The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 19, 1956, Image 6
PAG€ SIX Lions, Buckeyes Feature Strong Li If any one factor has been I Who is fifth in the nation with a ! instrumental for both the Nit-! 43-6 P“ n * ,n 9 average. j tany Lions and Ohio State! Ohio State meanwhile, has , iscored 93 points m three games, having winning records thusj an( j has allowed 32. Led by All far this season it can definitely American guard Jim Parker the be traced to the line play of both Buckeyes have used strictly aj teams. ' [ground attack. Parker is credited' While the Buckeyes feature one with “cleaning the way” for Ohio' of the most potent offensive for-:Slate’s backfield brigade. j •ward walls the Lions’ forte is de- The other Buckeye guard, Au-i fense. The are third in relius Thomas, is also highly rated; the nation in total defense, after jby the Lion coaching staff. Thom-j limiting Holy Cross to 45 yards'as was the number one replace rushing and 35 yards through thejment last year and is one of the, air Saturday. Army is the onlyifastest linemen on the squad. ! team to gain over 100 yards „ . . , . , I against the Lions this year. I The Buckeyes mighl have , In rushing defense, the Lions ■ f” e ?/ *^ e . heaviest middle of •re lied with Georgia Tech for lh * U nes in the country but sixth place, allowing 324 yards : when U comes to ends theirs is , in three games. Another asset , one °* “Shiest. • io the Lions' defense is the ex- ’ Both ends—Fred Kriss and Leo! ceilent punting of Milt Plum. Brown—are probably the lightest’ 2 Fraternities, 2 Indies Win; 37-Yard 'Goal' Kicked Barefoot In a night packed with excitement and climaxed by a 37 yard field goal—barefoot— Pollock 12, Phi Epsilon Pi, Pollock 10 and Theta Xi emerged victorious. King Lit Ching, Pollock 12's southpaw quarterback, played the entire game barefoot, and booted a 37 yard field goal to lead his team to a 3-0 triumph over Nittany 34’s Mighty Mounties. A touchdown pass that covered 43 yards for Pollock was nullified by an off sides penalty, depriving spec tators of another glimpse of the toe of Ching, who was sure to attempt the extra point kick. A punt return and pass play from Arnie Rosenthal to Jerry Epstein, which traveled 50 yards for a first down and settled On the six-yard line, gave Phi Epsi lon Pi an early 1-0 lead and later a 2-1 win In easy scoring position, with lour downs to go. Phi Ep muffed the chance and lost nine yards. Another loss and an intercepted pass kept the Theta Chi goal line out of danger. Shortly after Phi Ep threatened again as Howie Felt threw complete to Kurt Ehr man for 19 yards, one short of a first down. But once again the Theta Chi line held, and pushed the opposition back to the 4G to the attack still trailing 1-0 as the game neared its close. A 25 yard pass from Jim Star to Jack Miller tied it up for Theta Chi at one first down apiece. The Fans Question ND Defense SOUTH BEND .Ind .. Oct. 18 tTPi —What's wrong with Notre Dame's football team? It has lost two of three games and figures to be a lamb "led to slaughter this Saturday and the following against the nation's two top teams Michigan State and Oklahoma. Even the most partisan Irish fans will concede Notre Dame’s defense has been sieve-like in losses to Southern Methodist and Purdue and even in victory over Indiana. This hits the nub of Coach Ter ry Brennan's problem, racing against time to teach defense. WMAJ PROGRAM SCHEDULE Friday. Oct. 19 ft :32 Morning Demotion* Robert Hurlfigb Republican Political Cecil Brown Jft:ft« Classical Interlude 1«:15 ... 11:00 World New* 11:3ft._ Queen For A Day _ Mut>ic at Noon 12:15 Centre Count* NVws 12 :5ft Ma«ic lor Listening Sport* Headlines Strike t’p the Rand 12:5ft 1 iZ9 Centre Count.* New* (rebrosdcaKtl Afternoon of Mu*ic 1:45 Boy and Ra> Republican Political 5:45 5:50 Republican Political 6:ftft . World News; market summary 4:IS _ Mwir for Listening 4 : 55 Local New* 7:00 .. Fulton Lewis Jr. 7:ls World Ncn* Sports Time Piano Interlude 7:28 - Headlines in Chemistry Music far Listening g : 00 Counterspy €:3O __ . City Editor 9:M Caaitpa* New* <WDFM> 9:3ft Survival in the Air Age Ift:oft .. .. GroouiSojy 1:M ~ - -- Si*" Off game proceeded into overtime and on the first of six alternating . plays, Theta Chi moved into ene my territory, and remained there 1 for the next four. On the sixth , and final play of the overtime period Phi Epsilon Pi's Kurt Ehr- i man threw a pass into a crowd , iof receivers. After 10 seconds of 'screaming and general confusion, Rickey Lippe climbed out of the pile with the ball and ended the game with a pass complete to the Theta Chi 48 yard line. Pollock 10 shut out Nittany 41, 13-10. For the first score, Pollock, on its own 20 yard line, turned four laterals into a 30 yard gain and a first down. Elmer Knizer then passed to Lee Leacock who ran to the five and lateraled to Jim Allias for two more yards. On the next play, Knizner scored from the three. The conversion; was missed and Pollock led 6-0. i | Midway in the second half, j George Edwards took a Nittany 1 punt at midfield and passed 40, yards to Tom Wutka for the sec-' ond Pollock TD. The point after the touchdown i was good as Allias threw com-i ftftftftftftftftftftftft STATE CEa NOW: l-4«, 3:4'. 