PAGE EIGHT University Scheduled The Sub-committee on Social Affairs has set up the fol lowing all-campus calendar for the 1956-57 school year. Organizations wishing to schedule other all-campus ac tivities for next year should contact the office of the dean of men as soon as possible. Events may be scheduled on any date that is open. This calendar is set up to avoid conflicts between similar events. Fall Semester 1956: September 9, Orientation Week begins. AIM- Leonides mixer (HUB); 12-13, fall semester registration begins; 12, TFC-Panhel Starlight Dance (HUB); 15. AIM-Leonides Dink Debut (HUB), Fun Night (Rec hall); 17, fall semester classes be gin 8 a.m.; 21. Campus Chest Kick ,off rally and dance (Rec hall); 22. church reception night; 27. Business Administration student council, freshman mixer (Waring ball); 29, Pennsylvania (away); October 6. Army (away), Cwens- Dungaree Drag (HUB); 11. Thes pian show; 12. Homecoming. Thespian show; 13. Holy Cross.. Homecoming, Thespian sh o w,. AIM-Leonides Autumn Ball (HUB); 20. Ohio State (away); 25, Players' show; 26, Junior Prom, (Rec Hall). Players show; 27, West Virginia (home), Players' show; 29, Community Concert; November 2,Mortar Board- Mardi Gras (fee Hall); 3. Syra cuse (away), Chimes-Mardi Ball (HUB), Ag Hill party; 10. Mid semester below grades due, Bos ton University (home). Band Day; 15, Sigma Chi-U.S. Marine Band .(Rec Hall); 17, North Carolina State (home); 20, Community Concert; 21, Thanksgiving recess begins 11:30 a.m.; 24, Pittsburgh (away); 26, recess ends 8 a.m. December 1. basketball—Car negie Tech (home); 5. basketball Rutgers (home): 7. Military Ball. (Rec Hall); 15, basketball-wrest-I ling—Colgate (home); 19, Christ-I Town Independent Men Events for '56-57 mas recess begins at 11:50 a.m. January 3, Christmas recess ends 8:00 a.m.; 5, wrestling— Maryland (home); 7, basketball— Gettysburg (home); 9, basketball —Temple (home); 12, wrestling— Lehigh (home); 16, fall semester classes end 5:00 p.m., basketball —Syracuse; 17. fall semester ex ams begin 8 a.m.; 25, fall semester ends 5:30 p.m. Spring Semester 1957: January 30-31, Orientation and registra tion. February 1, registration; 2, registration, gymnastics West Virginia (home), wrestling—Ohio State University (home); 4, Spring semester classes begin 8 a.m.; 6, gymnastics—Temple (home); 13, basketball—Blcknell (home); 15, WRA-Valentine Dance (HUB); 16, basketball—West Virginia (home); 23, gymnastics—Army (home), freshman 'class dance (HUB); 27, basketball—Lehigh (home). March 1, Forestry Ball (HUB); 2, basketball—Pittsburgh (home); 7, Players' show; 8, Players' show; 9, w rest lin g—lllinois (home), sophomore class dance (HUB), Players' show; 15, wrestling— EIWA; 16, wrestling—ElWA; 30, Greek Week work projects. April 2, Greek Week Pledge Banquet; 4, Greek Week Banquet (IFC-Panhel), Thespian show; 5, Breakfast 71t, Brunelds Lan Cafee-break . Dessert ANT PARTY Please order 1 day ahead 01 TOM I A D 84114 Mother's Pay Ball TONIGHT ... SATURDAY, MAY 12 ' ~ , ,'•::, 4 :: '.:._,' ":-' 4,,',?,.704',r,r,4. 6 - THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Request the honour of your presence at the in the Hetzel Union Building Ballroom Kindly purchase tickets at HUB desk Dairy Exposition (Continued from page two) honored by the presentation of numerous trophies. The 31st annual Dairy Exposi tion is being dedicated to Robert H. Rumler, executive secretary of the Holstein-Friesian Associa tion of America. Mr. Rumler will be guest of honor during the en tire day's program. The show is open to the public at any time during the afternoon. No admission will be charged. IFC-Panhel Ball (Rec Hall), Thes pian show; 6. Thespian show; 12, AIM-Leonides-S pr in g Dance (HUB), Home Economics Spring Week; 17-24, Spring recess; 29, Spring Week—coronation Miss Penn State (Rec Hall). May 1, Spring Week; 2, Spring Week; 3, Senior Ball; 9, Players; 10. Players; 11. May Day (front campus); 12. Mother's Day; 25, Spring semester exams begin 1:20 June 5, Spring semester ends 12:30 p.m.; 8, Commencement day. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS RATES 17 words at less: $0.50 One Insertion 10.75 Two Insertions $l.OO Three Insertions Additional words 3 for .06 for each day of insertion. FOR SALE PRIVATELY OWNED MC-TD•s^_; has new top. curtains. transmission, clutch, fuel pump. tires. Phone Hollidaysburg 59-417 after 5 P.m. I=I6II=IMM Newly decorated, fully equipped, tele vision. air-cooler, excellent condition. Rea' sonable. Phone AD 7-4563. MINIATURE POODLE puppies, black. Nine vk ecks old, champion aired. Call AD 7-2355. 