WEDNESDAY. APRtt 18, 1956 White House Race Kefauver Leads. Early In New Jersey Returns NEWARK, N.J., April 17 (!P)—Sen. Estes Kefauver ran ahead of President Dwight D. Eisenhower in first returns to of the "popularity" phase of New Jersey's presidential primary. Returns frorn l l79 of 4,155 voting districts, including 152 in heavily-Democratic Hudson County showed: Kefauver (D.) 9.537. Eisenhower (11.)15,672 I Adlai Stevenson (D.) write- ke Pushes ,in 7 I • • But a slate of co vention dele gates pledged to K:fauver trailed Civil Rights an unpledged slat hez.l,2d by WASHINGTON, April 17 (.4 , )___ Gov. Robert B. Meyner and;President Dwight D. Eisenhower backed by the D- ~ °cretin state. bore down tonight on civil rights organization. but not the Democrats—in a The Republicans had no suchispeech summoning the GOP to an contest. A GOP elegate slate:election year "crusade" on be pledged to Eisenh. , er had only half of "people and principles." token opposition. I A half dozen times, in one form The first 12 dis • lets to renorti or another, Eisenhower spoke up in \the Democratic delegate con- ' , for equal opportunities for all test gave the u i•ledged slatepeople regardless of race or creed, 28-4 for the Kefam er slate. for declared that the GOP "sets Stevenson was •of a conten- up no walls of birth or creed or der in the New J rsey primary tparty." • and did not appe. in :he state I This was an address to a GOP during the campa gn. His name campaign strategy conference that was not on the ballot, ,campaign party leaders from over The unpledged :late generally i the nation. In effect, it was the is regarded as friendly to Steven-lopening gun of Eisenhower's own son. 'reelection campaign. • 1"kil;" i 3 .11 , • it; 11 • :Ili • 11.h4 engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians... .( 7 1 rZe) ZAO I 04. M C• g!c_aby-4...k:9 • :Ix scrzi 0 to 0 rz** * **4•4L--7-1 North American Representatives Will Be Here April 23, 24 You'll learn ftrst hand about the advantages - • and opportunities in choosing a career with a future at North American. Here engineers and scientists are now discovering new frontiers in four exciting new fields: ELECTRO-MECHANWAL SUPERSONIC i • Missile Guidance Systems Structures Fire and Flight Control Systems Thermal Barriers Computers, Recorders Vibrations and Flutter ROCKET PROPULSION NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Sigh Thrust Engines Research Reactors Propellants Pumps Contact your placement office today. Make an appointment to see North American representative, Mr. D. C. Margole, on April 23, 24. Interviewing hours 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Or write, Engineering Personnel, Missile and Control Equipment Depts. 91-2000 L, North American Aviation, Downey, California ENGINEERING AHEAD FOR A BETTER TOMORROW [ - V -! • RTH Li± MERICAN L - -=•VIATION, INC. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA - Medical Reactors Power Generation Reactors Reds Announce Dissolvement Of Cominform VIENNA, Austria, .April 17 (FP) —Communist authorities announ ced today they have dissolved the Cominform, the Red information bureau founded after World War II with the aim of promoting world communism. Once used by Joseph Stalin in fights against the American Mar shall Plan and Yugoslavia's Pres ident Tito, the nine-nation agency hasn't amounted to much in re lcent years. Its major effort has centered on turning out from plush head quarters in Bucharest. Romania, a drab newspaper called "For a Lasting Peace, For a People's Democracy." Western diplomats said the Communist party members would continue to follow the Soviet line and th e reported dissolution would have no practical effect. U.S. State Department experts in Washington called it a cheap ges ture by the Soviet leadership to court good will. . Medical Student Indicted BALTIMORE, April 17 (N)—A 1 murder presentment was returned by the Baltimore grand jury against Gregory M. Delli-Pizzi, 2 5, a University of Maryland [medical student, in the death cf la metallurgist. Solons May Save Soil Bank WASHINGTON, April 17 (W)—lmeasure. Republican leaders in Congress As the GOP leaders went to set out today to salvage the soillwork on his idea, the Agriculture bank section of the vetoed farm Department announced this year's bill. 1 i cotton crop will be supported at President Dwight D. Eisenhow ,levels reflecting 87 per cent of er rejected the bill yesterday as l Parity. "bad" legislation but said Con- This is in line with the rate gress could still give the farmers virtually promised by Secretary some extra money this' year by of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson to enacting a separate soil bank cotton state legislators. Penn Slate Jazz Club Presents CHRIS CONNOR and CHARLIE MINGUS' JAZZ WORKSHOP QUINTET Saturday, April 21 Schwab Auditorium 2 Concerts-7 and 9:30 (On Sale at HUB) $1.50 She titmbled dirtily, deliriously, drunkenly from the peak of fame to the depths - of shame! De ote tt g - 11e0 1 0 • AO 0 0 . 1 116 e fi l t% .6 SP % %OA 000 tttit 0: o" 4' VI k 0 1 ; A t if M-G-M has made ft into To an overwhelming motion picture! ^ -1.•••• 4p • .• tor, Hear the songs in the 141-G-11.4 Records Album BEGINS 12:50 —Featuretime-- 12:50 - 2:59 - 5:09 7:17 - 9:36 *STANLEY WARNEFt CATHAUM * I LAST DAY - JOHN WAYNE THE CONQUEROR- "Drink-it-down ... Live-It-up... Fall-in-love ...1" THURSDAY —PRICES— ADULTS:: Eye. & All Day Sat. and Sun. 85c Matinee 65c CHILDREN: All Times 25c PAGE THREE