WEDNESDAY. MAY 21 1956 Farm Bill Gains Senate Approval WASHINGTON, May 22 (W)—The Senate accepted a compromise version of the "Second round" farm bill today, passing it on a voice vote and sending it to the House, where legislative action may be completed tomorrow. The bill is tailored closely Postal Hike Approved By Group WASHINGTON, May 22 RI The House Post Office Commit tee today approved a $432 million increase in postal rates which Sec retary of the Treasury George H. Humphrey says may spell the dif ference between a balanced and an unbalanced federal budget. The committee voted behind closed doors to boost the present 3-cent letter rate to four cents and hike the air mail charge from 6 cents an ounce to 7 cents. Estimates Highei Rafe Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield has estimated the higher letter rate would cost the average family 10 to 12 cents a month. Bigger increases were approved for second-class mail— chiefly magazines and newspapers—and for third-class advertising matter. Rejected was an Eisenhower ad ministration proposal that rate setting authority be transferred from Congress to a postal rate commission. Bill Vote Reported The committee reportedly voted 13-8 for the postal rate bill, which apparently has drawn increasing support since it was advanced by the administration early in the session. However, some Congress mem bers have held out slight hope for increased postal rates in this elec tion year, and the measure has not been listed by House leaders as "must" legislation. Department in Debt The administration's big argu ment has been that the boosts are needed to offset the Post Office Department's operating deficit, now running nearly $5OO million a year. Aikeiriear • 11101 IN nine ROM GRADS TO BRIDE ~-,,,*,./: .-,, J. ~..„,:, : -, 7q ...—... . tkt.i, ,-; : - N jp.--..-,-..- .-----,-- - v:..-.•,..!„..t , 5,-.4:,-,.. .., 4 ? :.,... ~- .. - _ , :.• . 5. - ' : g--- --',.:'''' 4}:5 :: ....,-... , '' 4 j 4 , e - '' iiO N ' _ -.14 1 . 1 2- ; :, : : - . 7 ; : - : ~, : i . - :- -'• ' „....A. ngagement rings fro $55.00 see Our Outstanding Selectio Cria \ i: lk EIES to President Dwight D. Eisen hower's pattern. Its big feature is a $1.2 billion soil bank system for paying farmers to cut down i their production. The bill was agreed upon by a Senate-House Conference Committee earlier in the day. Prospects appeared bright for a favorable House vote and for Ei senhower's acceptance of the measure as a substitute for the bill he vetoed April 16. Top farm spokesmen for both parties were lukewarm in their comments on the compromise during the Senate debate, which lasted less than an hour. Sen. Allen E. Ellender, (D-La.), chairman of the Senate-House Conference Committee, contented himself with explaining the pro visions of the agreement and call ing them "fair." New Base Reported LONDON, May 22 (EP)—An au thoritative source said today Christmas Island, the big Pacific atoll claimed by the United States, will be used as a British base. NOW L oo K HERE FO R LU C KY DR oo DLE s • • PARACHUTIST LANDING IN WATER Breakfast John Arterbery U. of Oklahoma Lunch Coffee-break Dessert ANT PARTT Please order 1 day ahead AD 8-6184 PILLOW FOR PERSON MIRK NARROW MIND Wynn Dahigren U. of Oregon Clowns (MOM Lowell Grissom Southern Illinois BLOWGUN FOR. FiATIVII CONTIMPILATIFtG SUICIOII Richard Torpie Holy Croce LUCKIES TASTE BETTER" Cleaner, Fresher, CA. T. C... 'mom= or CZAienstican, 4- X4irde,(:s-= AISEMICA'S LZADDIG 1111.11/10/ACTUNZI THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA WHAT'S THIS? For solution see paragraph below. THERE'S A MEETING OF THE MINDS in the Droodle above: Board meeting out for Lucky break. All in favor of better taste have signified by lighting up a Lucky. Luckies fill the bill when it comes to taste, because they're made of fine tobacco—mild, good tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. First item on your agenda: pick up a pack of Luckies. • You'll say they're the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! lANDAGED MGR Joshua Harvey, IV JETS INI Qom roamanota Donald Knudsen Harvard Duties Disputes Stassen View WASHINGTON, May 22 (.41— Secretary of State John Foster Dulles refused today to go along with Harold E. Stassen's state ment that military manpower cuts announced by the Russians are "an initiative we wanted them to take." Despite the hopeful face put on the Soviet move by Stassen, who is President Dwight D. Eisen hower's disarmament specialist, Dulles stuck to his guns. Dulles repeated his statement of last week that the Russians, if sincere in saying they will cut 1,200.000 men from their armed services, are reaction out of eco nomic. military and propaganda consideration—not in any genuine spirit of disarmament. Hall Asks for Time To Answer Democrats By the Associated Press GOP Chairman Leonard W. Hall said Tuesday the Republicans want equal time on the air to reply to the Adlai E. Stevenson- Estes Kefauver debate in Florida even though it "hardly seems worth answering!' "The biggest flop of the year," Hall called this meeting of the two Democrats who are cam paigning to get the nomination to run against President Eisenhower. DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price 91g. TOASTED" , lo taste befferl Leader Fights GOP Blockade Against Postponing Toll Hike HARRISBURG, May 22 (W)—Gov. George M. Leader moved today to overcome a Republican blockade against a proposal to postpone a 41 per cent increase in automobile tolls on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. He said he planned to name John F. Byrne. a Democratic member of the Philadelphia city council, tomorrow to one of two', vacancies on the five-man agencyJ Democrats Get Vote That appointment would give; Democrats enough votes to voidt the position of James F. Torrance, Westmoreland County Republi can, that the rate revisions go into effect as scheduled on Fri-1 day. Another commission meeting— the second in 24 hours—was ex-i pected to be called tomorrow to push through a postponement un-i til at least July 15. During the day, Torrance block ed a proposal by Joseph L. Law ler, secretary of highways, and a; commission member, asking fori the postponement. Votes With Lowler Chairman G. Franklin McSorley voted with Lawler but with the commission reduced to three members, a unanimous vote was necessary. Leader r e cent 1 y submitted Byrne's appointment to the Sen ate but the Legislature adjourned today without .confirming Byrne. His name was simply returned to the governor. COLLEGE SMOKER! PREFER LUCKIES Luckies lead all other brands, regu lar or king size, among 36,075 college students questioned coast to coast. The number one reason: Luckies taste better. PAGE THREE We Offer You BOX STORAGE for Your Woolens garments are guarded against moths, fire and theft for 0n1y54.95 Per box Plus cleaning charges PENN STATE DRY (LEANING and LAUNDRY SERVICE 320 W. Beaver Ave. Dial AD 7-7629 Smoother! 01/ CIGAIRT7IIIIII