'COMPLETE SPEED Graphic 214 x 3 1, 4 Kodak Flash Supermatic and focal-plane shutters, 10Imm f 4.5 Kodak Ektar lens. Kalart rangefinder, flash. ease. Reasonable. Call Dave Eber ext. IIE3. HUGE SELECTION of Portable radios and batteries. Expert radio, phonograph service. State College TV. 232 S. Allen. ROOM & BOARD AT ALPHA ZETA fraternity. Inter-se s sion and main summer session. Hoard on file day week basis. For information call Mrs. Alice Crandell phone AD 7-7621. at Nine o'clock Semi-Formal /UM. BAND Collegian Drama Critic Pinned— By Black Magic It isn't safe to be a drama critic these days. Players' production of "An In spector Calls" received an un favorable writeup in yesterday's Daily Collegian, and, as usual, there were moanings and groan ings. However, two students on cam pus are using a different ap proach. Walking out of Willard Hall yesterday, one of the students pulled out a doll and started stick ing pins and razor blades into it. Evidently, the student was fol lowing an old Indian (Near East) tradition. Apparently, the student's black magic powers weren't working. Ted Serrill, editorial director and drama critic of The Daily Col legian, said yesterday "I don't feel nuthin'." TW.O DOUBLE rooms with bath. Fur ni,hed. Residential section. 42S Waring Call AD S-5206. SLIMMER HOUSING—Room and Board at Theta Chi for any session. Call Cliff AD 7-4702 or AD 8-9115. FURNISHED APARTMENT near campus to rent for summer. Two rooms and bath. Call AD 8-6957. ROOMS. SUMMER sessions. Cool. com fortable. Close to campus. $4.00 and $5.00. See us now. 519 West College. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment Pacemaker sublet for summer months—only $55. per month. Call AD 7-2528 and ask for Dave or Marilyn. TYPING DONE. Accurate, reasonable Call AD 8-8795.. FURNISHED THREE or four room apart ment for veteran student, wife, and child in September. Write or call John Dysinger, 212 McKee Hall, Box 1495, AD 8-5051 ext. 965. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR graduation. If anyone has any extra please call John Wheeler AD 8-9500. Will pay. WHEN YOUR typewriter needs service lost dial AD 7.2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. FOR RENT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SATURDAY. MAY 11, 1956 Dancers (Continued from page one) used for coronation. -In 1926, May Day was - held on Holmes Field, but it was moved to Front Campus the next year. It remained there until 1949 when construction forced it to return temporarily to Holmes Fie l d again. Holmes Field was not only used for the program itself, but for the now obsolete May Day breakfast Freshman and sophomore women called for their big sisters at 7:15 a.m. to eat around a bonfire built on the field. May Day (Continued from page one) Day tea will be held in each of the dormitory lounges from 2 to 3 p.m. General chairman for the May Day ceremony is Margaret For ster and faculty advisor is Miss Helen Sittig, assistant dean of women. The event is sponsored by WSGA. LOST ARGUS C-3 Camera in leather case. Re. ward. Call Jack Spangler. Delta Chi. AD 7-4959. LADY Buxton billfold Friday M=M June 3 between Simmons and Willard. Please return cards. Mail to Box 261 Simmons. HELP WANTED FOUR . WAITERS needed to finish out year rush. Call AD 74403 and ark for Pete. DETATL DRAFTSMAN will prepare de• jailed drawings including piping Plana for heavy engine equipment Drafting ex perience desirable but will consider candi. date with technical and mechanical draw. ing training. Send letter stating .tuali. fications to Personnel Office. Bovaird and Sefang Mfg. Co.. Bradford. Penna. SUMMER JOB opportunity for married couple, preferably graduate student. Program director and spouse as counselor at summer camp for the blind. For fur ther details write Box 222 Lewistown, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS IT'S HASSINGER for racket stringine the no-awl-way. Guaranteed satisfaction, prompt service. University Tennis Service, White Hall Storage Room. After 5 p.m. 514 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2316. o':7 7 zsz