The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 14, 1956, Image 8

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Leonides- Represents
Non-Sorority Women
Counseling Plan Ph y
sF e 'Rquired
esigned to Aid ,
For Health Reason
Freshman women and uppezelass women who ate mitlndicative of the importance of health, the University
aftlinded (with a sorority are automatically members of rosh Adjustment ' requires freshman and sophomore men to schedule physical
Leonides. independent women's organization. , education regardless of curriculum.
' To help students to more effec-
The name "Leonide" which means "lion-like." or "Lady •l ive ly achieve their educational Freshmen are required to take four, semesters while
of the Lion, - from Greek mythology was suggested by Dr. and vocational goals. the Univer- sophomore transfers from Penn State centers must take phys-
Itoberi E. Domeier. professor of sits- has established a Division of ical education whether or not! -
sGreek. when the organization was (Counseling. they have had it before.
founded in 1948 under the direc-241,864•Nr it I dSche ule Auditions
is , Dr. Robert G. Bernreuter, pro-' -An adaptive course, physicall
'Linn of Peai 1 0. Weston, dean of / fe...or of psychology and former ( •
H director , of the Psychology Cliniceducation 10, is -available to 1
s n- iTo Fill Vacancies
Leonides council la presently re- UB Sunday thei
at University. has -been named
I dents who are physically unable
wising its constitution to include, director of the Division. Ito take the regular course. lin Chapel Choir
in the council two representatives- The Hetzel Union Building, of-: will Skid freshmen I Students participating in a •var-I • •
Auditions for upper clansmen
Istom , each dormitory unit instead tea descr ib edas the t f ,
cen er o i One of the major functions of sily sport will be excused .from
'interested in joining the Chapel
411 ,one Alteitaites will no longer
be: elected. , student activities. lived up to it; 'the new unit will be pre-registra4their •phys ed classes only when Choir or its Auxiliary Choir will
the first` counseling and testing w hi e h'that sport is in season. Any stu-1
The Leonides council meetings reputation on Sunday,
enable freshmen admitted to:dent who goes -out for a varsity!
ibe held Monday and Tuesday_
Students applying for member
are- held at 6:30 'Monday evenings day of Orientation Week, when _ lei • - '
University to receive guid
the . / sport this fall must report to his ship in either ,group should sign
in 203 Hemel Union Building and 24.864 persons visited the build- ance on the curriculum they have first phys ed class scheduled. New
-the appointment list in 205 Car
are open to the public. mg.
negie notlaterthan p.m. 2i/lon
i 'chosen will determine areas i n 'students will -take swimming' 5
'Kearney, President , The traffic flow was checked. ' •
which remedial work should betclassification tests this week.
Officers of Lennides. ate Rosetta by •an -electric counter. according
'taken sixth semester recrea- to George L. Donovan, director l i s started,
taken before the freshman vear,swimmers and beginners will be day,
Tenors will be heard .at 7 p.m.
'lion education majorfrom Bryn of associated student activities. • • - • -
and will aid the AJni-Ischeduled for swimming this
,weraity in identifying outstanding semester. Monday and baritones and basses
are to report at 8 p.m.
Mawr. president: Gail Lundgren. Other counts will be made dur- _
students. Ticket adust Be Obtained Altos are scheduled for 6:30
seventh semester physical educe- ing the year. - in. on Tuesday,
lion major from Dußois, vice' Computations la s t Moth e r 's , ,registration counseling was of-; must obtain a towel ticketi p. There are a -few v p acan n c o i s es B O P: ii
president: Camelia Blount. spy- Day showed that 14.812 entered
T iered for the first - time on a vol- fro the bursar's office in Willardlin th Ch 1 Ch •which Pe
e ape ow re
_ semester education major the HUB, -according to .Donocan-', un t ary b• Id thanlloo m • • '
basis. ore I The ticket will -entitle thelhearses from' 7to 9 p.m. Thurs
from Homestead, recording secre- He emphasized that he is "very
,freshtnen elected to -participate in? Hal • towel
-tars- : 13arbarsi Btx ler. third seines- pleased" that the building re - -the program, s .,_ , student to .
service in Bee-Iday in 117 Carnegie. •
a 11-au lee .reatiOn mall. AS2 deposit. which( The Auxiliary Choir, •which Te
ter home economics major from : ceives so much use. Ito do so. paying
;will be refunded at the end of the hearses from 7 to aap.m. Tuesdays
Dawson, corresponding secreary:( The furniture in the averagei 12 'Per •Cent Change `will
is required. (in 212 All-Faith Chapel, will 'be
and Linda Gerber. seventh semen- union building gets more wear in I As a result of counseling (hal l `'
Veterans, who have enrolled in +responsible lor •music at the war
ier education major from 'York, one year than furniture in an - followed the tests taken by these
hedule' to
the University, must also sc , us services di worship sched
treasurer. ordinary home re elves in o 'students. 1 2 per cent anged
c ur - ophysical education. luled in the Helen' Eakin Eisen
-Leonides ii. affiliated nationally years. Donovan said. triculums from their initial choice, -
with the Nahonal Independent,
Flo a choice for which they seemed' Many sports are open to new , hover Meditation Chapel.
