Win League B Bowling Title The Dark Horses, who won the fall semester bowling tit le in League B, defeated the spring champs, the East Five, in a play off for the loop championship Monday night. The Dark Horses lost only one game, and that by two points 750-748, to the second round win ners. In the three-game score the Dark Horses won by over two hundred pins, 2462-2227. In League A, Dorm 23 nearly clinched the top spot in regular competition when they shutout Dorm 14 and retained their three game lead over the runner-up Beyno's Boys, who blanked Jor dan 11, 4-0. Only one week of bowling remains in the league. The Alley Cats finished their league schedule last night. The Cats dropped out of the third position losing to the Engineers, 4-0. The Choppers and the Hot Rods took over the number three spot by defeating the Weather men 3-1. and Mogambos, 4-0, re spectively. Three IM Entries Due Tomorrow All entries for the intramural tennis doubles, soccer, and golf tournaments must be turned in by 4 p.m. tomorrow in the IM of fice, Recreation Hall. Organizations are limited to one entry for the soccer and golf tourneys. Students may enter the tennis doubles play either inde pendently or as an organization representative. A 50 cent entry fee per two some is required for tennis dou bles while there is a $1 fee for each soccer and golf entry. Penn State's Charlie Speidel is the newly-elected president of the National Collegiate Wrestling Coaches Association. Applications for Grid Managers Are Wanted Second or third semester stu dents who wish to become candidates for football man ager, and who have a 2.0 All- University average should re port to the athletic office in Recreation Hall this week. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -Cr4NacY.; WARtef4!-.77eseattrd '- NITTANY:-. NOW SHOWING DOORS OPEN 5:45 P.M. Featuretime - 6:00 - 7:47 - 9:34 ADULTS ONLY! Julia Lauxenca Shell flaws-Harvey.itrintats Stu of "EAST Of (Oar THERE ARE TWO POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT SEX. a am Camera. TAKES BOTH OF THEM! From the drama maim' circle award winning play by John Van Druten 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lit .••.. ~.. :.....-. ...,:•• ..-.. •-...•.•..-.••. rc .-.„. -.,. I I J ..., 4 MiMM! WHAT'S THIS? For answer, see paragraph at right. If's' 10 CiGARETTES LUCKIES TASTE BETTER Cleaner Fresher Smoother' A. T. Co. PRODUCT OP Ige triZaWereir ASORICA'S LEMMING MAKOTACTIMIt Of cumagreme interesting careers LOVE THOSE LUCKY DROODLES! -- -r " Students! EARN $259-! Cut s Yourself in Lucky Droodle gold mine_ We pay $25 for all we use—and for a whole raft we don't use! Send your Droodles with descriptive titles. Include your name, address, col lege and class and the name and address of the dealer in your col lege town from whom you buy cigarettes most often. Address: Lucky Droodle, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Research -Department - . 111141TED.AIR*lt - AFT,CO*PORAYIOII4 400 Southlitriairsr,Sireet 4- East . Hartfortl 8, Conneciicui TIM AFTER GRANDMOTHER HEAVY SNOW HEADING FOR CHURCH Donald Shelby David Fortsch U. of Texas Idaho State SEVERE EARTHQUAKE Torn Rummler Yale Attractive openings now available AIL in the following sections: Propulsion Aerodynamics Performance Analysis Helicopters 4 Combustion and Fuels Instrumentation Wind Tunnel Operations Machine Computation Design Operations Research INTERVIEWS: Friday, April 20 See your College Placement Officer -' ; for an appointment and a cope of our brochure. , THERE'S A SHINING EXAMPLE of smok• ing enjoyment in the Droodle at left: Lucky-smoking couple on moonlight drive. Lucky smokers always enjoy bet because Lucky Strike means to—mild, good-tasting to- TOASTED to taste better. to beam—light up a Lucky 'u'll say it's the best-tasting u ever smoked! LEN, Copyright 1953 by Roger Prim " . N... 441N03405,.. , vs, 'kr'. irfir 3-COURSE DINNER AS SEEN BY ANTEATER Marcia Hanson Middlebury MG INK SLOT, SMALL BLOTTER Donald Knudsen Hartard GOALPOSTS AFTER FOOTIALL GAM' James Morgan, Jr. West Virginia U.