The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 16, 1956, Image 5
WEDNESDAY. MAY 16. 1956 National Service Establishes $2OO Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, has established an annual $2OO scholar ship for men studexls, Glen Elder, president, said yesterday. The scholarship will be known as the Alpha Phi Omega scholarship and will be awarded on the basis of financial need, campus activities, and Previous Boy Scouting ex ' be handled by the Senate Committee on Scholarships and perience. The scholarship evil 67 Students Initiated into APhiO Sixty-seven men have been in itiated into Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity. New initiates include David Hutchinson, Theodore Week s, Francis Ventre, Norman Wolff, David Terrill, Robert Stewart, Daniel Strickler, John Streeter, Sherman Stairs, Paul Sones, Ron ald Soder, Donald Smaltz, Thomas Shiels. James Scott, Charles Rusk, Newton Ruffing, Merrill Roth stein, Stephen Raleigh, James Raleigh, Robert Prunella, Richard Power s, Benjamin Petersohn, Daniel Patyk, Don Parker, Wil liam Pantie, Roger Panfil, Sidney Nelson, Clifton Merchant. Frank Morris, Haul Milhan, Russell Miller, Emmett Miller, Lloyd Mengel, Albert Maxson, John Lohman, Thomas Lewis, Ronald Lewis, Leonard Lev, Rich-1 and Lash, Harry Kitzinger, Robert , Jubelirer. Lawrence Hutchinson, Romain Howlett, Stanley Hopkins, Arnold Harris, Alan Grossman, Frederick Greenleaf, Robert Gleckner, Gard ner Eldridge, Donald DeWalt, Adam DiDomenico, James Brown, Richard Booth. Andrew Blaszkowski, William Bickel, Ronald Beamer, Robert Reamer, Joseph Baltusnik, Robert Whitaker, Charles Zendt, Martin Troutman, David Wilson, Edward Blackhurst,, David Allison, George Ames, Jack Abele, and Donald Steele. The group was hondred at a banquet at the Autoport Restau rant after the initiation cere monies Friday. John D. Dittmar, State College recreational director, spoke on Alpha Phi Omega participation in such service projects as Greek Week, and about help the group has given in the State College area. New officers were installed by H. Norton Cope, faculty adviser and professor of forestry. They are Glen Elder, president; John Hunt, first vice president; Paul Johnson, second vice president; Malvin Goode, third vice presi dent; Charles Springman, cor responding secretary; Rob e r t Koehler. recording secretary; and David Wood, treasurer. 19 Students Named As Staff Heads On Campus Station Nineteen students have been named to positions as staff. heads for WDFM, campus radio station. • New station manager is George Mastrian, and co-program direc tors are John Thornton and Elea nor Morgan. Business manager is John Valentine. Other staff heads include James Raleigh, chief engineer; Charles Bowman, production manager; James Barkley, chief announcer; William Nelson, campus and com munity service; and Kim Rotzoll, continuity director. . Also, Holly Thomas, music di rector; Glenna Gilger, music librarian; Stewart White and Richard Schlipp, news and sports co-directors; Alberta Hoffman, of fice manager; Paul Nelson and Robert Zimmerman, promotions and public relations directors; Warren Carmichael, special events director; David Ellis, technical director; and Maria Stupp, traffic manager. WSGA to Meet Tonight A second and final voting will be taken on election code revi a meeting of the Woman's Student Government Association at 6:30-tonight in 218-Hetzel Union. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Awards Elder said that a portion of the Ugly Man proceeds may be used for this scholarship fund. He add ed that several Alpha Phi Omega chapters have established similar scholarships with the proceeds of the Ugly Man Contest, a national project, being-used for _the fund. Committees were organized for next year's activities Tuesday night. Newton Buffing is chair man of the Orientation Week committee that will have charge of the Alpha Phi Omega informa tion booth on the Mall during Orientation Week. The membership committee, headed by Paul Johnson, will dis tribute Boy Scout census cards to the new freshman men students during physical education classes on Sept. 17. Only men who have been affiliated with the Boy Scout orgahization are' eligible for mem bership in the service fraternity. • Will Assist in Registration Alpha Phi Omega members will assist in the fall registration at Recreation Hall as in previous sea sons. David Allison is chairman of the registration committee. The group wilt conduct tours and maintain an information desk at the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Memorial All-Faith Chapel. Elder said that some members will be at the chapel at all times to con duct tours, but these efforts will ,be concentrated to weekends when crowds are the largest. Ro bert Koehler was appointed chair , man of the chapel desk and tours committee. Shiels to Head Committee Thomas Shiels heads the ban quet committee. He said that a rushing smoker will be held Sept. 24 