Student .Aaanciation which was • • , better adapted. students in both the fall and thel Complete information regard
oigamzed after the first World Registration— I Many of the students, needing l
spring. In the fall all of the phys ing the program of the choirs •is
War to supply the "youth of
cm u .
( +tin ed f r om 'additional work in such essential! are held in Rec Halllavailable at Room 205, Carnegie
ed c asses .
with the exception of hygieneanall.
America with education in group page one) (fields as mathematics, English, or
living as well as book education." non is the temporary student di- (bowling. and swimming.
sesame arranged to - special
,rectory distributed to student satake 11 Sprrrts Available •
Fatactioains Varied ,courses at Penn State or else- 'km ißand Issues
leader , and -organizations needing 1 Sports which are available to
Functions and activities of Le- where during the summer to bet
.. 3 t. The student's name, semester students in the fall are
omdes are many and varied and ,it,
and telephone!college
qualify themselves for their new
wrestling, boxing, tumbling, trot
some are h e ld joint l y w i th the curriculum, num college work. 1
ber are reproduced and printed -a le ball, weightlifting, badminton,
Association of Independent Men. . a 1 Dr. Bernreuter believes that ii
automatically from the directory flycasting, bowling, swimming,
Included in theae are the Dink high school graduates enroll in
Debut, held during Orientation c a rd- . a curriculum in which they havelbuntmg safety, and golf instruc-
I Copies of each student's sched-" rtion.
week to acquaint freshmen with a chance to succeed, if they cor
tile are also reproduced and are
the two oiganizations and to pub-
of .rect deficiencies in basic subjects' In the spring, wrestling, boxing,
lieme the beginning of customs: sent - to offices deans and de - i essential to their college work. , tumbling, and volleyball are
heads. 'dropped, and softball and golf are
Other joint activities are the, sP artment ,and if they have counseling facili-
Autumn Ball, Christmas Caroling.' 'ties available to help them to' added to the program. The latter
booth at the Mardi Gras carnival.lainh Lands itiviallahle (overcome problems they meet. two sports and flycasting are
and Spring Week projects. Indie g ar -2 tic i s emester m en tthe number of students dropping played outdoors.
Week is another project sponsoredavail-.out of college can be greatly re-1 A student can participate in the
Rushing cards are now a
by these two groups. - inured. isame sport for only eight weeks,
Holds Skit with Panbel able to students-of second semes-1 unless given special permission.
higher standing who are
Leonides plans a skit in con- ter or
Leonides Hear Prexy I
interested in pledging fraternities.,
junction with Panhel during ori
ent:4lOn week to acquaint fresh-' Cards may be picked up in theme Schutz& Thursday ,Orchestra Tryouts
ma, women with its officers and'dean of teen's office or at the' President 'Milton S. Eisenhower' Students wishing to tryout for
Hetzel Union desk and should 'beSymphony Orchestra may sign up
the advantages independent wom- will address the faculty at 4:10'
,return by Monday. i . today outside of 107 Carnegie.
en share. p.m. Thursday in Schwab Audt-
I Any tennisiea should be made to. Names of the finalists will be
Sunday through Thursday eve-- toium,
Wings during the school year Le- ' WC rushing chnir-1
Hugh Moores - ' 1 President Eisenhower, who in- Tuesday.posted
onides women take orders from man, at Phi Gamma Delta fra-
-stituted this practice early in his'
, .
students in the infirmary for iernit Y• regime will leave Oct. Ito accept
to Meet Tuesday
things from the HUB and town sponsors various .activities during his new position as president ofl Panhellenic Council will meet
They also send "get well" cards to the year to -support the scholar--Johns Hopkins University at Bal- at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in 203 Hetzel
students in the infirmary. •ship timore. Union.
A scholai ship is given each se
mester by Leonides to an inde- 1
p en d e nt woman. The olgaization'
Ott c AiagikH •
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Ca II for 'Candidates
Students wishing 'to try out for
'Blue 'Band may sign up - today in
'lO9 Carnegie.
'Members of last year's •band,
who were not able to try .out •at
previous times. may sign up to
'try out tomorrow.
A rehearsal of all new candi
dates .and drummers 'will -be -held
at 1:30 , p.m. tomorrow .at the galf•
A list .of selected :members and
alternates will be posted by :noon
Monday. The members will re
port •With their instruments at
7 p.m. Monday in 117 -Carnegie.
—.especially recommende.d
for School use 'everywhere:!
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