The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 28, 1956, Image 2
PAGE TWO Customs Board Motion Defeated by Cabinet A motion to eliminate hat society members from Fresh man Customs Board membership was defeated by All-Uni versity Cabinet Thursday night. In making the motion, Katherine Dickson, co-chairman of the customs board, said hat society members did not have High School Mixers Planned By 2 Colleges Programs aimed primarily at high school students will be held today by the Colleges of Chemis try and Physics and Mineral In dustries. The College of Mineral Indus tries will sponsor a counseling day, while the College of Chem istry and Physics will hold an open house and Science Fair. The Science Fair, in which high school seniors will display their projects, will be from 9 to 5 p.m. in 309 Whitmore Lab. A $lOOO scholarship will be awarded for the best exhibit. Chem Phys Open House The open house of the College of Chemistry and Physics will be held from 1:30 to 5 p.m. All the laboratories and research facili ties will be open . at this time. During th e afternoon guided tours will be conducted through the various exhibits and lecture demonstrations will be presented at intervals. The counseling day of the Col lege of Mineral Industries will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Min eral Industries and Mineral Sci ence. MI Counseling Members of the Mineral Indus tries Student Council will answer questions about the College and scholarships offered by it. This counseling day will re place the annual open house sponsored by the College. Professor Contributes To 'Epic of Man' Series Dr. Frederick R. Matson, pro fessor of archaeology, hoc contrib uted to the fourth article in the Epic of Man series in Life maga zine. Research conducted by Dr. Mat son last summer as a member of the Iraq-Jarmo expedition. spon sored by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, is among the source material used in the recent issue. "THE BEST FOREIGN FILM OF THE YEAR! _ 9 lNew York Film Critics SIMONE SICIIORET • •ERR MOM IMPORTANT: bring the nth somement no sue WI he seated a the theatre we the ataiefeatare ha; berm Please Nuns the Fubn Tint Weak midi. 2:59 - 5:15 - 7:31 -9:37 time to serve on the board Hat society members, she said, spend a good portion of Orienta tion Week counseling freshmen in the early evening. This is the same time customs board meets, she added. Daniel Land, Interfraternity Council president, and William Clark, All-University vice presi dent, said they felt hat societies took no more time than any other organization. "Besides," Clark said, "if the co-chairman (George Wills) is going to be a member of the board, how can you restrict other students in hat groups from membership?" Spring Week Report Cabinet also heard the final Spring Week report from Dick Seng, general chairman of Spring Week; and voted to give a gavel to former All-University president Earl Seely, and service keys to 1955-1956 Cabinet members and members of the Cabinet secretar iat. Emphasizing the carnival rule requiring good taste in booths, Seng told Cabinet members, who will be carnival checkers, to use their own basic morals in judging whether something is in good taste. "If something is objection able to your own morals," he said, "then it is in bad taste." Public Address System Seng added that public address systems could not be used outside booths. However, he said, un powered megaphones and record players with their own speakers could be used both inside and outside of booths. The following appointments were made by Cabinet; Marilyn DeMarsh and Sandra Grotsky to Cabinet secretariat; Owen Proc tor,. Cabinet Radio Committee chairman: Katherine Dickson and George Wills, co-chairman of the Freshman Customs Board; Law rence Jacobson and Jerome Bo gutz, editor and business mana ger respectively of the Student Handbook. Correction Ray T. Fortunato, director of employee relationships, will play the piano and Joseph Bohart. freshman in business administra tion. will give a vocal solo in the Talent Show at 7 p.m. Monday at Recreation HaH. It was incorrect ly reported that Joseph Boehret and Roseanne Fortunato would participate in the show in yester day's Daily Collegian. "ONE OF THE DANDIEST MYSTERY DRAMAS DI GOODNESS KNOWS WHEN!" .