PAGE FOUR f'MIWM tmm4mj Biftfß »*«wrdmr ««r*inci 4«nn| dM UaneriiO rtti Us# Diily Cslltfiis u ft •tft4ent> M»rftt«# arviDiDn —.- 1 13.91 t>«r Mfttslef (5.M p«r yeft* L«— l»ler»# m J«l| ». 1934 at thi SUU C»Uc{s. Pft Post Offset inlet Us« let if Marek L 1179. MIKE MOYLE. Acting Editor Dranna Soltis Asut. Bu.%w Conklin. Managing Editor; Ed Dublin. City Editor: Fran kdv. Mgr.; Janice Andernon, National Adr. Mgr.; Anne Fanucri, Sports iditvr; Becky 7.ilim, Copy Editor; Vince (.«t»n and David Posca. Co-Circulation Mgrs.; Arthur Brener, Caroeci. Aanintant Sporta Editor; Evie Onsi, Featare* Editor; Promotion Mgr.; Jo Fulton, Personnel Mgr.; Harry Vaver- Dave Bavar. Photography Mitar. haunt. Office Mgr.: Barbara Shipman. Classified Adv. Mgr.; Ruth Howland. Secretary: Inne Groff. Research and Rec* ords Mgr. STAFF THIS ISSUE: Night Editor, Pat Hunter; Copy Editors, Terry Leach, Lianne Cordero; Assist ants, Dick Fisher. Miller. Mickie Cohen, Mike Dutko, Rocky Epstein. Frank Vojtasek, Wolf Alber, Les Powell, Ralph Manna, Joan Bransdorf, Marie Russo, Barbara Hodge, Ann Sanders, Carol Lojeck, Dolly Acri, Rozanne Friedlander, Dick Drayne, Marie Moran, Pro and Con’s on Fo In talking about food service we could say that we haven’t cared for the menus lately, that they don't seem to have much color, and that we wish we could find our food under tne extra garnishes and sauce, but in saying these things we would only be stating our own opinions when others might rave about the things we dislike. Food service does have a pzoblem pleasing everyone in its choice of menus, but its standards of service should re main constant and be beyond reproach. So far this semester we feel that some of the service lias fallen below the standards that ought to be maintained. In the morning wnen students are more rushed than at any other time during the day they like to be able to get their breakfast promptly. In both Atherton and McAllister Ilalis we are told that lines move slowly in the morning. We told Mildred A. Baker, director of food service that we had heard these complaints repeatedly and asked her what could be the cause ol slowness in the lines. Miss Baker said that at the beginning of the year both old and new students had to get back into the routine of handing trays quickly and efficiently and that these adjustments look lime. She also said that particularly during the fall semester students often moved more slowly through the cafeteria lines because their al tenion was distracted by the sight of friends they had not seen since last semester and ihey spent time renewing these friendships. Miss Baker also said that the food service had made studies of cafeteria lines and found that some meals were served more slowly than others. As an example she cited the days that soup is served at the noon meals, and said that students are cautious about lifting a soup bowl from the counter to their trays and slow down the line in their care. While Miss Baker may have some points to her argument we wondered jf tn the case of McAllister Hall particularly the use of two lines at the breakfast meal wouldn’t be the answer to the students getting their breakfast more quickly. Investigation of supply versus demand for waiter jobs in the dining halls did show that there were more jobs than there were waiters to fill them. John J. Huber, assistant in the Uni versity Placement Service, said that more fra ternities have applied for waiters through the employment office this year than ever have in the past. This would seem to indicate that the waiter supply is particularly limited this year. Huber also said that many students found that they had to leave waiter jobs because their academic load was too great to allow them to give so much time to a job. Discarding this idea we thought of one other suggestion that might help to speed the line in McAllister Hall. We have noticed that the waiters fill each beverage order individually, and wondered why they couldn't keep filling cups of coffee, tea. and cocoa as quickly as possible and placing them on the counter as long as the cafeteria line was solid. We realize that they may have been told that students like to have their drinks served hot and were probably taking extra care to see that everyone was satisfied, but we feel Parking Comment TO THE EDITOR: At last the University has made known by wav of Dr. Walker’s comments in Wednesday's Collegian, its real intentions in dealing with the parking problem. Dr. Walk er’s admission that all student automobiles will be banned need not, however, be particularly disappointing in view of his further suggestion that peripheral parking lots might be made available enabling students to drive between home and the University. Certainly Dr. Walker's outright and honest approach to this problem is much better than the evasion and doubletalk that students re- CEIIMAN CLUB. INTEftI.ANDIA DANCE CLUB. 7:10 n m. HUB Ballroom SABBATH EVE SERVICES. 8:00 p.m.. Hillel ALL-UNIVERSITY ELECTIONS COMMITTEE. S:S9 p.m. • Ctrnejtie Guest Pastor to Speak 'Women's Building Room ' {Finch to Speak at Hillel At Campus Fellowship 'Available to Commuters iOn Jewish Philosophy Dr. Frank Torrey, pastor of the The room in Women’s Building j Dr. Henry A. Finch, associate Calvary Independent Church, for women commuters is nowjprofessor of philosophy, will Lancaster, will speak at a meet--available for use at any time. lspeak on “Duties of the Heart: ing of the Inter-Varsity Christian The room is situated in the west! A Jewish Philosophical Theme” Fellowship at 7:30 tonight in 405 wing of the ground floor. at 8 tonight in the Hillel Founda- Old Main. | tion Clwist” OPiC WIU bC “ Greatness of TIM Executive Board Dr. Torrey is an alumni of the; The Town Independent Men; University and interested in mis- executive board will meet at 9j sionary work. Ip.m. Monday in 203 Hetzel Union. 1 Satlt] Collegian S«rcm*t u fHB FREE LANCE. eat. IMT Safety Gazette THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA DAVE RICHARDS, Business ‘Manager od Service that lhe beverages would be hot if the line was continuous. The other system would be more adaptable if there were long breaks in the line. Miss Baker said that anyone who picked up a cold cup of coffee, tea. and cocoa had the right