The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 25, 1956, Image 8

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Spadaro Quits
As 'Lion' Chairman
Robert Spadaro, Lion Party clique chairman, resigned his
post yesterday.
The. resignation takes effect Sunday, when Lion Party
will meet to elect an entire new slate of clique officers.
.spadaro, much talked about political figure during the
spring elections, said he resigned because his main political
objective had been achieved—po
litical freedom
When asked what he meant by
political freedom, Spadaro said
that previous to this year campus
politicians had their hands tied.
However, he said, this year most
of the barriers were broken and
much more freedom had been
Explaining how the politicians'
hands were tied, Spadaro used
this year's spring election as an
example. "For the first time this
year," he said, "the parties used
controversial issues which affect
ed the students. instead of dead
planks." The Elections Commit
tee's right to reject party planks
'without allowing for appeal was
rescinded, he said, untying party
Referred to BX
Spadaro was referring to the
'nook Exchange plank Lion Party
decided to run in the spring eke
!ions. The plank said the party
would work toward allowing the
EX to sell new books. The Elec
tions Committee refused to allow
the plank to be used, but the
Lion Party was accused by the
opposition of running the plat
form informally in spite of the
plank rejection.
Spadaro appealed the commit
tee's decision to reject the plank
to the Supreme Court. The move
♦vas useless as the court upheld
the committee's right to ban
The committee's sovereign pow
er to reject planks was eliminated
when AD-University Cabinet
adopted an amendment to the
Election Code three weeks ago
IT words or less:
SILSID One insertion
SILTS Two Insertions
31.00 Three insertions
Additional words 3 for .05
for each day of insertion.
VETE:RAI - 4 61: 1 Nt; to Calif
treil SJo4 Glider Besse Trailer. Two Led
rooms. sleep* *ix. Full size dinette set.
carpeted Jiving room. Excellent condition.
Terms. Robert Koerner. Cresco, l'a. Phone
34t. Pocono :;274.
WEATHERS recently fac
tory overhauled. Complete pickup, turn
table. youalizer Joel plug into pea er
amplifier. Latte model %kb table tuned
incluetaniv o.cjUa tor. 595. Audak DL-C
torl.up with .1:o. 12 arm. $125. F.l. 5-2146
after 4.
1 iRLEI 7 IIIAVID§ON and Indian motor.
e)ele fur sale cheep. 110 S. Barnard St.
or AD S-F353 ask for Carey or Ludwig.
AMIPRO TAPE recoidec 260. See Sea
Jones in 319 1061. Didg. between 9:00 a.m.
and 6:010 p.m.
ENGLISH BIKE. Brood condition years.
cheap. CAD Wayne AD 7-2075.
JIOYAL PORTABLE types thee for sale.
Excellent condition. silent deluxe. Don.
AD t 45.925.
1953 ELCAIt Trailer. 25400 t. fully equip
ped. AD s-sova.
_ -
A BC TRANSMITTER and power supply
30 watt phone ,C.W. 12;24 VDC. Ideal
'nubile rig. no battery drain on standby.
Contact Bill AD 7,2736.
19b0 PACKARD l'hramathe 4-door. fully
eouipved. Sacrifice for V27S. cash. Homer
Hooser'a Trailer I'ark.
SET OF a 4 ht matched MacGregor MT
irons. Practically
Da•e, Alpha Zeta. AD T-7621.
HUGE SELECTION of portable radios
■nd batteries. Expert radio. phonograph
arnica. State College TV. 232 S. Allen.
ta,oen Spark. ann Main Eng Thurnday.
Contact Judy Harkiaon at the Daily Col
logian nr 167 Atherton.
WILL PERSON who mistakenly took
Alligator raincoat from 3UB Willard
tv.d. F. 9 a.m., glasses and color glides
important to owner, pleswe call Gene Mar
tin Al) 7-2941.