-60 Silty Crowther. N. Y. Times *EMU -01011tOe5 CIOUZOT MAKE'S MASTER Of SUSPOISI I=lll PAIL ILIEHISSE BEGINS SUNDAY STANLEY WARNER NITTANY THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Group Votes To Discard 'Holiday' The Physical Education student Council has voted against spon soring a Sportsman's Holiday for members of its college after hear ing the results of a poll in which 50 per cent of its students showed interest in the event. Elizabeth Elliott, junior in phy sical education from Chester and newly elected senior class repre sentative, suggested that the event be held next year in the fall when it could be properly publicized and arranged. Her suggestion will be made to the new officers of the Stu dent Major Club of the college, which will sponsor the event in ,future years. John Zerbe, Senior in recrea tion from State College and rep resentative of the recreation so ciety, made a motion that the council appropriate any surplus funds to the Beaver Dam project. Ann Farrell, junior in physical education from State College and council president, said that extra money from this year would carry over to next year's budget. She appointed Zerbe; William Spieth, junior in physical educa tion and council treasurer; and Marilyn Doan, sophomore in rec reation from State College and representative of the Student Ma jor Club, to draw up a budget for next year. At the next meeting a vote will be taken to see if the council will give money to the project. Honorary to Have Banquet William Seckinger, representa tive of Phi Epsilon Kappa, men's physical education professional and honorary fraternity, said the group would have a banquet at 6 p.m. May 8 in the Hetzel Union Building. Elections will be held at this time and new initiates in stalled. This weekend the group will be host to members of its Buffalo University, Syracuse University, and Ithaca College chapters at the Olympic meet and at an in formal breakfast meeting at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Hetz e 1 1 Union dining room. Attention: Beaver Dam Support , 1 SPRING Starts April 30th Faculty - Student Variety Show Monday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Coronation of Miss Penn State Monday, April 30 at 9 p.m. CBS Commentator to Speak Al Schoolboy Press Conclave The Annual State High School Press Convention, sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity, will be neld today at the University. The delegates will be welcomed by several speeches, including one by Douglas Edwards of CBS on `Telecasting the News.' Lunch will be served in the Hetzel Union ballroom at noon. Entertainment will be provided by two State College High School musical groups, a dance, and a magic show. Several journalism awards will also be presented at the luncheon. AZ Captures Blood Trophy Alpha Zeta fraternity was awarded the Spring Week trophy for donating the most blood to the Red Cross Blood Drive this week, according to Richard Seng, Spring Week chairman. The trophy was awarded to Al pha Zeta for 100 per cent partici pation in the drive. Thirty-nine of the 49 members of the house donated blood. The other ten members were counted since they were unable to contribute to the drive. Three were touring with the Glee Club, six are participat ing in spring sports, and one is student teaching. The trophy was presented by Phi Delta Theta as part of the na tional Phi Delta-Theta commun ity service program in which 119 chapters will donate their services to community projects. 6 Measle Cases Admitted Six students were admitted to the University Infirmary with German measles yesterday, mak ing a total. of 15 measle cases. ' BELLEFONTE Adults 55e - Child. 2Se PLAZATODAY & MONDAY I ' Goy Madison - Virginia Leith "Oa Threshold of Space" in CinemaSrope t BELLEFONTE Last Times TODAY STATE "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK" 1 & "Blackjack Ketchum. Desperado" 1 Mon. - "Red Sundown" in Color Students, Faculty and University Employees You Are Invited t 0.... Recreation Hall Recreation Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 28. 1956 This afternoon there will be several workshops in the field of journalism conducted by mem bers of the business and editorial staffs of the Daily Collegian and LaVie. Campus s:ght-seeing trips have been arranged by members of the business and editorial staffs of the Daily Collegian and LaVie. Campus sight-seeing trips have been arranged by members of Theta Sigma Phi, women's profes sional journalistic fraternity, Al pha Delta Sigma, national profes sional advertising fraternity, 'and Sigma Delta Chi. Thespians Plan For Next Show The Penn State Thespians, mu sical-comedy group, is starting to plan for next fall's original musi cal comedy show according to Louis Fryman, Thespians presi ident. Students interested in working on the show should contact Fry man at Beta Sigma Rho. He said no experience is needed in writ ing, music, or in former Thespians shows. The show will be presented Homecoming Weekend next fall. Students are at present working on the music and dialogue for the new show, he said. *CATHAVM NOW SHOWING Gregory Peck Jennifer Jones Fredric March "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit" ®®®®®l ®®®®® STATE "Tribute to a Badman" • STARTS SUNDAY • "Guys and Dolls" WEEK :1 7pri1 30th Thru . 144t As -A*9 c May 4th .44 NOW