The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 19, 1956, Image 2
PAGE TWO —Daily ('«llcci>n Photo by Ceorx* HarrUon THE AFROTC pep band marches down Pollock Road on its way io Ihe pre-Ohio-Stale-game pep rally in front of Recreation Hall. 600 Sfudents Hear Toretti Praise Team at Pep Rally By DENNY MALICK Line Coach Sever Toretti last night praised the “most courag-j eous bunch of kids" he has ever seen as he spoke before approxi mately 600 students at the pre-{ Ohio State game pep rally. Toretti lauded the team during Ihe spirited rally in front of Rec reation Hall prior to the team’s depature for Columbus. Ohio, to battle the highly-rated Buckeyes tomorrow. He said the gridaers have a big job as two different systems will be clashing in the game—that of a school where football means ev erything and another where it is only a part of an educational sys tem. During »he rally, John Chaffetz. head manager, made individual introductions of the Nittany Lion squad members. Prior to the in- troductions, Chaffetz cited the oc casion of two years ago when the University opened against Illinois. UN Day Slated For Wednesday Wedre sda> has been declared United Nations Day at the Uni-j versitv by President Eric A. Walker. j The occasion will mark the 11th, anniversary of the day the United Nations charter went into effect.! Dr. Walker, in his proclamation said: “Tile twenty-fourth of October, nineteen hundred fifty-six, is hereby declared United Nations Day at the Pennsylvania State University, and the attention of the student body, faculty and staff is called to the observance of this Day as a time of study of the purposes, objectives, and program of the United Nations.”, “The United Nations flag will be flown and special programs will be conducted by various stu dent and faculty organizations.” A survey made in 1934 indi cated that erosion had badly damaged more than 280 million acres of crop and grazing land. t. V r-.. F Bill McMullen Florists 122 E. College Ave. "Opposite Old Main" Phone AD 7-4994 n fe»; SLr!-:*?? ¥.*Zi>'"Y then rated number two in the na tion. The Lion defeated the Illini, 14-12, he reminded. He said that ‘‘all the boys are going out to do a good job” and added that the team will be play ing before a small crowd as com pared .to last Saturday’s million plus TV audience. Dick DeLuca, starting right guard, was the team’s speaking representative. He said he heard many students and fans were doubting the team’s chances against the Buckeyes. DeLuca then pointed out, however, that “they put their shoes on one at a time.” The Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps Pep Band provid- ed a peppy musical background for the rally, and the cheerleaders led the crowd in school songs and cheers. Immediately after the rally, the team received a noisy sendoff as the bus left for the game. MOMENTS TO REMEMBER The soft music of the Junior Prom and a beautiful corsage from . .. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Cabinet Executive Committee To Get Yule Extension Plan All-Universitv Cabinet last! night referred a recommenda-j tion to increase this year’s; Chistmas vacation by three days to the group’s executive committee. Decision on the proposal was slated for Thursday night. Near the end of the two hour and 15 minute session, Norman Schue, Agriculture Student Coun cil president, asked Cabinet to recommend to the University that the vacation (Dec. 20 to Jan. 2) be extended from Dec. 22 to Jan. 3 because: 1. Students won’t have enough t. ne to get jobs during the vaca tion and make spare money. 2. A large number of students will cut the Extra days. 3. Students won’t be interested in attending classes during the last few days of preceding vaca tion. 4. The return date is too close to New Year’s Day (Jan. 1). 5. Students won’t have enough time for holiday shopping. Explains Points Explaining the last two points, Schue said he felt students are being asked to return too soon after New Year’s Day: “An awful lot of students aren’t going to be in too good shape for classes if ...buf HAMILTON STANDARD win b* hw«i OCT. 25 $H yow P(oc«m»At Officer for tim« and plact If you cannot attend an interview, please send your resume to they have to come back Jan. 5. K i As for shopping, he said, he realized the University would ask why students couldn’t do their shopping in State College, instead of waiting until they went home. “But let’s face it,” Schue said, “you know how high the prices are downtown. The administration can’t expect us to shop there.” Schue said the missed time could be made up during the se mester break. Land Opposes , Interfraternity President Daniel Land opposed the request because; he said it was made on short f notice. Directing his remarks at i the proposal for this year. Land jsaid: “No matter when you start a vacation, there are always peo ple who will cut the day before (vacation starts). Cabinet will Poet Will Open Lecture Series Richard Eberhart, an American poet, will be the first speaker in the Liberal Arts Lecture Series for 1956-57. He has written for such well known literary magazines as “The Saturday Review” and “The Na tion,” and has published eight books. He will speak at 8 p.m. Thurs day in 121 Sparks. YOU THE WORLD... we can offer you a genuine career opportu nity with the leading jet aircraft equipment manufacturer Hamilton. Standard’s tremendous rate of expansion alone is evidence enough of the obvious opportunities now open at this beautiful, modem plant. However, there are numerous other ‘■plus’’ values which you will want to considers II the opportunity for further, tuition-assisted study at R.P.I. Graduate Center. 2J the exciting, challenging projects dealing with fuel controls for both jet and nuclear engines, air condi tioning systems, jet starters, and turbo-propellers. 3) the tremendous variety of openings, so that you may select the field which interests you most. ' 4) the ideal location, in beautiful Connecticut, within easy travel distance to Boston or New York. These are just a few of the reasons it is essential for you to talk to Hamilton Standard. Ted Fisher at FIELD ROi FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1956 only slam itself by asking for an extension. I know . . . the ad ministration won’t pass this (recommendation).” If Cabinet couldn’t get a half day holiday, he continued, how is it going to get a three day holi day? Land said he thought a. study should be made and recommenda tions presented to the calendar committee next year. Duffy's Tavern Boalsburg Dining Rooms - Lounges featuring Steaks - Chops - Seafood and Your Favorite Beverage Dining Hours 5 to 9:30 Open All Year