The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 03, 1956, Image 7

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Maglie to FaCe
Ford in Opener
BROOKLYN, Oct. 2 (77—Sal Maglie, Brooklyn's 39-year-,
old "comeback kid," faces Whitey Ford,. the New York Yan-'
kees' left-handed ace, in the opener of the seventh Dodger-
Yank World Series tomorrow at Ebbets Field with President
Eisenhower in a box near the home dugout.
Although the Yanks finally were beaten by the Dodgers
fast fall in seven games and must"
play the first two games in enemy
territory, the oddmakers rate the
American League Champions 3-2
favorites to win the best-of-seven
series. The opener is 6-5 and take
your pick.
FAIR WEATHER with temp
eratures around 65 was forecast
for game time at 1 p.m., EDT.
with a throng of between 34,000
and 36,000 in the ancien,t stands.
The game was to be beamed on
network radio, Mutual, and tele
vision, NBC.
Maglie, rescued from the scrap
heap when he was acquired on
waivers from Cleveland in mid-
May, had been a doubtful starter
because of a stiff arm. When he
told Manager Walter Alston he
1, 1 1
was ready at today's f in al work
out, Maglie got the no .
"My shoulder is a 1 ttle stiff,"
said Maglie. "But I a sure it
will be okay tomorro ."
IT WAS Maglie wh inspired
the Brooks to their dri, ing finish
that finally won the pennant from
Milwaukee on the final day. The
"Barber" from Niagara Falls,
N.Y., threw a no-hitter at Phila
delphia a week ago
.and started ,
the Dodgers on the way to a vital
doubleheader sweep over Pitts
burgh by winning Saturday's first,
Maglie 13-5 will be working
with only three days' rest. How
ever he has done the same thing
in his two most recent starts in
cluding the•no-hitter. A cunning
curve-ball pitcher with sharp con
trol and an uncanny ability to
cash in on a batter's weakness,
Maglie is a real "old pro." •
IN MAGLIE'S only series start
against the Yankees, he lasted
five innings for the New York
Giants in the fourth game in 1951.
Quarterback Bobby Layne of the
Detroit- Lions began the 1956 Na
tional Football league campaign
with 1.017 forward pass comple
tions. He ranks second behind
Sammy. Baugh.
He was charged with the defeat.
Manager Alston hardly had time
to catch his breath after the tense
Sunday windup before he plunged
into immediate series plans. Be
cause of Sandy Amoros' two home
runs Sunday and his hot batting
streak, Alston decided to use the
left-handed batting outfielder
against a left-handed pitcher for
the first time.
Melpar to
One Of Nation's Leading Electronic
Firms Offers Unique Opportunities
Mechanical and electronic engi
neers, as well as those majoring in
physics and math will want to in
vestigate the unusual opportunities
for rapid professional growth and
advancement offered by 'llelpar,
Inc., one of the Nation's leading
electronic research and develop
ment organizations.
A subsidiary of Westinghouse Air
Brake Company, Melpar is now en
gaged in a program of expansion
involving both increases in staff
and facilities. The organization's
headquarters laboratory is located
in Fairfax County, Virginia, only
10 miles from Washington, D. C.
No Formal
Training Period
At Melpar
The college or university graduate
who joins Melpar is not required to
undergo a formal training program.
Instead he immediately becomes a
member of a project group and is
assigned to work with an experi
enced engineer whose guidance and
assistance enable him to advance
rapidly. Members of Melpar proj
ect groups gain experience in all
phases of engineering_ problems by
free and frequent interchange of
ideas during group meetings. Such
esierience is valuable in leading to
eventual managerial responsibility.
Financial Assistance
Offered by Melpar for
Graduate Work
The list of universities located near
-Wiper laboratories that offer
graduate and undergraduate
courses in engineering subjects in
cludes: Georgetown University,
George Washington University,
American University, Catholic Uni
versity, University of Maryland,
University of Virginia, Harvard.
Massachusetts Institute of Technol
ogy, Northeastern University, and
Boston University. Melpar offers
finiiicinl assistance for study at
these distinguished schoo/a.
Marshall Hits
Ivy League
George Preston Marshall, owner)
of the Washington Redskins, said
today that the Ivy League schools
which created college football are
destroying it.
Marshall told the Philadelphia
Football Writers Association that
the cure for college football's ills
is to fire 90 per cent of the col
lege presidents.
"The trouble with college presi
dents is that most of them wanted
to play football but couldn't make
the team. Now they're taking it
out on the athletes with all their
ludicrous rules."
Michigan State's longest scoring
drive of 1955 totaled 99 yeards on
13 plays in the 33-0 victory over
Interview Engineers,
and Mathematicians
Melpar Locales Offer
Fine Living Conditions
Nfelpar's R & D operations are
centered near and in Washington,
D. C. and Boston, Mass. Both are
rich in cultural and educational
facilities. The Washington, D. C.
area in which Melpar's headquar
ters laboratory is located is within
easy driving range of beaches,
lakes, mountains, as well as other
recreational and scenic points. The
climate allows outdoor recreatioji
215 days of the year. Fine homes
and apartments in all price ranges
are readily available.