for new students. The tentative date for the fall banquet has been set for Dec. 14. Banquets are held twice a year, after each initiation. Arnold Harris, chairman of the social committee, is arranging for a fall mixer with Gamma Sigma Sigma, national women's service sorority. Wood Named Chairman David Wood was appointed chairman of the Campus Chest committee. It was announced that Elder, as president of the group, will be the chapter's delegate to the na tional Alpha Phi Omega conven tion at the Wilton Hotel, Long Beach, Cal., from Aug. 20 to 30. Scott Gets Position At State Convention Of Young GOP's David Scott. junior in agricul tural economics from State Col lege, was elected to the Board of Director's of the Pennsylvania Young Republican Clubs at their biennial convention in Philadel phia on Saturday. . Scott is the chairman of the Centre County Young Republican chapter. He is the youngest mem ber ever elected to the Board. The delegates to the convention from the Penn State chapter are: Harold Schatz, Carl Saperstein, Eleanore Kosarowich, Edward Fe gert, Nancy Horst. James Cramer, Donald Frankenfield, and Ran dall Shores. The delegation met with Charles P. McWhorter. National Young Republican chairman, to discuss problemS of college chapters. The main' speakers at the con vention were Sen. James Duff (R.-Pa.) and Sen. Clifford R. Case (R.-N.J.). Faculty Luncheon Club Names Steering Group Five faculty members were named Monday to the Faculty Luncheon Club Steering Commit tee for the fall semester. Those appointed are, Julia G. Brill, professor emerita of Eng lish composition; Dr. Kenneth V. Manning, associate professor of physics; Charles R. Marsh, assist ant professor -of electrical en gineering; Dr. Samuel. M. Wool sey, associate proffksor of ac counting; and Marjorie J. Wor meek, instructor .in nutrition ex tension. Fraternity Scholarship Leonides Establishes Scholarship A $75 Leonides Scholarship for the 1956 fall semester was estab lished at a Leonides council meet ing last night. The scholarship will be award ed to an independent woman on the basis of character, potential scholarship, and financial need. Campus activities are not a major pre-requisite, it was announced. Applications will be available at the Hetzel Union desk and the dean of women's office at noon today, and will be taken until noon Saturday. Women of any semester who have applied pre viously for University aid are eligible. The recipient will be named by a scholarship committee con sisting of Rosetta Kearney, presi dent of Leonides; Daisy Zimmer man, president of Woman's Stu dent Government Association; Mrs. Marilyn Black, Leonides ad viser; Mary Ann Hook, junior in education from Mount Carmel; Gail Lundgren, junior in physical education from Dußois; and Lin tda Gerber, junior in education from York. Carole Sullivan, sophomore in education from Springfield, was appointed Leonides representa tive to the AIM-Leonides com munity living committee. Leonides is sending a $1 contri bution to an award fund for James Timmons, retiring Univer sity of Oklahoma faculty member who is a founder of National In dependent Students Association. The tribute is being made by the 96 member schools of NISA. LLEFONTE Adults 55e • Child. 25c LAZATODAY & TIIURS. I Dana Andrews - Ida Lapin* "While the City Sleeps" BELLEFON Last Times TONITE STAT —John Ireland— "HeWs Horizon" I Siorto 'Thorn. "Day a Fury** Color! T*TE: NOW STARTS TODAY I'M COLIMA MAU !mots HUMPHREY BOGART (tiiit HARDER \\ THEY -=• FAIL c.e.t e ROO STBGER JAN STERLING Feature: 1:39, 3:36, 5:35, 7:31, 9 *CATHAUM Begins 12:45 Today The Golden 'Caruso' Voice Mario Lanza "SERENADE" *NITTANY Ends Today: 3:43, 1:33. 9:32 Adorable Creatures Begins 6 P.M. Thurs. "Another Alec Guinness romp, even funnier than 'Lavender Hill Hob!" ' ALEC GUINNESS "LADY KILLERS" Students May View At Observatories The University's observatories will be open to students interested in looking at Venus or the Moon from 8 to 10 p.m., today and to , morrow. Members of the astronomical OR Z-Vey afrpees:.. Cage R&I conVomei`i arediseoueringruhy VICEROYS are Smoother Here is the reason: Only VICEROY has 20,000 filters in every tip—twice as many filters as the other two largest-selling filter brands—to give that smoother taste—that VICEROY taste! VICEROYS are Smoother than any other cigarette. Because Viceroys have twice as many filters as the other two ,--. ,-, t. , F: 'z'... . Ago. . „ ~<•._ cEctO '•:-..,' '' \ z, ":.• ' 1 •••' • : -at ""--i E. .. 41" .-.. cC3tG l ilter 1.67.TiPc....s The exclusive Viceroy filter is made from pure cellulose—soft, snow-white, natural! I Prexy's Report Available Copies of President Milton S. Eisenhower's "A Report to the People of the Commonwealth" Inlay be had through the Depart ment of Public - Information, 309 Old Main. society, Alpha Nu, wtil be on hand to operate the telescopes and ex ; 1 plain developments. brands! tos G-saf• PAGE Five THE MOST FILTERS FOR THE SMOOTHEST TASTE