. . _
j'A IR OF ail. er mechanical drawing
di% nieva. May 2, lwtw•een Engineering
It and Sigma Chi. Call 222 or 213 Sim
DROWN WALLED taken from Coll...wian
office blonde... Will finder please call
Mr. Christy AD'.7.4:309.
wallet from locked ear in HUB park
ing lot plesae return. You may have half
half of the rnoney. Dan Don ext. 266.
iami or vie;r7
N :
ItY. Leave from Philadelohla June If;
4ar 11. Call AD 1;4.04 or ADS N 039. Bob
(Continued front page one)
tickets for the Rec Hall cere
monies when he obtains his cap
and gown, except students grad
uating in uniforms, who will re
ceive tickets through their Re
serve Officers' Training Corps
Admission to Rec Hall will con
tinue until 10 minutes before the
time of the ceremony, when the
doors will be opened for about
500 additional guests.
Students have been assigned
to seats in Beaver Field by col
lege groupings. At the closing of
the benediction, the students will
file out one by one, passing a
table where the presentation of
the diplomas will be made by
the dean of their college. The
table will be situated at the bot
tom of the ramp of the section.
Numbers will be printed on the
program after the student's name.
When he passes the table, he will
give that number, which identi
fies his diploma.
limiting the committee's right to
ban planks only to those planks
which are outside the scope of
political parties.
Procedural Errors Cleared
At the same Cabinet meeting,
many procedural errors in the
Election Code were cleared up.
The party election meeting is
slated for 7 p.m. in 121 Sparks.
Voting members those holding
party clique cards—will elect a
clique chairman, a vice clique
.chairman, and a clique secretary.
APARTMENT FOR four. Interse,sion
only. 210 W. Beaver Ave. Call AD -
to rent for summer. Two rooms and bath.
Cal/ AD 84957.
furni.hecl apartment on ground floor to
tublet for bummer—every convenience.
AD 84538.
. sublet for summer months only. Very
reasonable. Call Dave AD 7-2828.
METZGER APARTMENT for inter and;or
post summer sessions. Accommodates 3
students. Kitchen facilities. Call AD 8-9659.
and refrigerator. Tw•o - blocks from cam
pus for summer months only. Call AD
male graduate or vet. Full or part sum
mer: cool, quiet. Bob, AD 84652.
SUMMER OCCUPANCY-2 1 ,4-room apart
ment-4:15 a month, also garage extra.
Call AD l'-2904.
summer sessions. Inquire 41 Metzger
Building or Phone AD 7.2b75.
ROOMS FOR men all summer sessions
at Marilyn Rail, 317 East Beaver Are.
Convenient to town and campus. Make
reservations with Mrs. Elleard.
ROOM FOR summer for boys who ao borne
weekend.. Clone to campus. Phone AD
SUMMER HOUSING—Room and Board at
Theta Chi for any session. Call Cliff
AD 7-4702 or AD 8-9115.
SUMMER SESSIONS. Double room $5 a
rek. Single room $6 a 'week. Large
comfortable roomp. Call AD 7-2039.
WANTED—WHIZZARD motor-scooter by
June 5. Call Al Karp ext. I:SS.
WANTED—SENIORS to join the Alumni
Association on or before June 9. Special
membership fee. $2.00. Alumni Office. 104
Old Ildkin.
COOK FOR boarding and rooming club
on permanent ba-is starting with fall
semester. Five or six day week. Live out.
For additional information write P.O. Box
142. State College.
ITS HASS:if:GEM for racket stringing
the no-awl-way. Guaranteed satisfaction
Prompt service- University Tennis Service.
White Hall Storage Boom. After 6 p.m
514 E. Bearer Ave. Phone AD 7-2116.
WHEN YOUR typewriter needs service
itist dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine
to 633 W College Ave_
RIDE WANTED to Bartlett. New Hemp
-o:lire June 9 or 10. Call Morris AD 7-
AIDE WANTED to Pittsburgh on May 25
for two :30 pan. CAD Scott AD 7-4769.
RIDE WANTED to anywhere on West
Coast after June 14. Destination Seattle.
Karl Lille AD $4051 eat. LI:l.
Prof Reminisces
Banner Retires From Journ School
After 30 years of instructing
students in how to cover the
news, Franklin C. Banner, pro
fessor'of journalism and past
head of the School of Journal
ism, will put down his pen
and retire from active teaching at
the University this month.