Performance Determines
Advancement At Melpar
At M 4 par there is no waiting
period for "automatic" advance
ment. Insteid, an engineer, regard
less of his age or tenure, may move
ahead as rapidly as his skill and
performance dictate. Each magi
Qualified Graduates
Offered Paid
laspection Trips
After a personal interview on their
campus, qualified candidates may
be invited to visit Melpar's head
quarters laboratory near Washing
ton. D. C. at Company expense.
Information on opportunities avail
able for graduates together with
details on living conditions in the
Washington, D. C. area is available
by simply writing: Mr. William
q , bskitb, Melpar. Inc., 3000 Arling
ton Blvd, Falls Church, Virginia.
Many University
Courses Offered
At Melpar's Main Lab
Meipar star members. both holders
and non-holders of degrees. may
take advantage of the many fully
accredited courses in engineering
subjects which are offered at Mel
par's-headquarters laboratory.
Prato Holds Poll
Fanucci, Carucci
Vicious Vince Carucci, w h nHe is currently 23-7 and .767.
started out in The Daily Colle-iColgate (what, again!) lowa, and
Illmuts kept Lucky Lou within
gian's football poll like an overJ
I . , striking distance.
weight tackle, reversed his field
I Meanwhile, Rip Engle—whose
!like a halfbadk by picking 14, mind must have been on the
, out of 15 winners in Saturday's Penn game—picked the coaches
games. right into the cellar. The Ripper
Vicious Vince. presently con-' went out on the limb and fell ducting an investigation into Col-!with Kentucky and Texas Tech.
gate's win over Cornell, boosted{ Rip also missed the his percentage 200 points and his' Texas winner and the coaches
standing from last to a tie for'
second. lhold up the standings at 21-9„
Or Vicious' won-lost record isl and .700.
22-8 for a .733 percentage.
Holding an identical record of-' Ali-Time Records -
ter picking 12 for 15 is Fearless
Fran Fanucci. 01' Fearless missed' Penn State's all-time record, in
on Colgate. Pitt, and Texas. 169 years of intercollegiate football
Lucky Lou Prato retained top competition, shows 348 wins. 193
j u b . idefeats and 33 ties.
man status with a 12 for 15
ldelpar's Boston area plants allow
engineers to enjoy the pleasant
tempo of New England living
coupled with Boston's splendid cul
tural and educational advantages.
blelpar pays re-location expenses.
Booklets Available
An attractive, fully-illustrated
booklet describing living conditions
prevailing in the Washington, D. C.
area can be obtained from your
campus Placement °facer.
neer's achievement Is reviewed at
least twice a year. In this manner
engineers deserving advancement
can be quickly "spotted" and pro--
moted. As soon as an engineer is
ready for more complex responsi
bilities they are given him-
Company Policies Geared
To Engineer's Needs
Melpar's personnel policies empha
size individual consideration, objec
tive treatment, and opportunity
based on ability. Specifically, these
policies are implemented by pro--
motion from within, wherever pos
sible, merit reviews that are truly
meaningful, work assignments in
keeping with the engineer's most
obvious Capabilities,
In addition, of course, the Com
pany makes available to each of
its staff members a wide program
of company benefits, including
group insurance with life, sickness,
hospitalization and major medical
expense features, a retirement plan,
and provides for paid sick leave,
vacations and holidays.
Salaries at Melpar compare most
favorably with those of the in
dustry as a whole.
Make Appointment Now for
Meipar Interview Oct. 17th
To secure an appointment with the Melpar representative when
he visits your campus. contact your Placement Officer today.
At the same time ask him for booklets on Melpar and the Wash
ington, D. C. area. We believe you will find them of unusual
ver t t
Melpar Expanding
Steadily Every Year
Founded in 1945. Melpar h
doubled in size every ld months foe
the past 11 years. Recently it oonss
pleted erection of a complete nem.
headquarters laboratory near the
Nation's Capital. and is presently
making substantial additions to ite
Watertown, Mass. laboratory (I
miles west of Bostbn), and to it.
research department in Boston.
Located on a 44-acre landscaped'
tract, Melpar's main laboratorieS
encompass over 265.000 square feet
under a single roof. Fully air-con.
ditioned, they are equipped with
every facility. In addition to the
new, ultra-modern heatiqarters
plant, Melpar maintains additional
facilities in Arlington. Virginia 6
Boston and Watertown, Massachu.
setts, encompassing a total of
460,000 square feet.
aallenging Oilenings
Available At Me*.
In Many Fields
Engineers who join Meipar may
choose their assignments from one
or more of these challenging fields:
Flight Simulators • Radar and
Countermeasures • Network
Theory • Systems Evaluation •
Microwave Techniques • Analog Se
Digital Computers • Magnetic
Tape Handling • UHF, VHF, or
SHF Receivers • Packaging Elec
tronic Equipment • Pulse Circuitry
• Microwave Filters • Servo
mechanisms • Subminiaturization
• Electro-Mechanical Design •
Small Mechanisms • Quality Cone.
trol & Test Engineering.
Members of Melpar's research and
engineering staff are ably sup
ported by many designers, drafts
men and technicians. Coordinated
supporting services include a chem
istry laboratory, a quality control
group, an environmental test labo
ratory, a number of shops, aad
other specialized facilities.