WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1956 • Dean of Women Points to Challenges• Council Represents I 1 • Dean of men Tells of Help Avalaboitrany D orm Are a Pearl 0 Weston, dean of women, has addressed! The dean of men's office, located in 109 Old l 'Vitt n% Council represents the students of the Ntt iny dormi the following welcoming letter to the incoming 1 Main is an integral part of the lives and acti%itiestory area on the AIM board of Governors and serves as a clearing freshman women students: I of the men students at the University.ln a written house for any complaints or suggestions for improvement of the To each of you newcomers, I extend a most address Frank J.Sim es, dean of men, expressed area that may arise hearty welcome as you accept the rich inheritance I I the following w elcome to the new students at the! The council is comprised of a president, vice president, secre of Penn State. The many cherished traditions, a i University:tar treasurer,two officers-at-large, and the presidents of each in variety of worth while activities, "It is w ith a great deal of plea the hopes and aspirations ... of clubs sure that we in the dean of men s 1 first three offices are filled, the and organizations, togethei with office welcome you to the cam rest having been made available The honors and responsibilities of 4 pus. I You stand on the threshold roups to freshmen. OS being worthy campus citizens and P of great opportunities. How you The officers who have b e e n alert industrious students, all are take advantage of these oppor lected are Melvin Weaver, Jun yours tunities will shape the course of ae Up nir in industrial engineering from As you accept the challenges your lives for years to come." Temple, president; Stephen Bak and opportunities of your new One of the greatest oppor C r,sophomore in mechanical en environment, you will want to 4r 'unities you have is that of pro filing from the many facilities g Council president; and Charles Wel s h, ineering from Hals t e a d vice become acquainted with the many services provided for you and services provided by the sophomore in journalism from by the University. An excellent 1 University to assist you in I Prospect Park, secretary. starting place for women stu t6N.41 reaching sound decisions on Publication Set Up dents is 105 Old Main where matters of importance to you Some of the accomplis . trained staff members are ever hments of ... owl \ our instructors,academic ad the group during the past year eager and enthusiastic to help , vi sors,counselors, and many oth were the establishment of a blue you ' er people are available to help book file in conjunction with Pol * you meet the many problems you lock Council:the publication of the You have my best wishes for will encounter during your col East Area Sun, a Nittany and Pol a wonderful 3 ear i lege years. lock newspaper' - which appeared Miss Weston is the liaison be-"We urge you to consult these four times:the withdrawal of the tween the administration and no people when you feel you have a dressup Sunday dinners; and a re men students. In addition to problem that needs attention visa! of the area constitution handling major infractions of Pearl 0 Weston Taking the initiative in seeking In the realm of improvements. University rules with women and Dean of Ili omen the advice of some qualified per the loud speaking system which parents, she looks into major pol- son will undoubtedly result in a supplies music in the dining halls icy making cases that affect cc-o- quicker and more satisfactory ad during meals was repaired and men students justment to college. some of the black posts which form In addition to her office ac- obstructions to pedestrians were !miles Dean Weston is a mem painted white for better visability at ni,,nt beg of All University Cabinet and All University Senate. Her Hope for Snack Bar office is open at all times to During this year, according to any student who wants to see IWeaNer, the council hopes to ot her about studies, personal tam a year-round snack bar for problems, or vocational quid- the students in the area, repeat ance the publication of the East Area Miss Weston teas appointed I Sun, hold occasional mixed dinners, dean in 1946. She acted as assis which were • held successfully last lant to the dean of women from year, and persuade students with -1943 to 1946 in the council to take a greater interest in its functions. Boys Think Ahead SEATTLE (R 1 —Geiger counters have been standard equipment for crews excavating for a natural gas pipeline from Colorado-New Mexi co fields to the Pacific Northwest. Officials of the pipeline firm re port many uranium showings but none which give evidence of com mercial possibilities. Your One-Stop Service Store . Has TEXT • 60 Oi.'.:::KS FREE BOOK COVERS YOU can get Everything you will need FREE CHANCE ON A STUFFED LION WITH You Can Get It at Metzgers 111-115 S. Allen Street ME DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Frank J. Simes Dean of Men for all courses at Penn State METZGERS Whenever You Need Something .. . The Agriculture Student Coun cil, one of nine student councils on campus, is formed from 18' , clubs representing the fourteen ;curriculums in the College of Ag riculture. Each of the 14 departments is irepresented by a club. The Lie big Chemical Society stems from !agriculture and biological chem istry. Each of the 14 departments is represented by a club. They are as follows: Liebig Chemical So ciety for agriculture and biologi jcal chemistry, the Rod and Coc lcus for bacteriology and medical technicians, the Block and Bridle 'Club for animal husbandry, the ' Clover Club for agronomy stu 'dents, Future Farmers of Amer ica for agricultural education 'students. In addition there are the Zool ogy and Entomology Club. the jPre-Vet Club. the Poultry Club, ! the Forestry Society, the Botany ;Club ,the Hort Club, the General !Agriculture Club, the Dairy Sci ence Club. the Agricultural Engi neering Club, and the Agricul- Itural Economics Club. The number of representatives No More of That! to the council is determined by MEXICO CITY (AI —Taxi drivers: amount of students in each are under orders to post their given curriculum. working hours on cab windows.f Other than the clubs for each The order followed protests that curriculum, there are also four drivers were brushing off short-'student organizations represented haul customers with the excusedon the council. They are the Ag their working day was over. IHill Breeze, the Penn State Farm- "Should the occasion arise when you feel you need some one to talk over a problem with someone, feel free to come to our office. 109 Old Main." Dean Simes has been a mem ber of the University administra tion since 1949. He has been dean of men at the University since the fall semester of 1952. Dean Simes is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, national education honorary society, and Psi Chi. national psychology hon orary society. and EVERY PURCHASE State College, Pa. er, Grange, and the 4-H Club Officers of the Ag Student Council which meets every other Tuesday night in 212-213 Hetzel Union Building are elected once a year. Norman E. Schue, 7th semester Dairy Science student from Han over, Pa., was elected last spring to serve as president this year. PAGE FIVE
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