During this period Banner has
taught over 1500 students in the
fundamentals of journalism, and
has seen the journalism school
rise from 50 students to almost
1,000-In the post war peak of 1948,
to rank fifth in undergraduate en
rollment of the 70 colleges and
universities that offer journal
ism courses.
Banner was born in Unionville,
.Missouri, in 1894. His first con
tacts with the press came during
his high school days when he
worked as a typesetter and re
,porter on a weekly paper.
He later acquired his Bachelor
of Journalism and M.A. degrees
at the University of Missouri. His
first position after graduation was
that of a reporter on the Kansas
City Journal.
Honorary Membership
After working several years on
Chicago papers, Banner traveled
to England where he obtained an
additional diplonia in journalism
Born in Missouri
Parts' comes to th ... ,
, 3., , ......,.t
;4- I
Cafe Music Room
Tomorrow . is the Day! From noon until 4:00
in the afternoon The Music Room will be trans
formed to a Parisienne Sidewalk Cafe. We will
have "un garcon" present who will serve you
your choice of many Columbia LP's featuring
music from Paris. Come in and enjoy the
wonderful moments only this beautiful music
can bring. Join us with a cool refreshing
beverage, and relaxe with the thrilling roman
tic music of "Gay Paris". The menu tomorrow
at the Cafe Music Room will be as follows:
4-50033 Under Paris Skies ala Mitch Miller 89
4-40661 Under Paris Skies ala Michel LeGrand 89
4-40692 Bonjour, Paris ala Michel LeGrand 89
B-1928 The Three Bells ala Les Compagons 1.49
A-1020 An American In Paris ala Kostelanetz - 1.49
CL-555 I Love Paris Michel LeGrcmd 3.98
ML-5088 Juliette Greco Juliette Greco 3.98
CL-859 Dinner At Maxim's Leo Chauliac - 3.98
ML-5079 Delius: Paris Sir Thomas Beecham ' 3.98'
ML-5086 French For Travel Vocabulary Instruction 3.98
ML-5091 April In Paris Jacqueline Francois 3.98 '
ML-5092 * Patachou's Paris Patachou. 3.98
ML-5089 Henri Salvador Henri Salvador 3.98
CL-2588 European Holiday Mitch Miller iS, Co. 1.98
B-443 Maurice Chevalier Maurice Chevalier 2.98
B-444 St. German-Des-Pres ' - Juliette Greco _ 2.98
t NW
Franklin C. Banner
from the University of London.
While in England, Banner was
elected an honorary member of
the London Press Club and later
a member of the Royal Institute
of Journalists.
In 1926, Banner returned to this
country and accepted an instruc
torship in English and journalism
at the University. Journalism
courses, which that year had five
students seriously interested in
newspaper work, could boast of
50 within a two year period after
his arrival.
Banner sparked interest in the
journalism courses by inviting
"Remember tomorrow it's Paris in the Spring at
the Cafe Music Room"
203 E. Beaver Ave.
FRIDAY. MAY 25, 1956
editors and prominent men in the
newspaper field to lecture during
his classes. As a reward for his
efforts, Banner was made head
of the school of journalism in
1931, a post he held until last year
when he was scheduled to retire.
However, when a new depart
ment head failed to accept the
position, Banner condescended to
stay on "for one more year."
World Traveller
During his summer vacations
and sabbatical leaves, Banner has
arranged lengthy trips abroad. He
has been around the world three
times, and has visited every coun
try in the world.
While he was barnstorming
through the jungles of Africa dur
ing one journey, Banner spied a
giant zulu .warrior sitting on a
tree stump roaring his head off.
Upon closer inspection, Banner
recalled, it turned out the native
was reading an African transla
tion of the pcpular comic strip s
"Maggie and Jiggs."
Plans to Build
After his retirement this month,
Banner plans to move to South
ern California where he will build
a house for his sister and himself.
Speaking about the students at
the University, Banner was
amazed how most of them prove
themselves capable after gradua
tion in coping with problems of
their profession.
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