The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 14, 1956, Image 7
FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1956 Church Secretary To Speak Sunday Dr. Henry Smith Leiper, first American secretary of the World Council of Churches, will speak on "Tomorrow's World Is Here" at the Ecumenical Worship Service at 7 p.m. Sunday in Schwab auditorium. The service, sponsored by the University Christian Asso ciation in cooperation with the student religious foundations, is open to the entire university community. An informal coffee hour in the Memorial lounge of the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel will follow the service. Dr. Leiper, th• minister• and executive secreta , y of the Mis sions Council of the Congrega tion-Christian C urches, is the father of the 11:v. Hal Leiper, of IJCA. and n to the Uni- associate directo Protestant chapl• versity Served as He has served the Student Volu for Missions, for asionary as secretary of teer Movement five years as a the American missionary undez Board of Forei_n Missions in China, and as Ecumenical Secre tary of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America before the formation of the World and National Councils of Chur ches. He is a widely traveled au thor and lecturer. Others who will participate in the service are' the Rev. Preston Williams, assistant to the Chap lain; the .Rev. Earl F. Spencer. pastor of the University - Baptist Church; the Rev. John R. Whit ney, . Episcopal Chaplain to the University; and Edwin P. Nye, as sociate professor of mechanical engineerng and chairman of the U.C.A. Board of Trustees. • Students to Participate Stu&ats who will participate are- George Buckhout, co-chair man of the U.C.A. worship com mittee; Richard Martin, U.C.A. vice .president; Clyde Angle. Lutheran Student Association . . CATHAUM COOL. MAN. COOL! ITS THE MOST! GIANT 4 UNIT MIDNITE ROCK 'N ROLL REVUE • FRIDAY TONIGHT 1. FULL-LENGTH FEATURE "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK" Bill Haley and His Comets The Platters Tony Martinez and Band Freddie Bell and His Bellboys 2. "COOL AND GROOVY" Conley Groves - Tune Jesters Hi Lo's - Anita O'Day Chico Hamilton Quintet 3. "ROUNDUP OF RHYTHM" - The Crew Cuts 4. "THE INK SPOTS" Plus - Louis Prima Torch COMPLETE FOOD SERVICE Sticker Needed On Vehicles In a move to alleviate the traf fic problem the University will require all student cars to be, registered in the Campus Patrol office.' In turn, the Patrol office will issue a special windshield registration sticker. The new rule includes students living downtown who will not utilize campus parking lots. A $5 fine will be imposed for - all vio lators. In previous years, the Univer sity required student cars to be registered, but stickers were only issued for campus parking lots. The new registration sticker will be pink. The new rule, in addition to all other campus parking and traffic regulations, • will go into effect Monday. president: Shirley Winter, Wesley Foundation Council president: Glen Elder, U.C.A. president; and George Imperial, graduate stu dent in fuel technology from the Philippines. William Reeves, of the Univer sity Choir, will sing the offertory solo, while G. E. Ceiga, Univer sity organist and assistant profes sor of music, will play the organ. se..•••••••• stare NOW Feature: 1:1O. 3:32, 5:31, 7:36, 9:11 Jeff Chandler Dorothy Malone in "Pillar in the Sky" *CATHAUM NOW - 1:31. 3:31. 5:32, 7:33. 9:17 WILLIAM HOLDEN DEBORAH KERR "THE PROUD AND PROFANE" *NITTANY TONIGHT—Doors Open 6 p.m. GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA. "Bread, Love and Dreams" New College Diner THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Starts Sunday 2 - HITS - 2 "Raw Edge" Plus "Edge of Hell" COMING SUNDAY A Week of Alec Guinness Favorite Hits! "Serving the students and the community for over 25 years." Freshman Oath Added— (continued front page one) man students who are over 21 years of age, freshman veterans, and second-semester freshmen. Persons in these categories are required to carry selective ser vice, and Veterans Administration claim cards and University ma triculation cards to provide in formation for exemption. AU University students are requested to carry matriculation cards. Violations of the customs reg ulations may be turned in to ! the Customs Board at the HUB desk. Written reports of viola tions must contain the name of the violator, his violation, the date and time of the violation, and the name of the informant. The violator will appear before the board for hearing and. if found guilty of the violation, will be sentenced. The board has indicated that it will not recognize ignorance of the regulations as a valid excuse. Members of the Customs Board may not actively participate in customs. The board consists of the following: George Wills and Katherine Dickson, co-chairmen. and Heather Lorentz, Patricia O'- Neill, Sara McCoy, Sandra Gusky, Dana Harrison, George Sifter, Samuel Moyer and Alvin Cle mens. They will carry identifica tion cards. Other freshman customs regu lations are: 1. Freshmen shall not • walk FOR THE FINEST IN QUALITY and SERVICE PENN STATE LAUNDRY and CLEANERS Between the Movies on campus grass or any un• paved shortcuts. 2. Senior Walk. the strip ex tending along College Avenue from Allen street to Pugh street gates, is out-of-bounds. This in cludes the wall adjacent to the walk. 3. Freshmen are required to know the names and locations of all major buildings on cam pus. 4. Freshman men will answer to the call, "%Mon, Frosh." by doffing their dinks in the direc tion of the upperclassman giving the call. Freshman women will respond to the call. "Curtsy. Frosh," by delivering the polite gesture in the direction of the upperclasswoman giving the call. 5. Freshman men will not be permitted to place their hands in their pockets while strolling or lounging on campus or in the bor- State to Extend Survey For Interstate Highway HARRISBURG (.4") The State Highways Department said today it will extend its preliminary sur vey for a proposed north-south interstate highway between Washington. Pa.. and the Pennsyl vania Turnpike. After a meeting with Western Pennsylvania legisjators, the de partment said it would survey an alternate route for the proposed road which would by-pass Pitts burgh. 3-HOUR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING AVAILABLE For Your Convenience 301 W. Beaver FREEZER FRESH ICE CREAM ough of State College. 6. Freshmen shall know the name of the dean of their col lege. the name of the president of the University. and the name of their counselor. 7. Freshmen are permitted to smoke only in their dormitories while on campus. 8. High school athletic awards or sweate r. and pins of high school organizations shall not he worn on campus. The only ath letic letter worn on campus is the Penn State "S." 9. The east side of the Mall and the diagonal walks extend ing from the front of Old Main shall be considered "hello" walks. Freshmen must say "hello" to all persons they meet ; while on the walk. 10. Freshman men must doff their dinks and bow to the Old Willow on the east side of the Mall. while freshman women must curtsy. 11. Freshmen must know all 'University cheers and songs and must sing or chant them when requested by upperclassmen and upperclass• women. 12. Women must be in their dormitories by J1:15 p.m. week days during customs and at 111 p.m. and 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. 13. The "hello spirit" is en couraged on all parts of campus. ' 14. Customs offenders will appear before the Freshman i Customs Board for a hearing. PHONE AD 7-7629 PAGE SEVEN