3:42. 7:39, 9:39 ™ THE SOLID GOLD judy mm • Paul doughs Sign On Mominc Show Morning Show Morning Show Story Time World New* Swap Shop *NITTfiNY TODAY - DOORS OPEN 6 p.m. “Spicy, racy and hilarious!’' —Daily Mirror "THE BED" Richard Todd - Dawn Addams —SATURDAY— Action in "YELLOWNECK" Sport* Special THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Paul North -Vay see action tomorrow plete to Edwards, a sleeper, in the end zone. In the final contest of the night Theta Xi, after being held in check by the Theta Delta Chi line, scored a touchdown late in] the game to notch a hard-fought 6-0 victory. Theta Xi scored Us' touchdown on a pass from Jim Machlan to Jim Wentz, good for 20 yards and the six points. Before the score both teams featured tight defenses with fine plays dominating action through out. Ron Falk, Theta Delta Chi, was outstanding for his team while Machlan and Wentz were the sparkplugs of the Theta Xi offense. ends in the last few years fori Ohio State. Kriss is 187 pounds while Brown is 168, which is re garded as small for a back. But lack of weight has no apparent effect on their playing. Tor Toret ti, Lion scout, said that both are exceptional blockers and good de fensive men. Buckeye tackles are Bill Michael and Dick Guy, both returnees from last year’s championship team. Michael has been a varsity end for two years, but was switch ed to tackle to alleviate the short age of manpower there. He started’ all nine games last year and led the team in total playing time, with 491 minutes. Guy is the only returning i tackle with experience and ] should be at right tackle in to- ] morrow's game. Both Guy and Michael are over 210 pounds Griffith Favors Senators Shift WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 f/P) Move or stay put? The Washing ,ton Senators decide tomorrow. Directors of the Washington American League baseball club vote tomorrow in what is ex pected to be a tempestuous ses sion, on whether to move to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Minne apolis, Louisville or continue here. President Calvin Griffith is.try ing to engineer the shift. Reports say that Grififth—who wants to switch to Los Angeles—can swing a majority of the five-man board ihis way. H. Gabriel Murphy, a di rector who owns 40 per cent of ithe stock, loudly opposes a trans fer. IS THIS THE MAN WHO STARTED IT? There are some who dispute the fact that President Chester A. Arthur was the first man to wear the Oxford Button-Down shirt. They are right,he wasn’t. Van Heusen has discovered that its originator was actually Arthur A. Chester, who, oddly enough, used the button not to keep his collar down, but to keep his shirt up. Whatever its purpose, the Oxford Button- Down (or Button-TJp) shirt wowed Mr. Chester’s crowd on sight and has been a staple of fine wardrobes ever since. Today, Van Heusen’s Oxford Button-Down is still in the authentic Chesterian tradition Exclusive at Hur's Van Heusen Shirts Bur H iEru’s FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1956 and each stand 6-2. Another weak spot on the Buck eye line is center, where Thomas Dillman prevails. Dillman was third string last year but moved up to the top spot this season, being the only center with any ex perience. He won the “most im proved player” award for his play in spring drills. He is a fine pass defender, when at the linebacker spot, and is considered a good blocker. Lion Coach Rip Engle and his staff put the Lions through light drills, before leaving for Ohio State last night. The team will put in a light workout at Columbus today and then go over plans for tomor row’s lilt tonight. Game time is 2 p.m. (EST), which is 3 p.m. State College time. gi |HE Town House .. . |: QIVES to you |T'S own formula . . . pOR fun •«••«••.« Jerry Miller __ Combo Af ’■* v ' „ \ 4-6:30 / , aA.mrmm ... but with a wonderful dif ference. The cloth, woven of fine long-staple cotton, is as soft as a co-ed’s smile, yet exceptionally long-wearing. Superbly tailored in the smart Van Heusen way, this Oxford Button-Down enhances your looks, whether you’re involved in class, tugs of war or mid night brawls. $5.00. At better stores everywhere, or write to Phillips-Jones Corp., 417 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, New York. Makers of Van Heusen Shirts • Sport Shirts • Ties • Pajamas Handkerchiefs • Underwear Swimwear • Sweaters. Across From Old Main nes