to eat no matter who is in power.”) Dr. Koo predicted similar revo lutions will “pop up” within the [next 10 or 15 years in such coun tries as Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey. Cites Stages The Communist movement in China today, he said, is not ris ing by accident, but it is the sec ond stage in the series of revolu tions. He said the movement has punch today because the intelli gent dedicated men in it and be hind it are firm in their beliefs. Dr. Koo told two instances where acquaintances of his ex plained to him their reasons for LOST .SORORITY PIN Kappa Delta. diamond frhitpc vuih pearl*-. Initials D.L.K. Vicinity «>f Homo Ec library and Atherton. Call Gail. 157 .Atherton. Reward. CHI OMEGA sororjty pin. If found call 425 Atherton. CHARCOAL GRAY skirt left in Schwab Auditorium. JMease call 23 Simmon*. DIETZGEN SLIDE-RULE between South Allen SL and Mechanical Engineering laboratory. Call Campbell AD E-SC24. 1957 RUBY Class King initialed P.E.K., believed lo*-t on Fairmount Axe. Finder call Paul Kauffman at AD 7-7683. FOUND MAN'S WRISTWATCH in Frear. Oivner may claim by identifying and paying for thia ad. Call AD 7-4515 after 6 p.m. ROOMS FOR RENT HTtLF DOUBLE or double at 123 Nittany A\#».. near campus, running water. Ask for C.R. Call AD 7-4850. *2 DOUBLE Room with board at 220 E. Nittany. Phone AD 7-7247. HALF OF desirable double room for rent immediately. Student mubt make change for unavoidable reasons. Inquire 409 South Athettoa Street. Fbone AD £-9609. FOR RENT QUIET, PLEASANT large single room I near campus for woman student or ! teacher. Cooking privilege® if desired. AD 17-2629. turning Communist. The reasons were the so-called racial prejudice in the western world, and the fundamental ac s tion in improving the state of the workers under Communistic government. Discusses UN Topic In discussing the question of whether or not to admit Red China to the United Nations, Dr. Koo compared the two Chinese revolutions mentioned earlier in his talk. In the first uprising monarchy went dowrT and out, he said. In the second, “nationalism went down, but not out.” He said if Red China is ad mitted a blow would be dealt to anti-communist forces in coun tries where nationalism still ex ists.. Opinions Asked In a question and answer per iod following the lecture, Dr. Koo was asked his opinion of the ef fect of Communist education of youths “from the cradle up.” He replied that if the children accept what they are being taught WANTED MALE ROOMMATE dei»ircd to share living facilities and e\pen«*«**j in apartment. If interested call AD 8-0076 after 6:30. EXPERIEN’CED PIANIST, drummer, and saxophonist to work with combo. Con tact 312 Thompson ext. 1097 immediately. FINANCIAL ; DRAFTEES —You can be draft exempt and earn one semester’s tuition by just working 2 hours per week for a year— plus other benefits. Veterans an Army SgL (or A/F S/Sgl.) can earn over two semester’s tuition by juht working 2 hours per week for'a year for these and other National Guard benefits. Call Lt. Beamer AD 7-7387. MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHES DIRTY? Take them to the Student Dry Cleaning Agency in the P.U.8., Watts, and Girl’s Dorms. HEY FELLOWS! The Student Floral Agency will be taking corsage order* for the Junior Prom on Oct. 27 thru 25 in the West Dorm and Nittany Pollock areas. FOR PROMPT and expert radio and phono graph service stop at State College T.V -232 South Allen Street. «■ CHIROPRACTORS—Dr. dame* W. Manrey. Dr. Joseph Kryemicnskl—new office ad dress, XSB B. Beaver Are. (above Weis Store). Phone AD 7»3900. IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If «o. rail AD 7-2492 or bring machine to €33 W College Ave. Graduate Student Gets Scholarship The State College branch of the American Association of Univer sity Women has awarded its an nual $125 scholarship for an out standing woman graduate student to Mrs. Helen A. Brown. Nov/ working on her Ph.D. in English, Mrs. Brown h as tenta tively chosen “A General Seman tic Study of the Essays of Sam uel Johnson” as her thesis sub ject. She was graduated from. Ho ward University in 1947 and re ceived her M.S. from Atlanta Uni versity in 1955. the Red regime may last longer. Dr. Koo said that no free univer sities now exist in China; the pro fessors, he said, have been “brain washed." He said Red China and Russia are bound industrially by a chain “it will be impossible to break for many years to come.” Two Pair You Get Two Sparest* V- * _ Here’s'a rare opportunity" to get'a rcariong-lastlng supply of -fine nylon hosiery for far less than you ever Imagined I regular $1.25> value for only $1:00 —plus a buy this package of* two pairs and two spares, you are actually getting three pairs of fine nylon hosc.‘%Take advantage of this offer NOW.iClip_and mail the' coupon below for fast delivery/ - DENISE HOSIERYJxTBOX 227, READING, PA. Please send me two pairs and iwo spares of Denise Hosiery. For this I am enclosing ~ DENISE HOSIERY BOX 227, READING; PA. _ •' • - • ' " FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1956 Downtown Men Offered Jobs Several openings are available for men living off campus who are interested in working for their Three dining halls on campus, two fraternities, and two restau rants off campus have asked for help. The restaurants are par ticularly interested in help for the noon hour. Requests have also been made for male students to work in fra ternities for the. • Junior Prom weekend. Two men with meat cutting ex perience are needed for weekend work in two stores in town. There are openings for girls in terested in doing .light house cleaning one or two afternoons a week. Students may apply for these jobs in person at the Student Em ployment Service, 112 Old Main. Dresr Sheer Q Q Beige. Q Taupe Length